EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Of course they are.......


Now, which constituency do you think has the most political and economic wisdom, age, education and income?


you mean the party of 'what size is your penis'? that party?

the world is laughing at you fucking hillbillys.
a lot depends on the maturity or lack there of, of Bernie supporters. They may bolt out of spite, if Bernie doesn't receive the nomination....they are the wild card. They make Trump look stable:roll:

True, only because bigots don't tend to change their stripes. Doesn't make their positions any more tolerable.
citation? I've never said any such thing.
you and Clinton make the same argument about having better safety features added to the gun, Both of you say it could save lives and used children as examples. Both of you make damn good points. Hers is fingerprints and stronger pull triggers. Yours is coded watches synced with the gun. All would be done at the manufacture level. I suggest you watch the debate.

The technology is here.

Show me evidence that the smart gun does not work each and every time the trigger is pulled.


Stop making excuses.

Such an inconvenience..I wonder if any parents of the dead children felt inconvenienced as they were burying them.

Priorities, men.

more preschoolers are now killed by guns in america annually than cops while on duty.

pretty sobering statistic.

always wondered whether my husband would come home every time he went to work..never had to think about my kids.
Nobody is saying White people aren't poor..there are millions of poor whites in this country.. But Eminem is from Detroit..what's Detroit? 80% black? Sure there are some whites that live there but its not a white ghetto. I just think its lame to pick apart Bernie's statement like they been doing on CNN ..if Clinton said it they wouldn't say shit. The media is anti Sanders.
My point is ( which you missed because you to busy protecting Bernie ) White people live in the ghetto too. There is no black or white ghetto. Its just the ghetto. With my years in the Air Force I can guarantee I have been more places in this country and abroad than you and the ghetto has all colors living within. The very origin of the word was for Jews.
will this bitch ever shut up and let sanders finish a thought?

will Anderson cooper ever keep his promise of 'getting back' to sanders to let him finish?
what EXACTLY was the offensive comment? sound bite link?

I've been following Sanders since before many of you even knew who he was.
I have heard Bernie for years on the Thom Hartmann talk radio. I have nothing against him ( except his tax increase ). I love some of the things he is for. He will have to learn to compromise to get anything done. He does not like to compromise. He also has to get some balls on foreign policy
I have heard Bernie for years on the Thom Hartmann talk radio. I have nothing against him ( except his tax increase ). I love some of the things he is for. He will have to learn to compromise to get anything done. He does not like to compromise. He also has to get some balls on foreign policy
That's why he's the perfect VP for Hilly.....
regarding mass incarceration of black men..she is gross:

are you going to ask senator sanders the same thing BEFORE she would even give her lame response of..I told you my husband was at the naacp recently and said it was a mistake..damn girl!