Everyone In This Forum Read!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
dimethyl trptamine and is produced by your peneal gland in the front of your brain...its like dyeing and being reborn again...way out there
wtf man that shits sounds fuckin crazy... ive heard of people takin it. thats just weird man.. why would you wanna feel that?


Well-Known Member
Dex is bad news man...I had a friend die recently from that shit. The risk just makes it not worth it..


Well-Known Member
Hey, I still think he should try snorting some lines of mayonaisse or horseraddish mustard.
I've heard you get a sweet buzz from dropping several hits of Frank's Red Hot into your eyes...It's like riding a motorcycle into a black hole during a snowstorm in July with a family of monkeys on your back.



Active Member
what are two strains have u grown that u would think theyre good for a beginner
Id say deff go with john allen strain they are really resistant to contams and are quick too. they might just be called allen strain. z strain seemed to work good for me also. but id say go to spores101 and just read about a few and see what sounds good to u. let me know whatcha decide


Well-Known Member
I've heard you get a sweet buzz from dropping several hits of Frank's Red Hot into your eyes...It's like riding a motorcycle into a black hole during a snowstorm in July with a family of monkeys on your back.

Hatin'. Dex ain't bad. Stay away from the CCC's and you're fine. You do your research and you can have a good trip without serious risk of self-injury.


New Member
I heard if you drink a pint of spooge you will trip for hours. If that doesnt work , try the robitussin.


Well-Known Member
Anything w/ just DXM as the active ingredient should be fine... CCC's are stupid and will screw you up big time, just read the ingredients on the bottle and make sure you know what you're taking before you down a bunch or it could be the last thing you do. :-)

DXM is pretty awesome btw... if taken correctly.


Well-Known Member
Hell yah, DXM is one of the craziest tripps you can have. Tussin is alot safer then Triple c's BTW, i dont reccomend anyone do Triple c's. i do them, But just because after a while ur body starts to reject the stuff in robitussin. So i get sick if i do robitussin.
I'd really still like to know about the orange peels. Ive been searching the internet all morning with no avail. I want to try this really bad. Just for the experience, Every different kind of recreational drug that u can trip off give a completley different experience... from my experience anyways. So if anyone could enlighten me on the orange peelings and toothpaste. That would be great

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
DXM (cough medicine) you need about 5 bottles to get to where you want (4th plateau)
Done DXM 4 times, got the extra strength big bottles each time, no acetaminophen. once did the CCC's. but anyway researched it, did 5 bottles exactly, two weeks later did 3, little later did 4. I liked 5 the best but i could bearly talk, i would have to studder and think of what to say for like 5 minutes before i could say a sentence on 5 bottles. crazy shit though. everyone thought i was crazy cause they said they tripped hard off of 1-2 bottles


Well-Known Member
Yah, u might not be gettin the right kind. Im not sure though. And yes DXM severley dulls your motor skillz. Talking walking ect. Everytime i look in a mirror on DXM i think and feel like like i am dying. But not in a bad way. And the best part about it is it makes u not give a damn about it.


Well-Known Member
When i tripped i did 3 bottles and so did my friend, we were just drunken and high feeling ha but we had like a 3 hour conversation about nothing.

Yeah after about 45 minutes i get sick from robitussin but then it just slams me. I had trouble peeing. :-/... I stood there trying to pis for like 30 minutes and i got tired so i sat down. and i looked at the floor tiles, and it seemed like the insides were waving and the tiles were shifting around.


Well-Known Member
Lol, you gotta look at it as an Experience. You can learn alot from trippin because it opens ur mind up to new experiences. And allows it to realize things that years of conditioning wouldnt let you brain see. if u just look at it like bein drunk and high. Ur gonna get nothing out of it.


Well-Known Member
And if u did 3 bottles for just that effect then your doing the wrong kind. The kind i get, 3 bottles would make me unable to even really move. And about the peeing, thats just a side effect. It happens to me to.


Well-Known Member
Well the bottles only had about like 15mg/30ml i think... and i also mistyped it and meant to type 2(i was perhaps a bit stoned when i posted. haha)... but for 125lbs 2 bottles f'ed me up nicely... i got to make sure to get the pis outta my system next time though.

Also about the drunken high feeling... thats just how i felt.. i thought it was amazing how thorough our conversations were and how perseptive we were about what we talked about. I dont think i've ever been able to open my mind like that... I mean i've had some thorough drunken conversations but that just opened up whatever i would normally keep back... this was some deep stuff. haha.


Well-Known Member
Yah, thats the way it works. Its like entering an alternate reality, Great shit. if only it was safer. Pure DXM aint that bad 4 u tho.