EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Don't defend her.

I am holding her to task..the liar of liars, crooked Hillary.

You don't like the 90's?..no worries..each decade brought something a little special from Mrs. Clinton.

For Final Jepoardy..and the answer is:

"What difference does it make?"

Tell us more how you didn't attack her thruout the whole election.
Just woke up. New Google headline says Sanders would of beat Trump in the general. Dont know how to put it on this forum. Maybe someone else can???
Bernie tried the establishment route and it was a journey that exposed the depth of corruption in our political system.

If he runs as an independent I suspect he'll be the one to beat. He has the support of millions and with luck will find the White House.

Second place would be keeping the party that fucked him over from the White House, aka Justice for crimes committed.

That doesn't make me a supporter of the right wing, but I'm through voting for one party that doesn't give a fuck about me because the other one is worse.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. I'm trying a different approach. The vitriolic reactions I'm attracting for this 'heresy' tell me that the only crowd less tolerant than right wing religious nationalist nuts are establishment Democrats.

Cmon. You sore losers just cant stand it. Admit it. You backed a LOSER and one HORRIBLE candidate. With the way its set up...Sanders had no chance of running against Trump in the general. The whole system was NOT going to let him do it. From you fools...to the media..to the DNC. YOU ALL PUT YOUR FULL SUPPORT BEHIND A BAD CANDIDATE AND SHE ACTUALLY LOST TO A FUKING CLOWN. Thats the truth. Bottom line end of story. Dont you think (clearly for one second) that if it were any one other than Clinton...say Biden?...that Trump would of been CRUSHED??? CMON.
i'm sure hillary clinton, who was criticized for being overprepared, had no idea how to answer a question about lead in the water in a debate in flint, or the death penalty. fucking retarded as ever, padaraper. 4 million votes hinged on that single question too. got it.

brazile's apology was as meaningful as obama disowning reverend wright over his very accurate and non-controversial "god damn america" remarks.

you are too stupid to exist because you go on repeating donald trump talking points.

flint? why are we still debating flint? that's the point..Clinton would've done same as Obama did while he had the opportunity..nothing.
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