Examples of GOP Leadership

These sleazy rat-fuckers…

Sitting members of Congress whose bodies are in session should be AT WORK. Dock them three days pay every time they skip out on the people’s business to feather their own nests, support treason, or both
These sleazy rat-fuckers…

Sitting members of Congress whose bodies are in session should be AT WORK. Dock them three days pay every time they skip out on the people’s business to feather their own nests, support treason, or both
Mike Johnson is there to do things for Trump that his wife is not doing.
Mike Johnson is there to do things for Trump that his wife is not doing.
How Christian of him.

Not sarcasm. Today’s toxic evangelicals, of whom the Johnson is an avowed member (!), are precisely the tribe whom the herald of their notional savior, John the Baptist, called a brood of vipers, or in a more modern idiom “snake bastards”.


Also of interest is that the word “wrath” is not meant as fury, but more akin to Νέμεσις (Nemesis), [the agent of] righteous retribution.

The Johnson is precisely the sort of sanctimonious and malicious hypocrite who has the most to fear from the wrath/judgment of any halfway self-consistent deity. Behold him loyally* carrying the poisoned water of the abomination of desolation: spraytan Satan.

Mind you; I do not count myself a Christian. For a while I seriously grappled with the New Testament, but in the final analysis I got fed up with the indulgence or adoption of totalitarian technique by the various churches, including the Roman Catholics. Fire&brimstone is a fabrication without proper scriptural** basis, and a shining example of the totalitarian embrace and deployment of “internal terror” in order to set the harpoon of full vertically-integrated social and psychological control upon which the self-contradictory and thoroughly cruel ideologies (I’m looking at you, Aquinas and Luther and Calvin!) on which the more activist churches place such a premium.

Get of whores and serpents the lot of’em.
k I’ll desist.

* meine Ehre heißt Treue.

**This presumes that I consider scripture to be authoritative. I do not. However I know that scripture carries the same weight (and is subject to the same kind of interpretational sophistry, dishonesty and exploitation) with professed Christians as the Constitution does with neoliberal agents.
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How Christian of him.
Turning the other cheek….

Not sarcasm. Today’s toxic evangelicals, of whom the Johnson is an avowed member (!), are precisely the tribe whom the herald of their notional savior, John the Baptist, called a brood of vipers, or in a more modern idiom “snake bastards”.


Also of interest is that the word “wrath” is not meant as fury, but more akin to Νέμεσις (Nemesis), [the agent of] righteous retribution.

The Johnson is precisely the sort of sanctimonious and malicious hypocrite who has the most to fear from the wrath/judgment of any halfway self-consistent deity. Behold him loyally* carrying the poisoned water of the abomination of desolation: spraytan Satan.

Mind you; I do not count myself a Christian. For a while I seriously grappled with the New Testament, but in the final analysis I got fed up with the indulgence or adoption of totalitarian technique by the various churches, including the Roman Catholics. Fire&brimstone is a fabrication without proper scriptural* basis, and a shining example of the totalitarian embrace and deployment of “internal terror” in order to set the harpoon of full vertically-integrated social and psychological control upon which the self-contradictory and thoroughly cruel ideologies (I’m looking at you, Aquinas and Luther and Calvin!) on which the more activist churches place such a premium.

Get of whores and serpents the lot of’em.
k I’ll desist.lieve it

* meine Ehre heißt Treue.
The Johnson has the woeful luck to be a true believer on some level: given the way ‘Christianity’ has turned itself inside out these last 50ish years, I ‘spect he’s tied in more knots than an abandoned macrame project.

I talk about brainwashing some, and programming, and that’s all true, but…their alliance with those who shear the Lord’s flock is what’s made this entire farrago so effective. I may have alluded to the fact that the heavy hitters in MAGA Xianity (which is what it is now) are in it for the business, not because they believe it, and that’s true, too. Believing in Jesus, for a “man of gawd”, is getting high on your own supply, as they used to say: buying your own bullshit is bad for business, it clouds your judgment.

so it’s not so much a matter of the blind leading the blind, as it is having to walk the tightrope of who you really are while everyone is *watching you* to make sure you’re who you’re SUPPOSED to be…and maintaining the illusion of the “honest, upright man o’ gawd” well enough to bring the sheep with you….

Periodic reminder that these people really have been cut off from the rest of us most of their lives, in terms of what they’ve learned from people they trust & how they’ve been taught to look at every problem. The Johnson is not special - ‘Moses’ or not

I love reading your stuff, sir.
… tied in more knots than an abandoned macrame project.
I will unapologetically steal this metaphor. It’s gold.
… this entire farrago
Made me go for the dictionary! An apposite term.
I love reading your stuff, sir.
Likewise! Made my evening, you did.

Were I to wish you a belated mother’s day, I’m sure you would take my meaning. ;)

I completely agree about the insularity. My brief but intense experience with pentecostals gave me much mental cud to chew. One of the major components of the experience was remembering how the senior members of the congregation exhorted me to “be in but not if the world.”

What this meant was that it was very important that I go to them for counsel and affirmation, while superficially carrying on as I would when I was in the feral world. One might almost be ready to suspect that their general approach was operationally without distinction from standard procedures of a full-service cult, complete with the offer of heavily subsidized boarding in the house of a proven warrior of [their edition of] Christ. I imagine it would have made it difficult to get in touch with myself to the poorly-scrambled softcore content available at the time deep in the hinterlands of UHF.

The Johnson doesn’t quite have the horsepower to do the normal and conceal the less palatable aspects of his credo. The snake-bastardy is really beginning to show.

Someone opined that he’s behaving like orange Moloch’s chosen vice-presidential pick. (Assuming the likely but not certain outcome in half a year) okay then! It will be a good way to permanently and completely disable him from ever being near the top of policy again, and put a serious thorn in the side of the Christofascist power bloc. Now that Noem has shot her selves in three of four hooves, he does seem a likely pick for this bargain that isn’t a bargain, and bye, sucker!
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I was curious how l’affaire Fani is developing, and found this savory morsel.

I think it is well within the realm of reason that the GOP hates her guts on general principle, but has other priority campaign spends. Where I’m heading with this is that it sure smells like the party has been bled white by the legal costs of their owner. I could be dead wrong, but it’s an inviting idea.

Meanwhile, Gym of the Jungle is beating the well-worn drums of furiously accusing the other side of his own party’s malfeasance.

Desperation, perhaps. As he gets done, so do they all. Something about hanging together, or separately.
I always think that these stupid messaging bills that the GQP put up is a way to force people to put their names down on one side or the other so he knows who is not willing to bend the knee to him because they are willing to burn their bridges back to humanity after this current American nazi movement dies.

Off the top of my head I can't remember them atm, but every time they pop up I just think ''There is Trump looking for another loyalty purge'.
I was curious how l’affaire Fani is developing, and found this savory morsel.

I think it is well within the realm of reason that the GOP hates her guts on general principle, but has other priority campaign spends. Where I’m heading with this is that it sure smells like the party has been bled white by the legal costs of their owner. I could be dead wrong, but it’s an inviting idea.

Meanwhile, Gym of the Jungle is beating the well-worn drums of furiously accusing the other side of his own party’s malfeasance.

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The thing w/ Georgia is that even the evil have some self-respect (Kemp, for ex)

I don’t say it much anymore, because I’m no longer hanging out on patriot sites, but I did say for a long time that the captive GOP/MAGA/JEEBUS population has been used and abused by their own side for decades - many of them for their entire lives; and that one day, they wouldn’t be able to avert their eyes any longer, they would lose the ability to blind themselves to the clear meaning of their handlers’ evil intention; and that when that day comes, their patriotism will shake off the slime, they will realize they've been had by the people they trusted most…and they will be angry.

White-hot, molten-steel, live-magma type angry: this isn’t a crowd that takes lightly to having their personal loyalty and confidence violated, their belief only a slogan, their money thrown away in service to the liars, their patriotism used *against*them and the country they love - their very future *swindled* from them by preachers, politicians, talking heads, & employers (or *anyone* else), with personal friends & close relations disrespected by the core dishonesty, the central deception of those dedicated to stealing the USA from its citizens by hijacking ‘conservatism’ itself

They can hate all liberals for being liberals, the end: the race traitors who stole the south’s slaves & refuse to let them be recaptured & “returned to service”…but TrumpMob’s effort to swindle the Georgia vote pissed those personal-integrity conservatives off, in part by trying to make THEM part of the scheme ON PHONE CALLS…and if you want a GA good ol boy with an actual position to help you *cheat*, you just can’t be *that* stupid
The thing w/ Georgia is that even the evil have some self-respect (Kemp, for ex)

I don’t say it much anymore, because I’m no longer hanging out on patriot sites, but I did say for a long time that the captive GOP/MAGA/JEEBUS population has been used and abused by their own side for decades - many of them for their entire lives; and that one day, they wouldn’t be able to avert their eyes any longer, they would lose the ability to blind themselves to the clear meaning of their handlers’ evil intention; and that when that day comes, their patriotism will shake off the slime, they will realize they've been had by the people they trusted most…and they will be angry.

White-hot, molten-steel, live-magma type angry: this isn’t a crowd that takes lightly to having their personal loyalty and confidence violated, their belief only a slogan, their money thrown away in service to the liars, their patriotism used *against*them and the country they love - their very future *swindled* from them by preachers, politicians, talking heads, & employers (or *anyone* else), with personal friends & close relations disrespected by the core dishonesty, the central deception of those dedicated to stealing the USA from its citizens by hijacking ‘conservatism’ itself

They can hate all liberals for being liberals, the end: the race traitors who stole the south’s slaves & refuse to let them be recaptured & “returned to service”…but TrumpMob’s effort to swindle the Georgia vote pissed those personal-integrity conservatives off, in part by trying to make THEM part of the scheme ON PHONE CALLS…and if you want a GA good ol boy with an actual position to help you *cheat*, you just can’t be *that* stupid
I hope you’re right, especially about the bolded. However my gut tells me that the chance of this happening in time is less than even.

Especially those preachers have had their claws in the host-organism population for so long that any way back out has atrophied. They have tens of millions piously backing an antigospel —and sending millions into their coffers and those of their allies in totalitarian intent, the Heritage Foundation and other neoliberal firebases.

I think (barring new data) that we’d be damned lucky if one in ten of the base have their moment on the road to Damascus. If it comes after the fascists have come through the narrow place and are consolidating, even that won’t matter.