EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Post it..I wanna read it


I can't thank you enough.

Because of you, we have the Washington Cartel in a panic.

So tonight, I dare Republicans across this country to make conservatism mean something again.

HERE'S THE DEAL: we are just 11 days away from the tipping point -- the South Carolina primary.

That's why, before I take off for the next primary state, I'm writing you this email to say thank you and to ask you if I can personally count on your support?

After the hard-fought battles in Iowa and New Hampshire, we've dug deep into our campaign accounts...and made a major dent in our political budget.

I need your IMMEDIATE support for my South Carolina GOTV fund, or I risk squandering tonight's momentum -- the momentum you and our volunteers have worked SO HARD to help me build.

Can I count on you tonight, xxxx?

South Carolina GOTV -- I can spare:

$5 » $35 »

$50 » $100 »

$250 » $500 »
We are here today because of you.

xxxx, this is our time.

It's because of YOU that after everything the Washington Cartel threw at us and the millions spent against us by the lobbyists and my opponents, we are just getting started on the road to winning the nomination.

Will you continue your support tonight?
When ever you post pictures of other peoples children because of your hunger for a racist feeding, yep you need help. TRUMP!
Honestly, think of your mind-set. You walk up to over a 100 pictures of infants on the hospital wall and said ( or thought), let me count all the Hispanic babies. Now that is me putting it nicely, you probably called them something else. So there you stood for however long counting and figuring out what race are these infants of over a 100. WTF is wrong with you ? Seriously
Honestly, think of your mind-set. You walk up to over a 100 pictures of infants on the hospital wall and said ( or thought), let me count all the Hispanic babies. Now that is me putting it nicely, you probably called them something else. So there you stood for however long counting and figuring out what race are these infants of over a 100. WTF is wrong with you ? Seriously

Mass illegal immigration and anchor babies may not be a concern that you have or ever will have, but not everybody thinks like you when the truth is spoken. Trump speaks the truth and people like you don't really matter like you think they do anymore. So have some candy. GO TRUMP!
Mass illegal immigration and anchor babies may not be a concern that you have or ever will have, but not everybody thinks like you when the truth is spoken. Trump speaks the truth and people like you don't really matter like you think they do anymore. So have some candy. GO TRUMP!
Ahhhhh. so now we getting somewhere. You were counting the "anchor babies". How do you know if they were all this "anchor babies" ? What if their parents are American USA USA USA ? You have some serious issues.
Kinda hard telling the race of an infant child to deem Hispanic. Certainly harder to know if their parents are citizens or not , just by looking at a picture.
Why do you assume that they are "anchor babies"? Everywhere you go, I bet you think you see "illegal immigrant and anchor babies"
Your life must be fucking miserable....TRUMP.the chump
Ahhhhh. so now we getting somewhere. You were counting the "anchor babies". How do you know if they were all this "anchor babies" ? What if their parents are American USA USA USA ? You have some serious issues.
Kinda hard telling the race of an infant child to deem Hispanic. Certainly harder to know if their parents are citizens or not , just by looking at a picture.
Why do you assume that they are "anchor babies"? Everywhere you go, I bet you think you see "illegal immigrant and anchor babies"
Your life must be fucking miserable....TRUMP.the chump

My life is great if you need to know. Just yesterday I caught a marlin with my kite and lost it trying to get it up the cliff and then ten minutes after that I caught a 100 lb sail fish. I cut up some steaks and cooked it on the barby, and it was pretty good eating . Life is great. I will check you later headed to Hilo to buy a smoker and make up some hawaiian candy. TRUMP!
My life is great if you need to know. Just yesterday I caught a marlin with my kite and lost it trying to get it up the cliff and then ten minutes after that I caught a 100 lb sail fish. I cut up some steaks and cooked it on the barby, and it was pretty good eating . Life is great. I will check you later headed to Hilo to buy a smoker and make up some hawaiian candy. TRUMP!
stay away from pictures of infants
Honestly, think of your mind-set. You walk up to over a 100 pictures of infants on the hospital wall and said ( or thought), let me count all the Hispanic babies. Seriously

Right, and there's not one minority candidate in the Democratic race. Liberals should be embarrassed to have such (all white) dorks running. A 74 year old jew who spits as he talks shit and a lieing power hungry bitch that talks shit.
Neither as of yet.