EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Hillary fell flat on her face regarding understanding mindset and values of blacks..sanders lead the fight against desegregation at his college and was arrested for trying to desegregate Chicago schools..in 1963 he marched on Washington with Dr King..she said the pastor in her church 'insisted, insisted we go out to the inner cities and see what it was like and I myself, well, I lived in the suburbs'...wah wah waaaaaaah


Well-Known Member
did you add the 3 of 4 states delegates he won over the weekend?

sanders will be our next president.
yes sky. that is what I'm talking about. I just want you prepared if Bernie does not win. I don't want you hurting yourself or anyone else for that matter
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Well-Known Member
I'm writing in Bernie I wouldn't vote for The Dumpster if you paid me.
Well that will be a vote for the GOP. If Bernie does not win in the primary, writing him in during the general will not magically cause a win for him either. I understand you wanting to make a point, but your point could make us lose the chance to change the SCOTUS. If Hillary loses I have zero problems voting for Bernie and he is about to raise my taxes. I just feel gaining seats in the SCOTUS is much more important


Well-Known Member
Well that will be a vote for the GOP. If Bernie does not win in the primary, writing him in during the general will not magically cause a win for him either. I understand you wanting to make a point, but your point could make us lose the chance to change the SCOTUS. If Hillary loses I have zero problems voting for Bernie and he is about to raise my taxes. I just feel gaining seats in the SCOTUS is much more important
and maybe you won't have to worry about it..stop second guessing the political process and let all states be accounted for.



Well-Known Member
Almost as many as the Obama references, she's saddling herself with Obama like the GOP do with Reagan..its embarrassing, he didn't even really endorse her either..it shows just how unlikable n phony she is.
Obama will endorse her once she is nominated....


Well-Known Member
will this bitch ever shut up and let sanders finish a thought?

will Anderson cooper ever keep his promise of 'getting back' to sanders to let him finish?
It's up to Bernie to make himself heard.

On the other hand, it does seem interesting how he never seems to REALLY get equal time, either vs Mrs Clinton's campaign or the republicans.


Well-Known Member
Well that will be a vote for the GOP. If Bernie does not win in the primary, writing him in during the general will not magically cause a win for him either. I understand you wanting to make a point, but your point could make us lose the chance to change the SCOTUS. If Hillary loses I have zero problems voting for Bernie and he is about to raise my taxes. I just feel gaining seats in the SCOTUS is much more important
no but it will be my anti establishment this country needs a wake up call vote..nothing is going to change..nothing it's business as usual and my views regarding establishment aren't going to change if he's not the nom.

I'm staying true to my convictions no matter what that may bring..

I was horrified that when sanders mentioned taxing those who offshore their money and bring those trillions back to us in order to repair schools infrastructure etc hardly anyone clapped..cmon flint where you think the money's coming from? maybe they don't understand that corps pay no taxes?
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Well-Known Member
It's up to Bernie to make himself heard.

On the other hand, it does seem interesting how he never seems to REALLY get equal time, either vs Mrs Clinton's campaign or the republicans.
and it's consistent they let her continue on and on when its we'll get back to you mr sanders and he interrupts until he stops speaking not so with Clinton..says it once and let's her go..sanders campaign manager WTF?


Well-Known Member
a lot depends on the maturity or lack there of, of Bernie supporters. They may bolt out of spite, if Bernie doesn't receive the nomination....they are the wild card. They make Trump look stable:roll:
we are destined to repeat history if things don't change..circa 1929.