Ever save a life?

When I was like 12-13, a bunch of us used to dive and do backflips and shit off this goverment wharf and swim around, well we had our buddy "Nick" there and well, he swims like a rock right, anyway another one of my (dumbass) buddies "Corey" decides to push him off, So I had to dive in after him and pull him to shore. In the process he damn near drowned my ass trying to save him. He kept panicing and flailing around and kept pushing me down, that I had to finally push him away from me and punch him in the head so he'd calm the fuck down and swam his ass to shore. Sounds funny now but at the time it sure wasn't, I felt like I coughed up half the damn harbour.
Another time, I was, at a spot of mine and I called my tester over to check out some shit I just chef'd up and didn't the damn fool, hit the floor, started doing the bacon right in front of me, foaming from the mouth, I grabbed him and put a hockey puck between his teeth and threw him in the shower, on cold. He finally came around, I don't know how long it took but felt like forever. When he came around he wanted another hit........fucking heads...........
This just happened to me the other day..
Me and a buddy were standing infront of the crop, fresh buzz and he was munching down these sour patch berry things. We were talking about small problems within the room that needed adjusting while I was face deep in a nug with my scope. He was silent for a few but I heard this gagging cough behind me. Thats when I turn around to him. His face was already pale white, saliva comming from his mouth... He was choking, and beginning to panic. I grabbed him, spun him around and gave him the first hymlic maneuver I had ever performed in my life. After 3 pumps he spat up the berry and went limp... He took a couple minutes to catch his breath, talked a bit about how nice it was to breathe and then finished his bag of candies.
While I was cursing down Federal Blvd. on my motorcycle I came across a car in reverse going in circles in the middle of the street with a man being dragged attached by his seat belt. I told my dad who was riding along side me to pull over and instinct kick in . I chased the car down and managed to free the helpless man from the seatbelts grip, then I had to chase the car down once again and when I did I dove into the car window head first pushing down on the brake pedal then pushing the car into park. When I popped my head up there was cars piled up on eachother and a crowd of onlookers staring speechless. I had no motorcycle license at the time because I just got my bike so in fear of getting busted I just bailed but as I did I turned back to a roar of cheers and clapping. i have to admit I felt good to help some one out and hear an applause. I guess the man had pulled up to the gas station and put his car in reverse instead of park got out to pump gas and got dragged off. He thanked me for saving his life and Ill never forget it. Made me feel like super man

everyones getting home from work school on the West Coast, you guys on the East Coast should be settling in eh?
Big flock of relatives hit my nest today.... I'm hiding out at my other place....:lol:

I'll see them tomorrow....

Unless I have to run over there and save a life! :lol:
I had someone save my life. Several years back I found myself being ELECTROCUTED and you know I was helpless to help myself. If not for the quick thinking of a co-worker (well at first he thought I was kidding somehow and had a good laugh) but his quick actions after that saved me from certain death. I escaped with severe burns and feeling like I had the crap beat out of me but very thankful to be alive afterward. The thing is I never saw it coming or had any inclination or premonition that I was about to meet my maker. It went from any other day of working and bs'ing with a co-worker to trama center. That episode runs through my mind at least once a week to this day.