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Active Member
go to you tube and search lets grow mushrooms pf tek (something like that). some old guy gives a good step by step process. order your spores at spores101 and in a few months youll have your shrooms


Well-Known Member
is it illegal to buy spores offline and send them to the US??
The spores are not illegal its when they become shrooms they become illegal. You can order the kits with everything you need to get started and then you can just order refills of the stuff that you run out of.


Well-Known Member
I heard if you snort a line of maynaisse you will see God. Or is it inhaling horseraddish mustard? Well, try both. I am sure something will happen for you.


Well-Known Member
you can buy everything you need to grow shrooms from stores.
to get the spores, you could always just buy the shrooms first, then grab some spores.

growing isn't too difficult, there are good teks out there that give you step by step info. as long as everything is sterile and clean, you should end up with a nice safe yield.

not sure which tek is best though, just google some or use what people already posted :peace:


Well-Known Member
im either going to try growing Alacabenzi because of its resistance and reliability,
or the hawaiin because of its large yeilds and few aborts,
whats a good strain for a beginner?


Well-Known Member
I heard if you snort a line of maynaisse you will see God. Or is it inhaling horseraddish mustard? Well, try both. I am sure something will happen for you.
ha ha ha. do it.

Shrooms grow in brown rice flour cakes. You just inject the spores into 'em and put it all in a dark dank, but sterile environment..like a bath tub in your basement! I mean, otherwise I heard something about banana rinds...I wouldn't do that myself. It's also really easy to find LSD depending where you are...


Well-Known Member
i wish i could find clean lsd... :(
so hard to trust it now days...

anyway, go with alacabenzi greenthumb. most of the time i end up getting those kind of shrooms when i buy, they seem pretty popular :peace:


Well-Known Member
Micro, are they potent shrooms?
i want a strains thats contamination resistant. but with few aborts, which the alacabenzi's are contamination resistant,
and the hawaiian are huge with very few aborts.

i might get both of em :D

how long will 1 syringe last?


Active Member
John allen strain or i think its just called allen strain now are really resistant and i had a huge yield. everyone i gave alcabenzis too said they were awesome but ive never tryed any hawiians let me know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
DEX WARNING: NO CCC's!!!!!!!!!!!!

No Corcidin Cough & Cold!!!!!!!!! Anyone who tells you otherwise is an IDIOT. (References below)

I reccomend Zicam .55's
2 bottles (800mg) fucks me up pretty good. IDK if I'd quite say 3rd Plat.

3 bottles is enough to incapacitate me I swear I K-hole and almost Ego-Death like sally.

Definately 3rd...upper 3rd...

@82kg ~5kg over the years of DXM dosing.

Dex+Sally=Most intense trip of your life

Throw in a stone.

Read the DXM FAQ

Erowid DXM Vault : DXM FAQ, by William White