Examples of Democratic Party leadership

I need some Santos memes, will fix me right up.

I was a hair away from a biden family dick pic joke, but i make them too often. "The big guy" just wanted to keep his giant dong on the DL or something.

It does have the feel of the franken situation, though I certainly don't think it would go like that.
Gee I'm not sure about Biden, blah, blah, the results speak for themselves FFS! Morons don't know what good competent and responsible government looks like. Ask Putin how he feels about the screwing Biden is giving him, if they thought Reagan brought down the Soviet Union, wait till they see what Joe does to Russia. Some folks don't know their assholes from a hole in the ground.

People who support Trump and the republicans are only fucking themselves and the country, while trying to fuck someone else, most often a strawman of the republican's own creation. They are simple minded fucks, so simple minded lies are used to own them, lies a child could see through. Traditionally a con artist needed a hook, greed and religion were often the way in, now it is hate and politics.

I need some Santos memes, will fix me right up.

I was a hair away from a biden family dick pic joke, but i make them too often. "The big guy" just wanted to keep his giant dong on the DL or something.

It does have the feel of the franken situation, though I certainly don't think it would go like that.
Here’s a couple.


that's possible gonna start a shit show with the repugs....
They were found in November as his staff was doing a final check on the office he used. My guess is the documents were low level stuff pertaining to his work there as VP, a much different situation than top-secret documents. His lawyers were in the act of practicing due diligence before vacating the office. Most likely a government employee or staffer will take the fall if there is any and procedures concerning secret documents and transitions will change and perhaps the law around it.

IMHO this just clears the decks for Trump's documents case and anybody who understands the facts will understand the difference, people like juries. Sure the republicans will make hay over it, but Trump is still gonna go down over the documents and obstruction of justice and spend the rest of his life in federal custody, how is anybody's guess and is up to the federal department of prisons, maybe a gilded cage or just a regular one. Experts expect indictments in that case in a matter of weeks, Donald's days are down to double digits now.
They were found in November as his staff was doing a final check on the office he used. My guess is the documents were low level stuff pertaining to his work there as VP, a much different situation than top-secret documents. His lawyers were in the act of practicing due diligence before vacating the office. Most likely a government employee or staffer will take the fall if there is any and procedures concerning secret documents and transitions will change and perhaps the law around it.

IMHO this just clears the decks for Trump's documents case and anybody who understands the facts will understand the difference, people like juries. Sure the republicans will make hay over it, but Trump is still gonna go down over the documents and obstruction of justice and spend the rest of his life in federal custody, how is anybody's guess and is up to the federal department of prisons, maybe a gilded cage or just a regular one. Experts expect indictments in that case in a matter of weeks, Donald's days are down to double digits now.

eh...he prolly went through the channels to make sure they went back to there appropreiate area or where they needed to be stored.....unlike the orange idiot, throws them in some boxes and takes them........and says "i didn't know they were there"
eh...he prolly went through the channels to make sure they went back to there appropreiate area or where they needed to be stored.....unlike the orange idiot, throws them in some boxes and takes them........and says "i didn't know they were there"
It is kinda up to the national archives in most cases, if charges will be brought, other than top secret documents, then it gets taken to a whole new level with FBI counter intelligence involved. There are many classifications of classified material from the mundane confidential, to the very top secret stuff.

The fact his lawyers called the national archives and not the FBI tells ya something. Was the FBI even involved?
It is kinda up to the national archives in most cases, if charges will be brought, other than top secret documents, then it gets taken to a whole new level with FBI counter intelligence involved. There are many classifications of classified material from the mundane confidential, to the very top secret stuff.

The fact his lawyers called the national archives and not the FBI tells ya something. Was the FBI even involved?

from the stories i've been reading that would be a hard no, the FBI wasn't involved at all......

what i do see is the Magat's using this, putting they're spin on to it some how and or some way.....you know pux news will spin it some way
We are still trying to get the shit stain off the carpet and the stink out of the room from Trump's visit. Uncle Joe is civilized however and will make the one hour or so flight north from DC for a visit in March.

Maybe we can help him celebrate Donald's indictment over the documents, if not that, then the associated obstruction of justice which carries enough time to count.

Putting the screws to Putin, Trump and Bolsonaro in 2023 will be a major advance for liberal democracy globally. I think that is what the "Biden doctrine" is, support for liberal democracy and opposing totalitarianism, I believe there is agreement on this fundamental principle among the allied nations and cause for unity. Liberal democracy and the rule of just law, domestically and internationally will be the criteria, starting with the UN charter.


Hilarious watching everyone squirm about this and hours later explaining away why it’s so different and nothing to see here. Biden’s response, every friendly headline, so damn predictable. Bye bye Garland. Icing on the cake is “Biden’s lawyers found them and alerted archives.” Yea no shit just two months before, classified documents were every headline for weeks, of course the wanted the perception of getting out ahead of it. Optics are all they cared about.

“Republicans are taking notice. Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, said the information about Biden should have been made public much sooner.
“They knew about this a week before the election, maybe the American people should have known that,” Jordan said to reporters. "They certainly knew about the raid on Mar-a-Lago 91 days before this election, but (it would have been) nice if on November 2, the country would have known that there were classified documents at the Biden Center."

Hilarious watching everyone squirm about this and hours later explaining away why it’s so different and nothing to see here. Biden’s response, every friendly headline, so damn predictable. Bye bye Garland. Icing on the cake is “Biden’s lawyers found them and alerted archives.” Yea no shit just two months before, classified documents were every headline for weeks, of course the wanted the perception of getting out ahead of it. Optics are all they cared about.

“Republicans are taking notice. Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, said the information about Biden should have been made public much sooner.
“They knew about this a week before the election, maybe the American people should have known that,” Jordan said to reporters. "They certainly knew about the raid on Mar-a-Lago 91 days before this election, but (it would have been) nice if on November 2, the country would have known that there were classified documents at the Biden Center."
it would have been nice for them...but fuck them, they've been playing hardball, and cheating, so i give a fuck what they think would have been nice...know what would have been nice? them not trying to kill democracy in America and install a megalomaniacal fucking troll doll as king for life. that would have been real nice.
them not gerrymandering their way into positions of power they do not deserve would have been nice, too. and them not stacking the courts with perjurous lying religious zealots would have been very nice, indeed....jordan is a hypocritical fuck, and i hope a syphlitic donkey performs unspeakable acts with every orifice of his body.