EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Around 15 years ago I built a prison. During the construction the Architect and Project Manager were talking near me. According to them, everything was supplied, from the matresses to the employees, by the government and they were still paying 700 dollars per prisoner per day with EVERYTHING supplied. Just pure money going to the owners.


Well-Known Member
Around 15 years ago I built a prison. During the construction the Architect and Project Manager were talking near me. According to them, everything was supplied, from the matresses to the employees, by the government and they were still paying 700 dollars per prisoner per day with EVERYTHING supplied. Just pure money going to the owners.
A despicable travesty of justice and human rights, perpetrated by our very own right wing against those of color or without sufficient resources to avoid incarceration.


Well-Known Member
A despicable travesty of justice and human rights, perpetrated by our very own right wing against those of color or without sufficient resources to avoid incarceration.
If you think that is a "right wing" thing you are sadly mistaken. This is a GOVERNMENT thing.


Well-Known Member
If you think that is a "right wing" thing you are sadly mistaken. This is a GOVERNMENT thing.
Go back and see who sponsored the legislation. You'll find it was the Right that encouraged this, often with the left's complicity.


Well-Known Member
Around 15 years ago I built a prison. During the construction the Architect and Project Manager were talking near me. According to them, everything was supplied, from the matresses to the employees, by the government and they were still paying 700 dollars per prisoner per day with EVERYTHING supplied. Just pure money going to the owners.
oligarchy of the highest order..if there's a way to turn a buck..not far removed from the $1000 halliburton toilets, eh?

every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade..think about every time righteous rightie throws up the deficit stats clock..it is they, who should heed the running of the clock for it is they, who are responsible..want $3 per person SNAP?..:lol:




Well-Known Member
I always thought she didn't know it was heroin, and lined it out like it was coke.

You can totally snort heroin. Thousands of losers do it every day.
You're correct, she though it was coke and banged a pretty fat line.

Heroin is for chumps tho.