Everyone Has Their Own Little Trick. Whats Yours??


Well-Known Member
Idk. I have been using Flora + for a good while now and have to say it works wonders with plants that's grew in a soil medium. :mrgreen:
I've tried my fair share of gimmicks to attain these goals and found them to be a waste of time and money. Just today I poured a bottle of Floralicious Plus into my compost bin. Not only did it screw with the pH in (aerated) ebb/flow hydro, but I discovered that "aromatic oils" are on the ingredient list. That's pure bullshit designed to affect the perception of the user and does zero for the plant. (GH likes to go on about how this product is supposed to improve "aroma".) Genetics determine aroma but they will be happy to stink up your reservoir with essentially useless products.

The trick is to identify a superior plant, clone it, and then work with that clone to determine the optimum nutrient levels it can take over the shortest flowering cycle needed to get the effect you are looking for. That takes more than one cycle to perfect, but once you get it down, you can crank it out like a factory.


Well-Known Member
Lot of funny shit :) and a lot of wisdom in this post.

Besides the obvious of giving them a consistent environment to thrive in, I'm a soil/organic guy, just came in from years of outdoor, so to me the soil mix and quantity (enough to grow them to the size you want, right nutrients), preparation of the soil, getting it hot before you plant in it, make the difference between an ok plant/harvest and a nice bounty. But in the end, getting to the point where you can read your plants and know when and what they need before it becomes a problem is probably the biggest factor. Keep them happy and they'll reward you… treat them no different than a fine woman ;)


Well-Known Member
Me 2. Been growing now for around 15 years total. Most of was outdoor. Been indoors for a good while now. Have to say its a whole nother world vs outdoor. I have wnet through all the trials/problems that comes with indoor growing, and TG learned from all of it. And I also have to say there is a hell of a lot more then just sticking a seed into a medium and exspect it to grow. It takes practice, and also patience. ;)
Lot of funny shit :) and a lot of wisdom in this post.

Besides the obvious of giving them a consistent environment to thrive in, I'm a soil/organic guy, just came in from years of outdoor, so to me the soil mix and quantity (enough to grow them to the size you want, right nutrients), preparation of the soil, getting it hot before you plant in it, make the difference between an ok plant/harvest and a nice bounty. But in the end, getting to the point where you can read your plants and know when and what they need before it becomes a problem is probably the biggest factor. Keep them happy and they'll reward you… treat them no different than a fine woman ;)


Well-Known Member
Me 2. Been growing now for around 15 years total. Most of was outdoor. Been indoors for a good while now. Have to say its a whole nother world vs outdoor. I have wnet through all the trials/problems that comes with indoor growing, and TG learned from all of it. And I also have to say there is a hell of a lot more then just sticking a seed into a medium and exspect it to grow. It takes practice, and also patience. ;)
Yeah, it's a whole new world indoor, but I like it, a lot of tinkering and creativity needed to build and dial everything in, that's a lot of the fun for me coming indoors.. can't think of a better hobby and use of my spare time :) Beats sitting around watching TV and growing a beer belly ;)


Well-Known Member
no one seems to know that you don't need plant hormone when you're cloning. the plants make their own hormone. I only use an aerocloner. it makes roots in as little as four days. cloning in soil takes tooooooo long.


Active Member
The only trick I learned that was beneficial was to reveg & quickly do another flower cycle with the same plants you just harvested. Everyone is worried about their seeds getting busted at customs.....if you like the bud you just picked why not just reflower them or at least leave the popcorn on the branches & let them get normal size before chopping? Only trouble is the chance for mold to occur which can be mitigated by ensuring all the bud has been cut off before reflowering.


Well-Known Member
Idk. I have been using Flora + for a good while now and have to say it works wonders with plants that's grew in a soil medium. :mrgreen:
I use it too dank though i couldn't tell you for sure how much of a difference it makes.Actually ordered some calimagic the other day and there was some flora in there too.
maybe ill take 2cuts and run 1with and 1 without just to actually see.
Wish i had the room to do some completely separate areas with the same genetics so i could really see what nutrients come out on top from the collection i have.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they will sprout roots on their own. Like you said. I think folks just use the clone gel/powder speeds the process up. Hell, I know in the past even with clone powder a few of my clones took 4 ever to grow roots!

Willow tree water works really good aswell. ;)
no one seems to know that you don't need plant hormone when you're cloning. the plants make their own hormone. I only use an aerocloner. it makes roots in as little as four days. cloning in soil takes tooooooo long.


Well-Known Member
I honestly think it helps the plants form straong cell walls/stems, and also aids in the resin production. I've yet to run a side by side like I did with the p3 vs the necter for the gods. I may do just that.. haha.. ;)
I use it too dank though i couldn't tell you for sure how much of a difference it makes.Actually ordered some calimagic the other day and there was some flora in there too.
maybe ill take 2cuts and run 1with and 1 without just to actually see.
Wish i had the room to do some completely separate areas with the same genetics so i could really see what nutrients come out on top from the collection i have.


Well-Known Member
Leaving the lights on 24/7 and moving the flowers to a dark area for 12. Makes the bulbs and ballasts last longer as well.


Well-Known Member
- Claber Oasis 8053 drip systems for multi-plant setups
- Aero cloner!! (not really a trick, but a huge time and effort saver)
- keep everything very organized and structured, so you can move everything within 30 minutes tops (illegal grows)
- RealLemon for pH down, and baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) for pH up
- decarboxylation before cooking with cannabis, as to turn THC-A to THC



Well-Known Member
- Claber Oasis 8053 drip systems for multi-plant setups
- Aero cloner!! (not really a trick, but a huge time and effort saver)
- keep everything very organized and structured, so you can move everything within 30 minutes tops (illegal grows)
- RealLemon for pH down, and baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) for pH up
- decarboxylation before cooking with cannabis, as to turn THC-A to THC

Hey spek, good point on the Claber drip system. I put one into my second grow mainly because I travel, sometimes on the fly and didn't want my babies thirsty, but I think it's a keeper. Only used it for my current/second indoor grow so don't have a ton of experience with it. My first grow was just a learning curve going indoor and a lot of variables, too many to point to the Clabber as the main difference in this grow. However, based on this grow's results I'm keeping it going forward. The growth rate seemed to almost double by feeding them a bit daily, then giving them a good soaking once a week. Ran 3 droppers (12 oz/day) through veg, started at 4 weeks into veg, then increased to 4 drippers (16 oz/day) when I flipped them to 12/12, girls seem very happy.


Well-Known Member
Hey spek, good point on the Claber drip system. I put one into my second grow mainly because I travel, sometimes on the fly and didn't want my babies thirsty, but I think it's a keeper. Only used it for my current/second indoor grow so don't have a ton of experience with it. My first grow was just a learning curve going indoor and a lot of variables, too many to point to the Clabber as the main difference in this grow. However, based on this grow's results I'm keeping it going forward. The growth rate seemed to almost double by feeding them a bit daily, then giving them a good soaking once a week. Ran 3 droppers (12 oz/day) through veg, started at 4 weeks into veg, then increased to 4 drippers (16 oz/day) when I flipped them to 12/12, girls seem very happy.
I run perpetual, so I have one system running for the 8 largest plants with two droppers each, and then a second system for the smallest 16 plants with a single dripper each.

I don't use the timer. I just turn it on every two days, when it's done, I flip it back off and on again. After the second round is done, I turn them off until the next manual feed.

I check my pH of the res every time before watering, and typically clean it out after the bucket nears being empty. I usually keep the res about half full so it doesn't go stagnant.

Saves a ton of time when I don't have to water 24 plants by hand.



Well-Known Member
I run perpetual, so I have one system running for the 8 largest plants with two droppers each, and then a second system for the smallest 16 plants with a single dripper each.

I don't use the timer. I just turn it on every two days, when it's done, I flip it back off and on again. After the second round is done, I turn them off until the next manual feed.

I check my pH of the res every time before watering, and typically clean it out after the bucket nears being empty. I usually keep the res about half full so it doesn't go stagnant.

Saves a ton of time when I don't have to water 24 plants by hand.

Oh for sure, the more plants the handier it would be. I'm only running 3 plants right now but planning on a second unit going into my next room which will house 8 plants. I'm good on ph, run my tap water through a brita when I fill up the tank or manual watering bucket and it comes out perfect ph, lucky I guess. Mine drains every 2 weeks so no issues with stagnant or dirty water. I'm sure there's better and I may build one just for a side project and better control of the watering times if I get bored sometime, but for the price they're not a bad system for a small grow.

Maxman and Fiddler

Well-Known Member
Good info here. Everyone says to learn to read your plants and give them what they need. Can someone go a little deeper on this for me? For example, if my leaves start turning yellow on week 4 of flowering, I think they need more N...where do I get more N? If I'm using FF, should I add more grow big? If I'm using biobizz do I add more bio-grow or top max. Super soil do I top dress. Won't even as about AN. Just wondering and thanks!


Well-Known Member
When doing SOG hydro on an Ebb&Flow...I flushed with Final Phase. The technique was to use Final Phase for one week and pure water for a week...and then harvest.

Being an economical and lazy guy I decided to keep the res of flush water...add nutrients and I was ready for my next batch of clones. Plants never even noticed.