EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I feel sorry for ya. Texas sucks. smells like cow shit. I had my time in that fucked state. You would not want to help pay for this wall ? Where do we start building the wall and where do we end it ? latitude and longitude coordinates please

Why bother with a wall or a fence? As the libs in here have pointed out, you can tunnel under them and climb them. Seismic sensors, minefields and automated turrets, coupled with enough border agents to document the "kills" for the bureaucrats and the problem disappears.

Clearly post warnings so there can be no misunderstanding. You try to cross our border and it means certain death. It might take a few weeks of chuckleheads testing the system before the word got out. It would actually save lives.
Why bother with a wall or a fence? As the libs in here have pointed out, you can tunnel under them and climb them. Seismic sensors, minefields and automated turrets, coupled with enough border agents to document the "kills" for the bureaucrats and the problem disappears.

Clearly post warnings so there can be no misunderstanding. You try to cross our border and it means certain death. It might take a few weeks of chuckleheads testing the system before the word got out. It would actually save lives.
See North Korea border......
I don't know about that one.....I would have thought Hilly had it sowed-up
Which did you mean?

What year, and what was your rank, branch, and MOS/Rate/AFSC? Pure curiosity. Unit, too, if you feel like it. Afghanistan, '09, here.

I was in the deep civilian reserve ranks; I was 5, living with my expat folks. We lived there for about 5-6 months, then traveled elsewhere in southeast Asia.

I DID volunteer for the Army at 18, they wouldn't take me due to poor eyesight.

Funny how people tell me they admire my vision all the time!
I don't like Trump and would never vote for him. The same kind of idiots that voted for Obama are voting for Trump, just a different party.

Cruz is a Tea Party guy that believes in constitutional rights, individual rights & freedoms to achieve, smaller govt., holding people accountable for their OWN actions, revising our draconian overbearing tax code yada yada.....plus he's from Texas. ;)

Sanders is for big corporations, make no mistake - the kind that will bankrupt our country aka big government. Fucker is nuts. No one in their right mind would take that old fart seriously.

except millions do take him seriously. a race with trump and cruz in it and you call bernie nuts??

teabillies are finished in america