Well-Known Member
Hell no!
loli love watching a bunch of idiots obsess over me, feels good on my ego.
So do magic faeries just cast a spell on the powder cocaine to make crack?
Or is it processed to give as much effect (and addictive potential) as possible for the smallest amount of cocaine possible, and made into a crystalline structure that is designed to be vaporised?
Learn to spell "faeries" [sic] and I will believe you.
Herb ain't no sock for Bucktard pretty sure of that... ..
Unnecessary to ignore herbal, just don't engage with him. He's an entertaining simpleton, far less annoyingly repetitive as the village idiot.
complete narcissist tendencies..beenthere, perhaps?
he loves to amaze and amuse.
When you put H in a needle you use far less powder than you would in a line of i was watching pulp fiction..why can you not snort heroin?..if you mainline that's quicker, directly in your blood..i never understood that principle.
When you put H in a needle you use far less powder than you would in a line of cocaine.
Therefore if you chopped up a line of heroin thinking it was coke, you'd use far far far too much and OD.
Never tried H and never will, but it's a fairly simple principle.
so i was watching pulp fiction..why can you not snort heroin?..if you mainline that's quicker, directly in your blood..i never understood that principle.
thought you had him on ignore?
admit're addicted to UB.
I don't have herbal on ignore, I just don't engage with him. What in my post leads you to believe I don't have the village idiot on ignore? Me giving the reason why he's on ignore? That's more ridiculous than your normal conclusions.
Until I decide to have another get off ignore weekend for my amusement, UB remains ignored. Although, more and more, his little minions seem to be posting his tired, worn out lies and wild conclusions for him. It hasn't become annoyingly repetitive yet, so they are currently afforded the honor of my attention.
Warning!! This sentiment is a reportable offence.i love watching a bunch of idiots obsess over me, feels good on my ego.
Yep, I don't fuck with it myself but that is supposedly one of the reasons of the recent resurgance of H is it is pure enough to snort so easier to get idiots hooked before going to the needle. Of course another one of the main reasons is the fact so many soccer moms are pill junkies and their pills are being more closely monitored.I always thought she didn't know it was heroin, and lined it out like it was coke.
You can totally snort heroin. Thousands of losers do it every day.
I always thought she didn't know it was heroin, and lined it out like it was coke.
You can totally snort heroin. Thousands of losers do it every day.
Oh look, another well written and insightful post by the articulate and laconic literary savant CC2012. Thank you for giving us your thoughts and weighing in with these concise and convincing arguments.
Oh look, another well written and insightful post by the articulate and laconic literary savant CC2012. Thank you for giving us your thoughts and weighing in with these concise and convincing arguments.
This is something I lose sleep over. Because Sharia Law is already everywhere. Any day now this will be a serious issue in urgent need of remedy in the US because it has already spread so much.
Mcrandle ought to be thankful for all the Mexican immigrants who prevent Islam from becoming a majority.
Pedophilia is consensual though.