Ever wonder why we're really in Iraq?


New Member
Hey Med, anyone who espouses a heavy, progressive income tax is no centrist. <Sheesh!>

And Dank ... I've said it many times before ... I do not support Bush in all things ... but his tax cuts and the fact that he took Saddam out and has taken the fight to the terrorists I DO support. Also, Democrats AND Republican POLITICIANS do what ever is politically expiedient, especially during the election cycle. So, its not surprising that some Republicans are jumping ship.



Well-Known Member
You want to know what's funny, The Senate passed ethics legislation yesterday that was more conservative than anything that the republicans could have come up with...
They can no longer except gifts of any kind, they can no longer earmark special projects without revealing who is behind it, be they Federal or non federal, they now must pay out of their own pockets for travel expenses.
Looks like the Liberals out conservatived the conservatives.


New Member
Yeah, but they only hit on the small stuff, Dank. They didn't stop wives, daughters, sons, uncles and aunts from joining lobbying firms, then lobbying the very congress people they are related to. Oh, and I wonder what ever happend to th 90 grand that the FBI found in the freezer? *lol*



Well-Known Member
Vi there is only about 800 confirmed Al qaeda members in Iraq, does it make a whole lot of sence to have 150,000 troops there? As far as their Civil war, we don't need to be caught in the middle.


New Member
I don't know the numbers ... nor do I know that your figures are accurate. Do you have a link?

What's your take on the Iranian military we've captured in Iraq? Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Vi as far as the bills passed yesterday, (which I read) there is no vagueness to it, You are just wishing that the dems will fuck up so you can say "see I told you so."
Don't you realize that the Dems know that they are on notice and if they want to be elected again they better not screw up... your nit picking my friend. Over all most republicans aren't as greedy or power mad as this administration has been.


Well-Known Member
Kill Al Sadder and the way in for Iranians goes away. What you are mistaken for most of the Al qaeda members are simple sunis' who were part of Saddams old secret police.


New Member
Vi as far as the bills passed yesterday, (which I read) there is no vagueness to it, You are just wishing that the dems will fuck up so you can say "see I told you so."
Don't you realize that the Dems know that they are on notice and if they want to be elected again they better not screw up... your nit picking my friend. Over all most republicans aren't as greedy or power mad as this administration has been.
From your lips to God's ears, Dank. Personally, the Dems scare the crap out of me.



Well-Known Member
All I have to say is that it will all come out in the wash in the end. And history will show that a leopard can change it's spots.


Active Member
go wavels!!!!

"never argue with an idiot, they will only drag you down to their level and beat the hell out of you with experience"


Well-Known Member
7x I compair degrees with you any day.... I'm sure you would lose.

dank, dank, dank... so, we're down to "compairing" are we?

this thread is back on track now, but please feel free to show me where i indicated the racism that you and med noticed when you're done celebrating this senate bill that the house instantly gutted... i won't bring it up anymore, just want to see where i crossed your PC line...if there is a definitive place.

it's true, i don't know a lot about islam, but it's funny you mistakenly attributed certain verses to a period of history seperated by centuries from the original authorship. med says he's seen leaders step up but i haven't..link? the koran does say it's wrong to kill, even has a story about a woman killing a cat and being doomed to hell for this... it also prescribes/justifies death and violence in very ambiguous terms. that makes it a blight on humanity until there are tempered, responsible dispositions of those edicts.

last off and i'm done, i'm proud that you are proud of your degrees, whatever they are. if you need to compare and sort out who "wins" that's fine, i teach at a university here in georgia and i assume you are happy with what you have also so it really doesn't matter to me. however, if i need to i will add my wife's degrees since i paid for them and actually wrote some papers, did some work for her! lol


New Member
Exactly... the koran says it is wrong to kill... unless the victim is a non-muslim. Then it is a justified killing and the killer's pathway to heaven grows sturdier.

Islam sends shivers down my spine... how can such a mass of people be so ignorant?

Heaven is meant to make you believe that when you eventually die, you don't really die at all... instead, you live forever on a cloud, somehow learning to play the harp along the way. Make dying just that little bit easier. What it has done for Islam is make it all too easy for people to give up their lives... what a waste.


New Member
So, like the bible, the koran contradicts itself? I have met many muslims in my years, and enjoyed lengthy conversations with them... one of the things they are most proud of is the (fact?) that the koran is steadfast in its teachings.


Well-Known Member
Interesting musings on the true nature of Islam....

Incontestably, jihad is a central imperative (in fact, the highest obligation) of Islam. Muhammad&#8217;s career as a fierce and, at times, brutal warrior illustrates the futility of efforts to render congenial to modern sensibilities this command to struggle against perceived enemies. Yes, the Koran famously asserts that there shall be &#8220;no compulsion in religion&#8221; (2:256). But however hortatory this injunction may be, it is ahistorical. Islam was spread by the sword.

The Prophet&#8217;s military feats began with attacks, many of which he led personally, on Quraysh caravans. These raids, Spencer explains, were not merely acts of vengeance against those who had rejected Islam; they further &#8220;served a key economic purpose, keeping the Muslim movement solvent.&#8221; Booty would be central to Muslim militancy, and thus grew rules for its division (such as one-fifth of the haul set aside for the Prophet, and the propriety of using female slaves as concubines). Asked by a follower about the legitimacy of nighttime attacks given the probability of endangering women and children, Muhammad indicated these were permissible because such noncombatants &#8220;are from them&#8221; (i.e., the unbelievers).

It is due to this and other lessons that the battles of early Islam resonate today &#8212; creating a major hurdle (I fear, an insuperable one) for reformers hopeful of convincing the ummah (i.e., the worldwide Muslim community) that it&#8217;s the terrorists, not the reformers themselves, who are doctrinally wayward.

The Prophet, for example, directed &#8220;martyrdom&#8221; operations. Martyrdom, Spencer elaborates, was understood exactly as it is by today&#8217;s jihadists: &#8220;referring to one who (in the words of a revelation that came to Muhammad much later) &#8216;slays and is slain&#8217; for Allah (Qur&#8217;an 9:111), rather than in the Christian sense of suffering unto death at the hands of the unjust for the sake of the faith.&#8221;

Muslims were authorized by another revelation to break treaties &#8212; particularly with the Jews...

Full article
Andrew C. McCarthy on The Truth about Muhammad on National Review Online


Well-Known Member
Sorry, its 9:111, look more carefully, of course you are wrong...

[9:111] GOD has bought from the believers their lives and their money in exchange for Paradise. Thus, they fight in the cause of GOD, willing to kill and get killed. Such is His truthful pledge in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran - and who fulfills His pledge better than GOD? You shall rejoice in making such an exchange. This is the greatest triumph.Sura - 9 Ultimatum (Bara'ah) -The Arabic Quran with the Authorized English Translation by Dr. Rashad Khalifa-Koran


Well-Known Member
If you analyze it, they are showing respect for other religions.
It is the Godless that they hate.
You could say the same thing about the Jews, as there is verses in the Torah that say the same thing.
Also in the Christian Bible it also says that you must be willing to lay down your life for what you believe.

For some reason you ignore the same equivalents in other writings and focus on just the Koran.

You seem to think that all Muslims hate anyone who is not like them, it's just not so. Less than 5% (I am willing to admit when there are over 1 billion Muslims in the world that it's a hell of a lot) believe that way.

But if we keep escalating the war we will turn many more against us.
If the British people were smart, they would do the same thing as they do in the Netherlands, That is have government representatives set in the Moscs and listen in. Once there is something inflammatory said the Mosc is closed down and the imam deported.

Now I would say that the smartest thing we in the Christian World could do is pose a question to the World Counsel of Imams.
Do they want this to keep going or do we live in peace?
Once answered they would be required to issue a Faqua either way.

Once a Faqua is issued all muslims are required by islamic law to obey it.