evidence that aliens think we are stupid or that aliens are stupid?

Egyptians did have slaves... just not a whole race of people for building pyramids...

You document slaves to keep a track of your wealth...
slaves are property, people kept records of their property. trust me, we'd have more than one source verifying slavery of the jews if it happened.
Slaves didnt biuld the pyramids at all...it was skilled work gangs...i saw it in a docu about the great pyramids...it was always thought slaves built them, but they found evidence of camps the workers lived in like a union village, they also found evidence on bones that the workers were well cared for medicaly as far as broken bones and stuff. slaves wouldnt f had any of that
Hebrew slaves built the pyramids, not the Egyptians.
Amihai Mazar, professor at the Institute of Archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, says that myth stemmed from an erroneous claim by the former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, on a visit to Egypt in 1977, that Jews built the pyramids.

"No Jews built the pyramids because Jews didn't exist at the period when the pyramids were built," Mazar said.
Dieter Wildung, a former director of Berlin's Egyptian Museum, said it is "common knowledge in serious Egyptology" that the pyramid builders were not slaves. "The myth of the slaves building pyramids is only the stuff of tabloids and Hollywood," Wildung said. "The world simply could not believe the pyramids were build without oppression and forced labour, but out of loyalty to the pharaohs."

Redding’s faunal evidence dealt a serious blow to the Hollywood version of pyramid building, with Charlton Heston as Moses intoning, “Pharaoh, let my people go!” There were slaves in Egypt, says Lehner, but the discovery that pyramid workers were fed like royalty buttresses other evidence that they were not slaves at all, at least in the modern sense of the word. Harvard’s George Reisner found workers’ graffiti early in the twentieth century that revealed that the pyramid builders were organized into labor units with names like “Friends of Khufu” or “Drunkards of Menkaure.” Within these units were five divisions (their roles still unknown)—the same groupings, according to papyrus scrolls of a later period, that served in the pyramid temples. We do know, Lehner says, that service in these temples was rendered by a special class of people on a rotating basis determined by those five divisions. Many Egyptologists therefore subscribe to the hypothesis that the pyramids were also built by a rotating labor force in a modular, team-based kind of organization.

The "Pyramids" -- presumably the three great pyramids of Gizah and perhaps the earlier pyramids to the south, including the Step Pyramid of Sakkara -- were built in the Third and Fourth Dynasties, 2650-2575 BC and 2575-2467 BC. The Jews did not exist at that time. The ancestors of the Jews, the Hebrews or "Children of Israel" -- Bene Yisra'el -- did not enter Egypt until centuries later. If one looks at the biblical narrative, Joseph, son of Jacob aka Israel, who brought the people of Israel into Egypt to settle in the land of Goshen, was driven in a chariot just behind Pharaoh's. The Egyptians did not have the wheel when the great pyramids were built. By the time the Egyptians had wheels, and horses and chariots, the great pyramids were ancient. Even if one were to determine that the migration of the Sumerian/Chaldean Abraham from the Sumerian city of Ur to the land of the Canaanites took place around the predynastic or early dynastic periods of ancient Egypt, there would still have been no Jews in Egypt at the time -- or anywhere else for that matter.

Contrary to some popular depictions, the pyramid builders were not slaves or foreigners. Excavated skeletons show that they were Egyptians who lived in villages developed and overseen by the pharaoh's supervisors.

The builders' villages boasted bakers, butchers, brewers, granaries, houses, cemeteries, and probably even some sorts of health-care facilities—there is evidence of laborers surviving crushed or amputated limbs. Bakeries excavated near the Great Pyramids could have produced thousands of loaves of bread every week.

Some of the builders were permanent employees of the pharaoh. Others were conscripted for a limited time from local villages. Some may have been women: Although no depictions of women builders have been found, some female skeletons show wear that suggests they labored with heavy stone for long periods of time.

Graffiti indicates that at least some of these workers took pride in their work, calling their teams "Friends of Khufu," "Drunkards of Menkaure," and so on—names indicating allegiances to pharaohs.

We also know quite a lot about the labor force that built the pyramids. The best estimates are that 10,000 men spent 30 years building the Great Pyramid. They lived in good housing at the foot of the pyramid, and when they died, they received honored burials in stone tombs near the pyramid in thanks for their contribution. This information is relatively new, as the first of these worker tombs was only discovered in 1990. They ate well and received the best medical care. And, also unlike slaves, they were well paid. The pyramid builders were recruited from poor communities and worked shifts of three months (including farmers who worked during the months when the Nile flooded their farms), distributing the pharaoh's wealth out to where it was needed most. Each day, 21 cattle and 23 sheep were slaughtered to feed the workers, enough for each man to eat meat at least weekly. Virtually every fact about the workers that archaeology has shown us rules out the use of slave labor on the pyramids.

It wasn't until almost 2,000 years after the Great Pyramid received its capstone that the earliest known record shows evidence of Jews in Egypt, and they were neither Hebrews nor Israelites. They were a garrison of soldiers from the Persian Empire, stationed on Elephantine, an island in the Nile, beginning in about 650 BCE. They fought alongside the Pharaoh's soldiers in the Nubian campaign, and later became the principal trade portal between Egypt and Nubia. Their history is known from the Elephantine Papyri discovered in 1903, which are in Aramaic, not Hebrew; and their religious beliefs appear to have been a mixture of Judaism and pagan polytheism. Archival records recovered include proof that they observed Shabbat and Passover, and also records of interfaith marriages. In perhaps the strangest reversal from pop pseudohistory, the papyri include evidence that at least some of the Jewish settlers at Elephantine owned Egyptian slaves.

Other documentation also identifies the Elephantine garrison as the earliest immigration of Jews into Egypt. The Letter of Aristeas, written in Greece in the second century BCE, records that Jews had been sent into Egypt to assist Pharaoh Psammetichus I in his campaign against the Nubians. Psammetichus I ruled Egypt from 664 to 610 BCE, which perfectly matches the archaeological dating of the Elephantine garrison in 650.

If Jews were not in Egypt at the time of the pyramids, what about Israelites or Hebrews? Israel itself did not exist until approximately 1100 BCE when various Semitic tribes joined in Canaan to form a single independent kingdom, at least 600 years after the completion of the last of Egypt's large pyramids. Thus it is not possible for any Israelites to have been in Egypt at the time, either slave or free; as there was not yet any such thing as an Israelite. It was about this same time in history that the earliest evidence of the Hebrew language appeared: The Gezer Calendar, inscribed in limestone, and discovered in 1908. And so the history of Israel is very closely tied to that of Hebrews, and for the past 3,000 years, they've been essentially one culture.

edit: Here is one more related to the OP.
However, we must give them credit, for at least they did not degrade the accomplishments of the early Egyptians by proposing the builders of these great structures to be space aliens or Atlantians.
Slaves didnt biuld the pyramids at all...it was skilled work gangs...i saw it in a docu about the great pyramids...it was always thought slaves built them, but they found evidence of camps the workers lived in like a union village, they also found evidence on bones that the workers were well cared for medicaly as far as broken bones and stuff. slaves wouldnt f had any of that

i saw the same thing

everything in egypt was written down by the government.

and made to look Good, for the government.

and often calling one thing, something its not.

or not calling it at all.

and remember, the egypt pharaos, proclaimed themselves gods and did rule with force (Same as any ruler)

its entirely possible that this here happened.

"the people are not slaves, they just do everything they do, for the love of me" saith the pharaoh, to his scribe "now write that down you bitch"

"no one forces the people, the guards are there to protect the people, the people that love their god" said the pharaoh "you getting this, you bitch, now suck my dick and then get me coffee" "respect your go oood, god, im sure glad i had all your teeth knocked out last week, this feels divine"

cant really trust historical documents, That much.

they are written by people that had to hold up a certain image, same as any with money or power today.

99% of that image, is always a lie.
Aliens left our dumb asses here and did the best they could to get us on the right track.
When they come back...they're going to be pissed.
Wow that totally explains away the archeological evidence I just cited. *sigh*

"Excavated skeletons show that they were Egyptians who lived in villages developed and overseen by the pharaoh's supervisors." yes and?

"Some of the builders were permanent employees of the pharaoh. Others were conscripted for a limited time from local villages. Some may have been women: Although no depictions of women builders have been found, some female skeletons show wear that suggests they labored with heavy stone for long periods of time." yup, they did that, just cause they loved their pharaos :)

"We also know quite a lot about the labor force that built the pyramids. The best estimates are that 10,000 men spent 30 years building the Great Pyramid. They lived in good housinggood housing for 10 000 men? or just some of them? at the foot of the pyramid, and when they died, they received honored burials in stone tombs near the pyramid in thanks for their contribution.great This information is relatively new, as the first of these worker tombs was only discovered in 1990. They ate well and received the best medical care. And, also unlike slaves, they were well paidall of them? 10 000 men in a 30 year project? . The pyramid builders were recruited from poor communities and worked shifts of three months (including farmers who worked during the months when the Nile flooded their farms), distributing the pharaoh's wealth out to where it was needed most. Each day, 21 cattle and 23 sheep were slaughtered to feed the workers, enough for each man to eat meat at least weekly. Virtually every fact about the workers that archaeology has shown us rules out the use of slave labor on the pyramids."

nothing in that text suggests othervise.

just because they didnt get called slaves, does not mean they were not slaves.

you did what your pharaoh told you or died.

but of course they got treated well, the same slaves oversaw the fields and animals, without which it would suck to be pharaoh. any successful slave owner treats his slaves well, damn waste of time always training new slaves (unless its something like the salt mines, learned in 5 minutes (thats why they sent the undesirables and untrainables there)

you are not gonna tell me, in a society ruled by a supposed God, that Everyone else was free?


think about it.
Nobody is saying that there were no slaves at all in Egypt...

Just that the Hebrew speaking people as the builders of the pyramids is bullshit...


I also intended to finish it off with a comment about the builders of the pyramids being slaves as bullshit... but I forgot...
Nobody is saying that there were no slaves at all in Egypt...

Just that the Hebrew speaking people as the builders of the pyramids is bullshit...

hebrew speaking people as the builders of the pyramids?

i musta missed that post.

yes thats pretty far fetched.

the pyramids are obviously far far older

plus the hebrews were basically sheepherders :)
thats an offical tourist stuff page..

sounds like someone is sprucing up the image for the tourists..

instead of horrible things created by slavery that are kinda only impressive because of their size.

now its the work of the adoring masses for their godking who they VOVED VEVY MUCH :)

plus, its the god king.

of course no one is going to be written down as a slave.

but just about everyone IS

they are the property of the god.
maybe aliens made human animal hybrids and sent them to earth as gods, so they didn't have to put themselfs in danger?

Actually... the depiction of animal-headed humans represented "gods" (lowercase g) of various archetypes/personality types. After the breakdown of belief in a central God figure, the Egyptian religion sort of fragmented into multiple belief systems. People "believed" in whichever god they personally identified with most strongly. In other words, which ever god was most like their own personality/belief system, they would gravitate towards.

But, you now, believe whatever. ;)