EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Not bullying.
Statement of fact

No it isn't, that's your first error. The second error is that it wouldn't be bullying if you only said once... and you're well past that.

I'm sick of you trying to pigeonhole everyone into Clinton v Chump. That isn't the choice. The choice is do we continue as we have or do the other thing?

My vote is FOR the other thing. You can vote for Chump if you like.
No it isn't, that's your first error. The second error is that it wouldn't be bullying if you only said once... and you're well past that.

I'm sick of you trying to pigeonhole everyone into Clinton v Chump. That isn't the choice. The choice is do we continue as we have or do the other thing?

My vote is FOR the other thing. You can vote for Chump if you like.
Vote for God then.
Oh wait a second
He isn't on the ballot in November either