Exausting outside of grow room


Well-Known Member
Oh shieett set dehuey to 50% its off right now and only 50 in tents. I was just over doing it 35% paranoid of mold and not being scarceful with my dry air. This may help a toooonnnnn


Well-Known Member
Yea they explained its just not the best system and we were asking for too low temps it can handle. My grow now isnt effecting it its doing a good job as is. It was however effecting it by venting out and no replacement air.

That part I dont get my mind goes blank thinking what happens in a vacuum. Like can humid aire pockets form in a vacuum? I turned all my canopy fans off its just wind burning plants. Making lower leavs fall right off.

Anyway. The part I do get is itll suck in heat through the house cracks etc. I just need to be more hands on dialing enviorment maybe get a inkbird or aci kit.

Its much better setting dehuey to 50%. 3/4 a year will be easy just block heat vent and allow grow heat to heat room. Besides I vented out since january and no issues with heat. It appearently is easier to heat a house.

Everything I rambled came up including ac systems just being finicky not much coolng power as youd expect. Id ask how to improve my grow but they dont seem to want anything to do with it or at least this new guy.

I dont think its worth the money and effort my grow is fine the house is fine I can finally rest.


Well-Known Member
Ok maybe just me he ended up calling me to talk to me. What I said basically was the answer but also that its better off in basement because heat rises. The natural coolness will absorb it faster. Not worth putting window unit.

Also suggested I flip my light schedule. Dehuey should stay in room. Open door if I can and let a natural transfer happen. But really as is everuthing is ok. Not sure why they havent explained this yet.

I was curious what todays answer would be and it was something simple but could of been said from the beginning as we thought it was still acting up.


Well-Known Member
Weird so far when dehuey fan on low it works faster and shuts off instead of set to high. Or maybe too soon to say.

Edit you think my lights are less heat output than a cfl fixture? zwhat about 1-2 in a bedroom fixture?

150w Mars hydro 120f lazer thermometer right on the diode. 95-100f on fecida lights 65w cool to the touch. One 130w flower probably a tad bit hotter and 235w dimmed to 25% cool to the touch.

Not even counting the two ornamental grow spaces with strip light and ufo and aci bar light they really dont through any heat.

I dont think itl help me to flip lights for 1 degree difference and run at night with ac off room spikes temp dehuey.
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Well-Known Member
Oh wow so thread is also the generator thread. Welp yall asked about how often power goes out…

Already did this morning but kicked right back on. Wish I could say the same for thousands near by. Almost a tornado.

So ya.. Idk if climate change is real I literally heard so much from both sides Im brainwashed. But this is not a normal thing 10 years ago. And my parents say when they were young it already was so differnt.

Fuuudge this is stressful so glad I just harvested I could of let it sit. Im weary of using it cant wait till I do so Im comfortable with it. The thought of having to is freakin crazy and when half asleep I really dont feel like it.

But waking up I actually do and wouldnt mind using it anyway for personal needs. Itll happen soon just watch lmao.