Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
That would be great. Trump running as a third party candidate will ruin any chance the gop might have, no matter who they run.
I'm afraid Jack and Georgia have other plans for Donald, but it might take a while to get him in a cage, in the meantime he will rip the guts out of the GOP as his desperation and panic grows. If he runs it will be from a cell somewhere and that will be interesting in its own right! :lol: Jack is tied up in court with a dozen secret cases of privilege from the guilty, but he is working his way through them. Glenn has become Jack's biggest fan and that gives me a lot of hope, because Jack looks like a giant killer to me, though Georgia might take Donald's head off first and as a bonus it will be on TV!


Well-Known Member
The biggest hope for America is the GOP destroying itself, it no longer needs Trump to do so, but Donald would help a lot!

Joe: Where are the grown ups in the GOP?

The WSJ editorial board cautions that GOP 'division and disarray' in two key swing states bodes poorly for the party headed into 2024.


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George Santos was questioned by Secret Service over 2017 credit card fraud probe

16,854 views Feb 27, 2023 #msnbc #georgesantos #secretservice
George Santos was reportedly questioned by the U.S. Secret Service in a 2017 probe of international credit card fraud. MSNBC columnist Marisa Kabas joins Michael Steele to discuss the latest in the many investigations into the Republican congressman.


Well-Known Member
Rupert has found a new fascist king to promote, one who is more presentable and who will provide those much-needed tax cuts for the super wealthy. While foxnews bamboozles the morons into fucking themselves again with another made up culture war that means nothing in the end, but it will mean more tax cuts for those who will own Ron while he whips up and cons the base. So, who will the victim be this time, blacks, brown people, jews, gays or trans kids? who can they "other" to make the magic stupidity happen? Liberal seems to have gone out of fashion among the right as a pejorative, maybe because of its association with liberal democracy, freedom. Woke is in vogue, but it doesn't seem to really work to shit of folks for being kind and considerate, but the woke are cramping their "freedom" somehow, but they don't really explain how.

Donald's love affair with foxnews is over and if he isn't on foxnews he doesn't exist for most republicans, he's just a bad memory for many. However, Donald will be making the news with his downfall, and I wonder how foxnews will cover that.



Well-Known Member
The republicans need to protect domestic terrorists and criminals, since they make up a large part of their base and would include many of their politicians. Those who dabble in treason and election cheating fear getting caught, so they will try to make it harder to get caught. If J6 taught any lesson, it is that these powers need to increase and caching such people and convicting them should be easier than it currently is. Don't expect any changes to homeland security or improvements in the fight on domestic terrorism and fascism while the republicans have any power in DC. Expect the FBI and DOJ to be attacked and defunded though, now that they are closing in on dozens, perhaps hundreds of republicans from DC to statehouses over J6 and fake electors, in addition to other charges.



Well-Known Member
Words from the Orange Asshole -

View attachment 5265264

2000 mules ? … LOL STFU
It's not the number of mules, but the number of fools who believe such obvious bullshit that any child could see through, and fact check inside a minute online. Most just want to believe absurdities, they would vote for Trump and put their kid's futures in his hands, but they wouldn't lend him money or invest in his business. Sure, some weak minded will send him their social security checks and live off dog food, but they are few compared to those who would vote for the asshole, mostly because they are assholes themselves.

Mike Pence epitomizes the attitude, "I know he tried to hang me, but if he were the party's nominee, I would still vote for him, and hope I don't get hanged"! :lol: There is no cure for stupid, I guess.


Well-Known Member
Donald can rip the republican party apart on his way down, if he is not taken out quickly, he will do a bull moose run for the presidency and screw the republicans running for congress unless they suck his ass, even if that ass is in a cell by election day. Donald still remains the democrat's best chance of winning a hat trick in 2024, if he walks his base out of the party and attacks them for "selling out" they would be screwed. Even losing 10% of their base nationally would doom them because things are so close in many districts and states.

Donald is gonna freak out and demand loyalty from the republicans as he goes down in panic, we will see how loud his voice is when he is behind bars. However, getting him there will be really interesting and he is gonna take a lot of assholes down with him eventually when he goes down. It looks like first at bat for Donald's head will be Georgia and that will be the TV trial of the century and circus outside the courthouse.

Despite his difficulties since he left office, about a third of Republicans and Republican-leaning voters still consider themselves supporters more of Trump than the Republican Party, according to a recent NBC News poll. Many of them aren’t going anywhere. Fully 28 percent of Republican primary voters are so devoted to the former president that they said they’d support him even if he ran as an independent, according to a national survey last month from The Bulwark and longtime Republican pollster Whit Ayres. Indeed, the “Always Trump” component of the party is so pronounced that it’s affecting how Trump’s opponents operate around him.


Well-Known Member
what kind of shit WON'T these fascists in republicans suits try?
We desperately need to impose term limits on judges, no more that 4 years on the bench at a time, and you must have a 4 year break before you can be appointed again...
We need to discredit and dismantle “the Federalist society” and all who are on the same page as them, and we need to eject their recommendees from every bench in every court.

we probably won’t…but we need to