putting the wellbeing of a business over the wellbeing of the people of this country should be a crime, if it is not.
Slander and Libel are a crime, and they did both. This should not only be a civil matter, there should be some regulations put in place to stop fucker carlson and those even worse than him from spreading lies, innuendo, and baseless rumors with impunity. The press enjoys certain freedoms, but they aren't the press. The press presents the news to the people, facts and statements, verified as well as they can verify it. carlson and his shitty ilk do nothing of the kind, and should NOT enjoy that protection.
Murdoch has spent far too long manipulating the people of this country, the entire fox corporation and all of it's entities need to be banned from American media for at least a few years.
The country needs time to heal, and fox continues to pour salt on wounds, real and imagined.
Which was why the Railroad strike thwarted..Union aside, Biden made a decision that would effect all of us- we've been through too much.
FOX created some ugly and scary monsters which they will continue to pander to; Mitch did drop a few Freedom Caucus from Committees and if you're not on one, you're nothing. Message sent.