I just watched her this AM on Meet The Press.
She said she's appointing Bill to fix the economy.
First time I heard her say this.
I just watched her this AM on Meet The Press.
She said she's appointing Bill to fix the economy.
First time I heard her say this.
If she's president, shouldn't it be her job to fix the economy?
Anybody ever heard Obama, or any other president for that matter, say something like that?
Exactly, that makes her look really weakIndeed, and not only that but shouldn't she have a plan more fleshed out than, 'hubby will take care of it'?
Exactly, that makes her look really weak
I'm curious @londonfog & @ChesusRice , if Clinton wins the nomination but loses the general election to Trump, will you blame it all on Sanders supporters or will you take responsibility for helping send a weaker candidate to the big show?
If she's president, shouldn't it be her job to fix the economy?
Anybody ever heard Obama, or any other president for that matter, say something like that?
Exactly, that makes her look really weak
I'm curious @londonfog & @ChesusRice , if Clinton wins the nomination but loses the general election to Trump, will you blame it all on Sanders supporters or will you take responsibility for helping send a weaker candidate to the big show?
Keep walking around with your eyes close and you are going to hurt yourself.
He is preparing to drop out
In which he will endorse Hillary and vote for her.
Just.... wow.
I'm thinking..did she really just say that?
I couldn't believe my ears.
Can't wait to get the sound byte.
Her reasoning was that First Ladies always take on 'special projects' and this would be perfect for him since he did so well with when he was president.
That assclown Chuck Todd needs a punch in the face, didn't even call her out on it.
He's following the script written by his masters. Rachel Maddow at least tried to sneak in a real question once in awhile.
Yeah, but I'm still mad at Rachel for acquiescing to them..I thought she was better than that.
I will forever be pissed at MSNBC and their unfair treatment of Sanders.
If your mother was a man would you still call her mother or would you call her father?Exactly, that makes her look really weak
I'm curious @londonfog & @ChesusRice , if Clinton wins the nomination but loses the general election to Trump, will you blame it all on Sanders supporters or will you take responsibility for helping send a weaker candidate to the big show?
I will be voting Dem come Nov 8, just like Bernie Sanders.Let's see what Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumber have to say:
If that happens, are you going to blame Clinton or Sanders supporters?If your mother was a man would you still call her mother or would you call her father?
The wonderful word of if
I would blame the idiots who did not vote for who was on the ballot. I would blame the idiots who voted for a man who did not even vote for himself.If that happens, are you going to blame Clinton or Sanders supporters?
These fools voting for a man who is will not be on the ballot. nor voting for himself and they asking who is to blame. Shit getting dumb as fuckI'm voting for whoever the democratic nominee is in November.
If you didn't I will blame you for a trump win.
Your non vote then is a vote for Trump.I'm not voting for someone I don't support