Examples of GOP Leadership

Speaking of GOP leadership, let me unironically offer this:

Having mentioned the ‘94 midterms recently here, and having history with Gingrich, this deep dive into a huge chunk of “The Story of How We Got Here” is a very educational look at how the ultimate word-weasel/spin doctor worked - and how he STILL works. He’s an incredibly skilled wormtongue, and an incredibly dangerous man, and the historical background is important: from Newt to now, we see a spiraling of extremity - very like we saw in the French National Assembly in revolutionary France, which famously spiraled into the infamous Reign of Terror. Guillotines. Gallows on Capitol Hill. Ever more extreme.
Anyhow, it’s worth the listen
unfortunately there are a lot of Deluded Parasite ‘22 yard signs
A thing about Southern (rural) politics in GA: the (proto)MAGA base has (for a long time) been trashing signs for Dem candidates - and trashing the yards they were in…and replacing them with their Red Scare candidate’s stuff. Houses foolish enough to take the red stuff down & replace the blue can get broken windows or shot up…and no one’s foolish enough to go trying to replace the stuff on the RED lawns, because they will call the police if not shoot you for trespassing if they catch you. The uneasy truce is that blue signs don’t go up in the first place…and red signs get put up wherever. So, this is not the data point it could have been: yard signs are not votes; elections matter. Elections allow people to express their true voice without sacrificing the relationships they depend on IDL. Before the ‘74 midterm, Republican candidates had consistently strong, unwavering support in the polling - that simply didn’t materialize at the ballot box.
Insert facepalm *

Lauren Boebert: “Under Joe Biden, the unemployment rate has shot up to 3.7%. Under President Trump it was only just 14%.”
There is no palm large enough for this face

honestly, I can’t believe she’s really that stupid; I think she’s depending on her onlyfans seeing it as a brilliant “pwn da libs” play…and, of course, those who just gulp it down without even tasting it
Before or after, what difference does it make? I thought the problem with the comment was that it showed a member of Congress couldn’t grasp basic math.
She can't grasp a lot of things and appears to be an idiot, but that doesn't stop them from being elected. The people of America will get the government they deserve, Russia does. We don't deserve the fallout though or the assholes on TV! America continues to amaze me.