Ever met a girl online that you don't know,she said she will come to your house for first visit?


Well-Known Member
Met this check on fb she said shes coming to my house, well she hinted it saying she can come help me out and stuff and I don't even know this chick, (we share mutual friends but I've never seen her in real life)
Just pictures lol I'm nervous what if she robs something while I'm out of the room? idk lol
Meet her in a public place dummy
But what difference does that make? I mean we've video called, and to insure everything goes smoothly I haven't told her my address I will make her park distance from mine and observe her while she makes her way, I mean if someone was planning to do something dodgy lets not pretend that they can't act like an angel and then carry out their plans.
Meet in a public place. It could be a robber or killer.

Though when I was younger I met a girl online and gave her my address.

When she showed up she looked nothing like her picture. This 300+ pound girl got out.

She said she was scared I wouldn't meet her. We talked for a minute and decided to go to the lake.

We drove to this private spot and were talking. It got dark and I was horny. I asked her if she wanted to fool around. She said no because she was on the rag. She said she would give me a blow job.

I'm on the hood and she is blowing me. I bet she could suck start a Harley. I'm on the hood and getting close.

I notice this light out on the point. As I got closer to blowing my load this light kept getting closer. It was a boat with a spot light.

As I'm almost done the boat passes us and the spotlight hits us. It was fish and game.

They went on laughing.

You might get robbed or killed.

You also might get a bj from a fat girl.
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Most chicks are nuts and she is probably in love with yoh already. I wouldn't have her to my house. Tell her you don't need any help and find someplace to meet instead. Meet her friends, family, take some time and make sure she isn't stalker status
Hit it from the back and focus on her rack?
If she's coming to your place OP just be sure to check your Windows and lock em before she gets there. Check em after she leaves. Never can be too careful.
You sound like you have experimented in collage hope you didn't inhale

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"MARK" that's fucking home invasion scenario.

bad idea, you don't plan a date: plan a quick meet-n-greet. at a public place. if that goes well them you can plan something else.

I probably don't have to tell you, but don't talk about anything you may/or may not be doing.

if a girl wants to fuck on your first meeting, it should also be your lasting meeting.
Met this check on fb she said shes coming to my house, well she hinted it saying she can come help me out and stuff and I don't even know this chick, (we share mutual friends but I've never seen her in real life)
Just pictures lol I'm nervous what if she robs something while I'm out of the room? idk lol
Yep..! I had her last week, do ensure you have condoms

the black ribbed or black tickler are the best (washable too)

her English ain't that good, we spoke a mash of French and German

unusual for a Czech as they a well educated, good looking and remove clothes with much haste

but generally have a very vain view on their own body shape, iow/

if you think shes fat ... don't tell her

good luck

ps Tylers correct you may wanna shave first ...lol