Examples of GOP Leadership

The republicans need to protect domestic terrorists and criminals, since they make up a large part of their base and would include many of their politicians. Those who dabble in treason and election cheating fear getting caught, so they will try to make it harder to get caught. If J6 taught any lesson, it is that these powers need to increase and caching such people and convicting them should be easier than it currently is. Don't expect any changes to homeland security or improvements in the fight on domestic terrorism and fascism while the republicans have any power in DC. Expect the FBI and DOJ to be attacked and defunded though, now that they are closing in on dozens, perhaps hundreds of republicans from DC to statehouses over J6 and fake electors, in addition to other charges.

The entire ‘GOP’ congressional presence is made up (alternately) of used car sales(wo)men obsessed with selling themselves for top dollar to the power-token collectors. They stink of desperation. Kinda reminds me of a movie I saw (“Coffee is for *closers*!”)…
The entire ‘GOP’ congressional presence is made up (alternately) of used car sales(wo)men obsessed with selling themselves for top dollar to the power-token collectors. They stink of desperation. Kinda reminds me of a movie I saw (“Coffee is for *closers*!”)…
Both the GOP and foxnews are now afraid of the Frankenstein monster they have created and that is now beyond their control. Things are so tight in American national politics that if the GOP loses any of Trump's crazies, they are screwed at the polls. If foxnews tells the truth, they lose a chunk of their viewers and in the end were trapped by their own lies and will likely pay heavily for it. Chalk Rupert up as another one of Trump's many victims since they too followed him off the cliff by following their base. When they called the election for Biden early, the reaction of their viewers scared the shit out of them, so on with the big lie, green, not red or blue, but red really.
Since Dominion is going after Fox news for defamation, can Hillary sue for the same????
All the evidence presented in this case, and it is yet to go to trial, will be made public and offer a tremendous boost to others suing foxnews, foxnews should settle to prevent a trial and even more evidence coming to light. There are many people and organizations that can sue fox now and this case offers a foot in the door for them to at least get Rupert to sit for depositions and get at their internal email. It is normally very hard to sue someone like foxnews, but they clearly went far over the line on the big lie and complicity in J6. Those capitol hill cops can sue them as can members of congress, they might not win, but they will help to expose even more of their corruption and mendacity.

The comparisons with MSNBC are over, there is none to be made, they have a liberal democratic POV, but deal in facts and truth while supporting the constitution and rule of law. MSNBC is a news organization, foxnews is not, news organizations serve the public interest, foxnews is a propaganda organization and a wing of the republican party with a broadcast license that lies to their viewers and makes them victims for profit. Covid and J6 are recent examples of this anti-social and anti-democratic greed driven behavior. They should not be allowed on the air or cable and any licenses they have should be revoked. The FCC controls the airwaves, internet, phone and cable traffic in America and the behavior of this organization represents a public menace. A house divided cannot stand and foxnews divides America for profit and no other reason, if they can't find social divisions to exploit, they create it with "culture wars".
All the evidence presented in this case, and it is yet to go to trial, will be made public and offer a tremendous boost to others suing foxnews, foxnews should settle to prevent a trial and even more evidence coming to light. There are many people and organizations that can sue fox now and this case offers a foot in the door for them to at least get Rupert to sit for depositions and get at their internal email. It is normally very hard to sue someone like foxnews, but they clearly went far over the line on the big lie and complicity in J6. Those capitol hill cops can sue them as can members of congress, they might not win, but they will help to expose even more of their corruption and mendacity.

The comparisons with MSNBC are over, there is none to be made, they have a liberal democratic POV, but deal in facts and truth while supporting the constitution and rule of law. MSNBC is a news organization, foxnews is not, news organizations serve the public interest, foxnews is a propaganda organization and a wing of the republican party with a broadcast license that lies to their viewers and makes them victims for profit. Covid and J6 are recent examples of this anti-social and anti-democratic greed driven behavior. They should not be allowed on the air or cable and any licenses they have should be revoked. The FCC controls the airwaves, internet, phone and cable traffic in America and the behavior of this organization represents a public menace. A house divided cannot stand and foxnews divides America for profit and no other reason, if they can't find social divisions to exploit, they create it with "culture wars".

wonder if the FCC will revoke they're license......prolly not, but i can dream.....

looks like Murdoch also did something behind the back shady shit, according to the deposition Murdoch gave Jared copies of Bidens ads........that cheating asshole
If you are afraid, you should not be an FBI agent, that cop at Uvalde Texas was afraid too, which is why they didn't stop the school shooter until someone with guts showed up. They were too afraid to defend their country and constitution, too afraid to uphold their oaths and do their jobs. "Marine, attack that position, no, I'm too afraid"! The FBI train at Quantico with the marines, you think something would have rubbed off.

Same with Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The BSO (Broward County Sheriffs Officer) SRO (School Resource Officer) ran in the opposite direction.


BSO is the joke in South Florida. Overweight fat smelly officers that no other department wants to hire. Sheriffs Office will take you. Now you can understand why they aren't desired^^^^^^^this is on them..The cop ran in the opposite direction of shooter.

"In essence, it was neglect of duty. We lost 17 people," Tony said.

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wonder if the FCC will revoke they're license......prolly not, but i can dream.....

looks like Murdoch also did something behind the back shady shit, according to the deposition Murdoch gave Jared copies of Bidens ads........that cheating asshole
Win a hat trick in 2024 and all of this can be revisited by congressional committees and laws empowering the FCC can be passed. Just like the SCOTUS justices can have humiliating impeachment investigations with a new congress, there is no expiry date on this shit, or on J6 for that matter. This will go on for years and ruin many republicans financially with legal fees. It looks to me that there could be a democratic hat trick in 2024, depending on how things go with Trump and other things being actively investigated. I think as Donald goes down in panic and desperation, he will destroy the republican's election chances in 2024, but it depends on how long he is running around loose with indictments over his head. The longer it takes to lock him up the worse it will be for the republicans and even then, he will run from his prison cell while telling the base the republicans "sold out".
MSNBC is a news organization, foxnews is not
No, Fox is a propaganda machine like the communist USSR (Soviet Union) had/has
with Tass and Pravda.

The equivalent print media in the USA are the Wall Street Journal, NY Post and Washington Times, among others.
Difference is one is started as merely a news organization and the other is started for the purpose
of disseminating propaganda favoring a specific political view. Problem is/was when, in a fury
of anger and revenge after the Watergate hearings and Nixon's resignation, the republicans
began calling the media "liberal". Thus they succeeded in making it appear as though any medium
that did not support their views and policies was "liberal" and therefore biased against the cause
of truth in reporting. Reed Irvine founded an organization called AIM (Accuracy In Media)
back in 1969. It came into more prominence after Watergate, and the Reagan cartel used AIM
religiously to call any news that wasn't to their liking as being created by the "liberal media".
That has now evolved into Trump's "fake news", "enemy of the state" and "enemy of the people"
to describe any media that don't support their warped side of the story. Sounds like something Mao or Stalin would say.
Just as dangerous as trump ever was, and just enough smarter to keep his mouth shut about most of it...
He has to lose if he runs in 24.
The GOP have been auto selecting psychos, fascists and con artists in primaries for a while and since Trump the pace has increased, George Santos epitomizes this and actually fits right in with the rest of Kevin's caucus. Once the base has been poisoned and the good folks driven out, this is the residue that remains, and they now select the candidates, and they can't be evil and stupid enough for them.