evidence that aliens think we are stupid or that aliens are stupid?


Well-Known Member
ok so ancient egypt was built by the aliens obviously so the egyptians idolized them and drew pictures made statues etc of the "gods". now all these gods have stupid animal masks on there heads correct, why? i will tell u its because the aliens have been watching people and they saw that the people kept pets, cats and dogs etc. what did they see while watching? they saw a bunch of people running around after animals feeding them picking up there poop and doing all the work while the animals just sat around living it up. so now the aliens decide they are going to come to earth what do they decide to do to fit in? put on stupid animal masks so that we either think they are animals and worship them too or we think they they are some kind of evolved form of the animals we already worship (which seems to have worked quite well really lol)


Well-Known Member
Wow I don't know what to think. I'm thinking your joking, but part of me thinks you acctually believe that horse crap...Back when the Egyptians built the pyramids, they didn't really keep "pets" in the sense that we do. Rich people were able to own cats, which were highly regarded and thought to protect from evil spirits.
Most other animals were for farming purposes. Food and agriculture. I would hardly call it living it up. I like youre creativity, but if you tried to convince me of this in person, I would lol and call you an idiot.


Well-Known Member
ok so yes i am just fucking about but nothing gets a reaction quite like a good ol fashioned alien thread lol except maybe a religion thread hmmm... puff puff pass


Well-Known Member
Wow I don't know what to think. I'm thinking your joking, but part of me thinks you acctually believe that horse crap...Back when the Egyptians built the pyramids, they didn't really keep "pets" in the sense that we do. Rich people were able to own cats, which were highly regarded and thought to protect from evil spirits.
Most other animals were for farming purposes. Food and agriculture. I would hardly call it living it up. I like youre creativity, but if you tried to convince me of this in person, I would lol and call you an idiot.
sorry bud, have not got a fucking clue wot you are on about. lol


Well-Known Member
maybe aliens made human animal hybrids and sent them to earth as gods, so they didn't have to put themselfs in danger?


Sector 5 Moderator
Wow I don't know what to think. I'm thinking your joking, but part of me thinks you acctually believe that horse crap...Back when the Egyptians built the pyramids, they didn't really keep "pets" in the sense that we do. Rich people were able to own cats, which were highly regarded and thought to protect from evil spirits.
Most other animals were for farming purposes. Food and agriculture. I would hardly call it living it up. I like youre creativity, but if you tried to convince me of this in person, I would lol and call you an idiot.
Hebrew slaves built the pyramids, not the Egyptians.


Well-Known Member
looking at our past and all the evidence that remains.

our past, is possibly very weird.

but only possibly.

a big fucking maybe, i wouldnt jump to any further conclusions than that, without more evidence that is.


Well-Known Member
well, if you look at the hebrew account, its not something to be proud of for the egyptians :)

and , egypt did sometimes try to erase records of things happening (akenaten for example, though they couldnt erase a whole city)


Well-Known Member
they found proof of paid workers for pyramids, you know. slaves are just a hebrew legend, these people were paid to build those things.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Sure... the escape of a major force of slaves wouldn't be something to be proud of... but everybody had slaves back then, and that was nothing to be ashamed of... so there should have been documented evidence of hundreds of years of the slavery of a whole race of people...


Well-Known Member
if everyone had slaves and egyptians didnt, wouldnt there be evidence of them not having slaves? (as in egyptians knew alot of other people back then and since they found slavery abhorrent, wouldnt they talk and write about it?)


Well-Known Member
and why would there be documents about slaves?

slaves were often valued less than livestock, maybe they simply didnt bother with records or maybe those records were simply lost.