EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Phone running too slow.. Any interesting quotes?
Excerpts from Hillary Clinton’s speech.

“If we are talking about global economic growth, certainly if we’re talking about inclusive prosperity, there is no path forward that does not include the empowerment of women.”


“When women participate in economy, especially the formal economy, everyone prospers. Productivity, growth, the GDP — all rise when women have the opportunities they deserve.”


“In 2012, more than 125 million women around the world started and managed new business ventures. Nearly 100 million more women were running established businesses. And in the US between 1997 and 2007 the number of women-owned businesses grew 44% to nearly 8 million businesses. But we have to, in addition to being optimistic and positive, have awareness of the fact that in developing countries there are too many disappointments for women because they were underserved or unserved.”


“I have to tell you — women are a really good risk to lend to. And there are still too any financial institutions that either don’t know that or don’t believe it”.
“I have to tell you — women are a really good risk to lend to. And there are still too any financial institutions that either don’t know that or don’t believe it”.

What does this mean? It is psychobabble...
I do agree with that they just need to pay a worker a beater wage so the worker can have a life for him and his family..I told you that you was a good man hell if I live by you you mite even teach me beater spellingLOL ..ky

The last 40 years we've been convinced by MOP working 80 hours is normal.

It is NOT.
The poor pay a higher proportionate than the wealthy.
Wrong again, but with Bernie's plan that is sure to happen. You go through the money of the rich and/or they move and then that 70% burden the rich were paying falls on everyone else. Then all of a sudden FREE doesn't smell the same. Good luck with that.
Wrong again, but with Bernie's plan that is sure to happen. You go through the money of the rich and/or they move and then that 70% burden the rich were paying falls on everyone else. Then all of a sudden FREE doesn't smell the same. Good luck with that.

Yes they do..for the last time there is a difference between:

15% of 30k than 11% of millions or billions (reported not actual).

It costs 30k just to SURVIVE in the US.

Don't believe me?

You take 15% from the 30k, then you deduct your housing cost, then you deduct your food cost, then you deduct your clothing cost, then you deduct..see where this goes?

Proportionately, it costs the average American more.
CNN this morning not one Bernie story.

Like he doesn't even exist.

The main stream media is owned by the same people funding Hillary's campaign. You are surprised?

You should vote for Trump when Bernie is pushed out. Only way to show the establishment you are sick of their bullshit.
The main stream media is owned by the same people funding Hillary's campaign. You are surprised?

You should vote for Trump when Bernie is pushed out. Only way to show the establishment you are sick of their bullshit.
Only the dumb and stupid would vote for Trump. You yourself can't even name and explain one of his policies.
Yes they do..for the last time there is a difference between:

15% of 30k than 11% of millions or billions (reported not actual).

It costs 30k just to SURVIVE in the US.

Don't believe me?

You take 15% from the 30k, then you deduct your housing cost, then you deduct your food cost, then you deduct your clothing cost, then you deduct..see where this goes?

Proportionately, it costs the average American more.
Sorry, pulling numbers out of your ass does not cut it nor does your argument even apply to the point being made in the article.

Bottom line is, Bernie's fantasy will shape up more in Venezuela's mode than Sweden's. Not to overlook the fact that Sweden adopted (adopts) conservative, capitalist fixes. (Lowering taxes, reducing spending) when their socialism starts going the way of Greece.