EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

If selling your soul is what happens when you're sober, pass the fuckin bowl!

Bernie has been rock solid on message for THIRTY YEARS. His message isn't going to change, nor will his outlook.
well if Bernie is going to be as inflexible as the republicans then maybe I will have to vote for Hillary.
You guy's don't seem to understand we are rearranging the deck chairs while the Trump iceberg is looming in the distance.:roll:
We see the iceberg from 15 miles away. The captain orders the ship to stay the course. "Full speed ahead" shouts the accursed. The next thing we heard was, "rich women and children first"!
You guys should take an early American history class next semester. This country was formed buy & for corporations. The original 13 colonies were Corporation States that formed a business charter for mutual support against Brittan....
I have been a diehard dem, all my life so if the burn gets the nomation I will vote for him but if he don't get to run for president I will vote for trump,there is no way in hell that I would vote for that bitch for I got children and grand children to think about,ky
You feel the same way about Hillary as I do about Trump...."No way in hell"
America and all of those corporations and largely those companies that still exist today, did so on the backs of slavery... so it's not always to say is best as the way it was always done. Time to make shit right, human to human. If we put the energy in to make life better for the next guy, we might find no need for all this profit... unless it's power and ego and all that nonsense then none of this means shit to you anyways.
You guys should take an early American history class next semester. This country was formed buy & for corporations. The original 13 colonies were Corporation States that formed a business charter for mutual support against Brittan....
it was a different time then.Now people can not make a decent living by working so they stop working to get free stuff that help them and there famileys moor then working dos it is becoming a slave country for every one but the 1 percent of the rich people...JJ YOUR A SMART MAN I do know that and deep down you know are country can not take a nother dem, like that bitch with out destroying this country moor to hurt are children and grand children.JJ lets just hope and pray that the burn gets to run for president for if he don't people will never vote for that bitch and I will vote for trump..ky..ps no mater what you and I can always stay friends and with no bad luck I will get to meet you in 2017...ky
it was a different time then.Now people can not make a decent living by working so they stop working to get free stuff that help them and there famileys moor then working dos it is becoming a slave country for every one but the 1 percent of the rich people...JJ YOUR A SMART MAN I do know that and deep down you know are country can not take a nother dem, like that bitch with out destroying this country moor to hurt are children and grand children.JJ lets just hope and pray that the burn gets to run for president for if he don't people will never vote for that bitch and I will vote for trump..ky..ps no mater what you and I can always stay friends and with no bad luck I will get to meet you in 2017...ky
Brah, you cannot mix politics & fun or business....lol see you at the BBQ
it was a different time then.Now people can not make a decent living by working so they stop working to get free stuff that help them and there famileys moor then working dos it is becoming a slave country for every one but the 1 percent of the rich people...JJ YOUR A SMART MAN I do know that and deep down you know are country can not take a nother dem, like that bitch with out destroying this country moor to hurt are children and grand children.JJ lets just hope and pray that the burn gets to run for president for if he don't people will never vote for that bitch and I will vote for trump..ky..ps no mater what you and I can always stay friends and with no bad luck I will get to meet you in 2017...ky

It isn't that Shillary is a Democrat, it's that corporate America has purchased the allegiances of BOTH parties to their own ends, and that she's not enough different from her republican 'opponents' for the dem vs rep distinction to matter. And frankly, Donald the Chump is the worst of the lot;
As you can see, our whole political spectrum is badly skewed in this country; Bernie Sanders the 'socialist' is actually a CENTRIST, far from what corporate owned mass media would have us believe.
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JJ I know your a good man and I do thank you with all my heart brother,see at that BBQ in 2017..ky..ps lets keep praying that the burn wins for I love every thing about him and so do my friends.
This country was founded for Corporations & needs corporations today as much as ever. Look what Elon Musk is doing at SpaceX & Tesla & SolarCity. We need to work on the regulations that keep corporations here & are fare to American workers......this ain't rocket science
It isn't that Shillary is a Democrat, it's that corporate America has purchased the allegiances of BOTH parties to their own ends, and that she's not enough different from her republican 'opponents' for the dem vs rep distinction to matter. And frankly, Donald the Chump is the worst of the lot;
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As you can see, our whole political spectrum us badly skewed in this country; Bernie Sanders the 'socialist' is actually a CENTRIST, far from what corporate owned mass media would have us believe.
I agree with most of that.both sides dem, and rep, partys has sold out the American people time and time again.I don't think Burnie will sell us out and I do think he would make a great president and I have said that from the start.trump I cant say for sure if he would sale us out or not for he has never help no publick office in the past,but we know that shillary has sold us all out her and bill both do every chance they get.so if Burnie don't get to run I will be forced to vote for trump and HOPE..ky