Ever wonder why we're really in Iraq?


New Member
Dank, where do you get this 5% from?

Do you know any muslims?

I'm surrounded by them... I only have to walk a mile down the road to a large estate known as little India... I went to school round there. If you're white, and you go there at night, you're easy meat. It's actually graffitied on the wall... NO WHITES AFTER 8pm.

In my City, we've had running battles with the muslims, not just my City but all over England. It hasn't made the news much (I wonder why?), but whites and blacks have been battling with muslims for several months now.

Dank, you probably don't realise that the war is ON! It is on our streets... they seek to destroy our society and replace it with their own. It seems to me Dank' that you haven'y had the opportunity to meet many muslims. I've met hundreds, seen hundreds of thousands.


Well-Known Member
I live fairly close to Amarillo Texas, which has the largest muslim population in Texas besides Houston.

I happen to know pleanty of them....
Yeah I saw the story on CNN about how the radicles are acting over in the UK, I must say that if they acted that way over here they would be jailed for insiting a riot.
Of course in the State of Texas it isn't hard to get a concealed weapons permit either.... There is something to be said about having the right to bare arms.


New Member
Of course in the State of Texas it isn't hard to get a concealed weapons permit either.... There is something to be said about having the right to bare arms. Thats what I'm talkin about, I have the permit but feel it's not that critical to carry the gun at all times. If I'm going to certain parts of town, I might take it with me, but I have never carried one in public. In Nevada, if you have the permit, it's a crime to expose it, called brandishing.., It is awfully hard to hide a 1911-45, and being of the pot belly persuasion, I'd have to get a cop sling type holster and wear it under my arm. A 45 weighs about 8 lbs and gets heavy in a hurry. If I had a reason to carry it IE: someone threatened my life, I'd get the holster and wear a light jacket which would be ok in winter but in 120 degree heat in summer, wouldn't work. But you can legally carry it in your center consel as long as it is out of sight. In NV. similar to Texas I'll bet, it's legal to wear a gun on the outside if you have the balls, without a permit. The problem is the Pansy Calif Tourists that would call the cops on you and you would be escorted out of sight, maybe be arrested for disturbing. It's also legal to have it in your car if in plain sight, without the permit. I have a pocket gun, a .25 berreta, nice little piece, and when I renew my permit (This Year) I'll include that on my liscense. You'd have to shoot someone in the eye to stop them, but it would be a lot easier to conceal!


Active Member
medicineman, you might want to consider getting a IMI baby eagle in 40 or 45. Wonderfully built and doesnt carry that 800+ price that most nice 1911s have. Taurus also has a nice new compact.

We might not have radical muslims in our streets, but in Memphis you can get shot anywhere for just being white and/or having anything of any value. 60 muders in Memphis last year alone, and thats not counting all the missing people and kids getting shot by cops.


New Member
medicineman, you might want to consider getting a IMI baby eagle in 40 or 45. Wonderfully built and doesnt carry that 800+ price that most nice 1911s have. Taurus also has a nice new compact.

We might not have radical muslims in our streets, but in Memphis you can get shot anywhere for just being white and/or having anything of any value. 60 muders in Memphis last year alone, and thats not counting all the missing people and kids getting shot by cops.
I also have a glock 9MM that is about 5 lbs with a full clip (17), I sometimes wonder if the 7-45s are worth more than the 17-9MM, I think the punch of the 45 is greater, but you still have ten rounds left when the 45 is empty. The 45 has about 1/3 the recoil of the 9MM, heavy frame! It is a sweet shooting gun, and fairly accurate at 50 paces! If you look down the business end of a 45 it is pretty intimidating, the bore is just a tad less than 1/2 inch! I also have a nice .380 which is in the 3 lb. range and carries 7 rounds, this should be a nice carry piece. The .380 is basically the same caliber as the .38 and the 9MM, a little less powder is all! I almost got the glock .40 instead of the 9 but couldn't get the 17 round version, only law enforcement gets those little jewels!


New Member
I live fairly close to Amarillo Texas, which has the largest muslim population in Texas besides Houston.

I happen to know pleanty of them....
Yeah I saw the story on CNN about how the radicles are acting over in the UK, I must say that if they acted that way over here they would be jailed for insiting a riot.
Of course in the State of Texas it isn't hard to get a concealed weapons permit either.... There is something to be said about having the right to bare arms.
The muslims in my country have been growing in strength since the 1950's. All of our inner city areas are FLOODED with muslims. Not to mention the mosques, new ones are being built as we speak. We've just had an area taken over by Somalians... another muslim tribe. They own all the shops and everything in that area, stinking cafes and the like that if a normal british citizen were to try and run would be shut down. They stand on the main road 50-60 strong, all young men... the police will not bother them as they don't want to cause an incident.

In my country, if a white man and a muslim were to get into a fight... the muslim loses the fight. The white man has every chance of being charged with a racist attack. I know, because it happened to me.


New Member
The muslims in my country have been growing in strength since the 1950's. All of our inner city areas are FLOODED with muslims. Not to mention the mosques, new ones are being built as we speak. We've just had an area taken over by Somalians... another muslim tribe. They own all the shops and everything in that area, stinking cafes and the like that if a normal british citizen were to try and run would be shut down. They stand on the main road 50-60 strong, all young men... the police will not bother them as they don't want to cause an incident.

In my country, if a white man and a muslim were to get into a fight... the muslim loses the fight. The white man has every chance of being charged with a racist attack. I know, because it happened to me.
Sounds like you need to move skunky, change neighborhoods, get out in the country son, away from all the madness, Just my opinion. I'm sure it would be less stressful. If you come to the USA, PM me and I'll arrange to go shooting with you, let you try out some of my armory!


New Member
I'm moving out of the City as soon as I can afford to. I'd love to go shooting with you med', unfortunately I doubt your country would even let me over for a holiday.

I quite fancy the south of france myself, but you need a lot of dough to live there. Anywhere really, so long as there is plenty of fresh air and open landscapes, not too many people around... even none if you don't want there to be, walking for miles and miles without seeing a sole, even from a distant shoe.


Well-Known Member
i'm working on getting my right to carry concealed back... requires some local record expungement which i HOPE is underway at this very moment. in 2000 i pointed out to the governor, state reps that the language of current law made it legal for me to buy but illegal to transport guns..they fixed it. they still haven't fixed the life sentence for concealed carry though...

non-drug related felons (burglery, sex crimes, larceny, etc.) can get their right to carry reinstated easier than a kid caught with a joint. unconstitutional drug war collateral damage.


New Member
they still haven't fixed the life sentence for concealed carry though Are you kidding me, life. Man I'm glad I don't live in that stalinist state. I had a drug conviction expunged, and now have a carry permit, good luck. It only cost me 375.00 to get mine expunged, a bargain at 1/2 price!


Well-Known Member
the 2nd question on the permit application asks if you have ever been convicted or entered a plea of first offender, guilt/nolo for ANY drug offense. under that question it states that you don't need to continue the app if you checked yes, not eligible.

convicted felons however, are given instructions about how to contact the parole board and request pardon. you can't get a pardon if you aren't a felon!!

every judge, cop, politician, lawyer i have talked to in person and on the phone agrees that this is stupid, needs to be fixed, but none of them have the balls to step up yet.

i can see the election ad now; "Sen. Fubar supports allowing KNOWN drug offenders to carry concealed WEAPONS. Please, vote Dipshit. Vote for decent, working families and vote NO to thug armies of substance abusers prowling our neighborhoods."

my request for expungement is free at least, just depends on what the D.A. wants to do with it. if he says no, we'll have a fight.


New Member
the 2nd question on the permit application asks if you have ever been convicted or entered a plea of first offender, guilt/nolo for ANY drug offense. under that question it states that you don't need to continue the app if you checked yes, not eligible.

My expungement cost 350-400 bucks ten years ago, I never even went to court, in fact the expungement was in Calif and I live in vegas. It took about 2 months and I had to send notarized documents to the lawyer, but overall was a no-hassle deal. As soon as I got my court papers, I went to a gunstore and filled out the paperwork. Where it ask if I'd ever been convicted of a felon I said no. The Fbi check came back clean, so the lawyer did the right things. It's a good feeling to know if you get stopped you'll have no record. And the Metro police did a check for my carry permit, clean also! Well worth the money, I've heard costs of from 500.00 to well over 2,000.00 so look around for a good lawyer Yeah mine was a drug charge also, 30 lbs of dank. peyote. The cops didn't even know what it was. One cop asked how much you had to eat and I told him about ten times the dose to unhinge his mind, and also to reinforce my contention it was personal stash. Never saw those cops again, wonder if they tried my dosage~LOL~ They'd be sure to lose their minds as they were pretty Anal.


Well-Known Member
The Hawai'i Cannabis Ministry, CHECK IT OUT!!! this thing could be a breakthrough in GROWING AND SMOKING LEGALLY!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
You have to consider that people are make out HUGE when there is war. Think of all the american tax dollars that are going to support the war. If you have studied history a little bit and know about the banking cartels than you should know what I'm talking about.