Examples of GOP Leadership

Louisiana becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms

They gonna bring back the strap too or have they had that all along?

Never worked for me and I got it in Grade one then many more times all the way up to grade eight. In grade 5 I got sentenced to a month of getting the strap every morning before home room for a month.

They never made me cry.

How people can live by "commandments" that were written by some dude who went up a mountain and met "god" is fascinating. You humans are weird :eyesmoke:

A lot of humans are weird, not all. A lot more of us don't fall for those pre-internet scams.

A great many of us prefer to not believe in a 'god' then we can enjoy our 'sins' without guilt unless we have caused harm to another then guilt is expected and reasonable for normal thinking people with at least a smattering of compassion.

GOP leaders of the maga leaning type are not normal so can harm many without feeling guilt and are the definition of weird.

Republican Missouri attorney general candidates proclaim 2020 election was stolen
The two Republican candidates running for Missouri attorney general agreed this week that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, parroting claims spread by Donald Trump and his allies that have been widely debunked.
The thread on GOP fascism and this thread on GOP leadership have become frighteningly similar. This from that post of yours citing one of the two GOP candidates for the state of Missouri's AG:

Bailey painted himself as a “conservative warrior” who would fight against the “woke left.” He repeatedly mentioned his roots in Missouri as his motivation for seeking public office.
“I’m a Christian. I’m a father. I’m a veteran. Those three things… guide everything that I do in a leadership role in the State of Missouri.”
Scharf hammered what he believes to be a “culture of corruption” in Jefferson City that needs to be rooted out and held accountable. He also highlighted his work as an attorney for Trump in various legal cases, including the former president’s federal election interference case.
“Currently I have one client. His name is Donald J. Trump,” Scharf said. “I’ve fought for him in courtrooms across America, all the way to the United States Supreme Court.”
Gross said he’s running to ensure “we can have a Missouri that serves all of us once again.”
“When we start to leave some of us behind, we’re leaving all of us behind,” he said. “We owe it to the people of Missouri to bring good, strong, thoughtful leadership back to Jefferson City.”
One point of agreement for three candidates was that unregulated slot machines offering cash prizes to players that proliferate in Missouri are illegal, though they appear to differ on who should enforce that.

He needs no evidence to draw important conclusions like the election being stolen:

Bailey said the presidential election was “absolutely stolen.”
“The left stole that election by changing the rules of the game at the 11th hour,” he said. “They’re going to try to steal this one by silencing our voices on big tech social media platforms, by stifling us in the mainstream media and by packing the polling places with criminal illegal aliens that shouldn’t be here in the first place.”

If he can use that kind of flimsy basis to draw a conclusion that has failed every legal test, the people he claims are corrupt in Jefferson City and need to be held accountable are in for a very bad time of it if he wins. He doesn't need evidence or facts to make decisions AND he's bat shit crazy about following the GOP's authoritarian sociopathic leader wherever he says he need to go.

People of Missouri had better wake up. Woke is better than whatever it is Bailey says they should be.