New Member
Would you like a bigger shovel, although you are digging that hole fairly well with the one you have.
No Thanks, but maybe you can keep one on hand in case I do

Would you like a bigger shovel, although you are digging that hole fairly well with the one you have.
A lot of people are saying they'll never order from evertonedoesit again. You say you taken care of the issues you had. What exactly did you do and did you spend any money to make sure it wouldn't happen again?No Thanks, but maybe you can keep one on hand in case I do
I am dealing with the person who started this thread now,
Its hard to reconcile some of the things I see written about EDiT with what I see happening in the distribution centre, a lot of people work hard everyday to get parcels out the door.James-
Duely noted.
However, I've seen Attitude have people post issues here as well. Given short time many satisfied customers come on and say give them a call, I've had nothing but great luck, customer satisfaction is great, etc. (and I agree by-the-way).
On the other hand,, I'm not seeing the same about other distributors as I've seen here (and definately on other sites as well). I find it hard to imagine that the "Tude didn't have Holiday issues to contend with much like yours. Homeland Security messed up shipping around the beginning of the year and effected everyone I know (as pertains to the USA). Your stock is very similar to what others offer with much less trouble.
You may be a very nice guy, but the buisness practice seems to be lacking drasticly in the satisfied customer dept.
So, in comparison,,, where would you spend your money?
If I see a posting somewhere (like here) with several giving a thumbs down,,, I pay attention.
If I see people jump in and say otherwise with examples,, I pay attention to that too.
Unfortunately,, only half of this equasion is showing here.
Tons of competition for my $ out there. I'll spend with someone I feel confident in first everytime, anytime. (Maybe it's jusy my way of spending my hard earned dollar?)
Basicly, "proof is in the pudding",, and I'm not seeing your pudding as being all that sweet at the moment. Plain & simple as that. Sorry.
"The physical appearance of the please, makes no difference."Would you like a bigger shovel, although you are digging that hole fairly well with the one you have.
have you maybe thought of creating your own thread for this very purpose? somewhere where any of your customers can get in contact with yourselves and seek assistance with their orders? might be helpful to all
There doesn't need to be any major seed distributors other than the attitude, there always on time, always fresh and always discreet oh and they give you free seeds! cant go wrong with em
And I agree, the use of the word 'thieves' in the subject line is very misleading.
I balked at that too. Seemed a bit strong,, but emotionally.....
All buisness have problems. All down to how they handle it is what counts.
Everyonedoesit may very well be one of the better places to do buisness,, but the problems and how handled are the issue.
There's no mercy in buisness. Competition is fierce. Why take a chance on a questionable when there are others is all.
Again, the door swings both ways....
If I lost my job because buisness closed and couldn't make card / truck / house payments,,, how understanding do you think them folks would be after missing a couple payments?
Not only will they sue to get their money (and charge you additional fees),, they'll litterally destroy your credit rating. And do you have any idea how that looks on background checks with perspective employers when job hunting? And do you think they care?
This is exactly the same thing in my mind,, only the shoe is on the other foot. And James doesn't like it anymore than we do when shit happens.
Simple as that. No more,, no less (IMO)
I can appreciate where James is coming from,,, but it doesn't prove the situation has really changed,, and I'm not prepared to give my $ to find out. Going to cost him dearly to prove all is good. Perhaps from now on he'll go way out of his way to make things right and become the "Tude's biggest threat in marketshares. Who knows, only time will tell.
****This is posted as a response to the above post from everyonedoesit.com****
I just registered here to share my(not so different) experience with EDIT.2 weeks ago i ordered a piece pipe from them ( http://www.everyonedoesit.com/online_headshop/Piece_Pipe.cfm?iProductID=47 ) (note how the site STILL claims to have it in stock).I received an email saying it was out of stock and it would be in stock again by the next friday (one week later).I said i would wait for week and after that ask for a refund and asked them why they did not change the item status on their site, since they now knew that it was out of stock.They said that it was fair enough and thanked me for my patience but they didnt say anything about not changing the piece pipe status to "out of stock".
One week later NO word from them.I send an e-mail again asking if the piece pipe was restocked - no answer.I decided to propose a replacing of my order with the bul-it pipe ( http://www.everyonedoesit.com/online_headshop/BulIt.cfm?iProductID=30 ) after they verified that it was in stock.He actually said that he had it in his hand -strangely reffering to it as "the bullet pipe"- and that he waited for my ok to ship it.I said "ok send me the bul-it pipe by red-eye" and i have yet to hear from them.The last mail was sent on monday.
So, everyonedoesit.com you repeat yourself by still doing the same things and not by saying the same things.
Who would have thought by posting this thread EDIT would find ME! I got a message after i posted this thread from EDIT wanting to sort out all the problems have had.
Same here!Anyway, my order is shipped after all, so hopefully i ll be a happy consumer in a couple of weeks !
****Thank you Rollitup!!errrr.......I mean EDIT****
sorry to hear about that man that really sucks but hey there loss less money for them thats why i stick with tude and if you want a good Reliable place to buy your pices try chunkyglasspipes.com i have bought from them many times and they are cheap to its a really good site for your smoke excessories and devices hope this helps
Happy Growing