EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


I can't thank you enough.

Because of you, we have the Washington Cartel in a panic.

So tonight, I dare Republicans across this country to make conservatism mean something again.

HERE'S THE DEAL: we are just 11 days away from the tipping point -- the South Carolina primary.

That's why, before I take off for the next primary state, I'm writing you this email to say thank you and to ask you if I can personally count on your support?

After the hard-fought battles in Iowa and New Hampshire, we've dug deep into our campaign accounts...and made a major dent in our political budget.

I need your IMMEDIATE support for my South Carolina GOTV fund, or I risk squandering tonight's momentum -- the momentum you and our volunteers have worked SO HARD to help me build.

Can I count on you tonight, xxxx?

South Carolina GOTV -- I can spare:

$5 » $35 »

$50 » $100 »

$250 » $500 »
We are here today because of you.

xxxx, this is our time.

It's because of YOU that after everything the Washington Cartel threw at us and the millions spent against us by the lobbyists and my opponents, we are just getting started on the road to winning the nomination.

Will you continue your support tonight?

Oh my sweet summer child... Hopefully you were joking when you said "personal email."
I actually admire Malcolm X for what he did, but you can't really deny his philosophy was centered around violence. "By any means necessary"
I suggest you view in full text.
We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary. Malcolm X

also he had a change of some views after his journey to Mecca
I suggest you view in full text.
We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary. Malcolm X

also he had a change of some views after his journey to Mecca
Later, he recanted that philosophy. Then an employee of Louis Farrakhan murdered him.
Bernie absolutely clobbered this bitch tonight in the debate, she is latching on to Obama like these conservative clowns do with Reagan..it was embarrassing, If this doesn't resonate with the rubes in South Carolina ..nothin will.
Bernie absolutely clobbered this bitch tonight in the debate, she is latching on to Obama like these conservative clowns do with Reagan..it was embarrassing, If this doesn't resonate with the rubes in South Carolina ..nothin will.
well in your eyes i just read the speech looks like she made him look also like a fool lol
You think Hillary can get shit done? Every conservative wants her in prison..the little she can do will be bad..like returning favors to Wall Street and Big Pharma and growing the military for another decade of war in the M.E.
The only problem with Bernie is he will have to govern thru Executive Order....he won't get much support from either side of the isle, they have all sold out to special interests. And my BIGGEST worry is he won't beat Trump.....that would be disaster for the Nation

Of all the things that concern me about the upcoming election, that isn't one of them.