Elwood Diggler
Well-Known Member
The only Republican that makes any sense is Kasich and you fools don't like him, because he is moderate
i like him as much as he likes weed
The only Republican that makes any sense is Kasich and you fools don't like him, because he is moderate
I like Kasich and donated $100 to Carson. Also donated to Cruz. I want a true conservative Reagan style - there is no other choice than Cruz.
you want a republican who'll raise taxes 11 times??
Teabillies, I like that.except millions do take him seriously. a race with trump and cruz in it and you call bernie nuts??
teabillies are finished in america
Latino refugees create jobs? Are you related to Pelosi?
Corporations create jobs. Illegal aliens just suck us dry and if they do work send the extra back to mamacita in Juarez.
as far as conservative success stories are there any? any policy successes?
people in kansas, wisconsin and michigan are going to throw them the fuck out.
face facts. conservatism is dead. it hasn't worked anywhere. biggest claim the conservatives can make is they've shown the intelligence level of their supporters as well as how many racists vote.
the babbling chimp brigade
Can you say "3 strikes you're out", life in prison for possession under Clinton's policy? Of course good ole Bill didn't inhale. He said so.
This Clintonesque hypocrisy is what I hate. The Clinton talk this women's rights, black lives matter shit and Bill used his Presidency to dick every intern that came along and put thousands of blacks in prison for smoking pot.
It's okay, they only raise taxes on poor people.
Poor people pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than rich peoplePoor people dont pay taxes...
Poor people pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than rich people
Poor people pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than rich people
Imagine thatGood. They take a much larger percentage of the benefits.
Imagine that
What happens to poor people in your fantasy land where social welfare programs don't exist? Do they just lie down in the streets and die and let the well-off have their own little happy society all to themselves? Without social welfare programs providing poor people a tiny thread of relief, they'd be committing crimes to survive. Is that what you want? The very thing you wish to abolish protects you from the chaos that would engulf society if you got your way.
'Stupid' simply isn't enough..
Poor people pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than rich people
Not true. For starts 43% of Americans don't pay taxes. None of that group includes the "rich".
Here's a recent report by the IRS. It reflects that "the rich" pay 49% of income tax collected. Yes, the most returns filed are below that upper bracket so they can get huge tax breaks. They wouldn't if they did not file. As the chart shows there are few people that make $250,000 + in this country, the biggest group being in the $50K - 100K bracket & the lowest bracket.
He wont believe you, it would fuck up his slogan....