Ever met a girl online that you don't know,she said she will come to your house for first visit?

But if you are gonna try and compost her as you suggested earlier ...I wouldn't



Ira Einhorn was on stage hosting the first Earth Day event at the Fairmount Park in Philadelphia on April 22, 1970.

Seven years later, police raided his closet and found the "composted" body of his ex-girlfriend inside a trunk.

A self-proclaimed environmental activist, Einhorn made a name for himself among ecological groups

during the 1960s and '70s by taking on the role of a tie-dye-wearing ecological guru and Philadelphia’s head hippie.

With his long beard and gap-toothed smile, Einhorn — who nicknamed himself "Unicorn"

because his German-Jewish last name translates to "one horn" —advocated flower power,

peace and free love to his fellow students at the University of Pennsylvania.

He also claimed to have helped found Earth Day.

Meet in a public place. It could be a robber or killer.

Though when I was younger I met a girl online and gave her my address.

When she showed up she looked nothing like her picture. This 300+ pound girl got out.

She said she was scared I wouldn't meet her. We talked for a minute and decided to go to the lake.

We drove to this private spot and were talking. It got dark and I was horny. I asked her if she wanted to fool around. She said no because she was on the rag. She said she would give me a blow job.

I'm on the hood and she is blowing me. I bet she could suck start a Harley. I'm on the hood and getting close.

I notice this light out on the point. As I got closer to blowing my load this light kept getting closer. It was a boat with a spot light.

As I'm almost done the boat passes us and the spotlight hits us. It was fish and game.

They went on laughing.

You might get robbed or killed.

You also might get a bj from a fat girl.
Laughed so hard my wife asked why and I had to make up some bullshit reason.
I have met several ladeys that way on line.I even met a model and she flew 3,000 miles to come stay 2 weeks with me and she was just as hot in person as she was in her picters when she got off the plan,thin she started wounting to stay forever so I had to get her gone, them.MET this other chick on line and then met her x sister inlaw and we been togeather for close 13-15 years now.I met 7 different ladeys in 5 days on line and took 5 of them home for a few days..LIFE IS SHORT so get all you can when the getting is good.I also been divorced 3 times it was my choice 2 of the times and one wife was a rich bitch modeal,i could not handeal that life long it took me 3 years in court to get rid of her.no moor rings on my finger...ky
I have met several ladeys that way on line.I even met a model and she flew 3,000 miles to come stay 2 weeks with me and she was just as hot in person as she was in her picters when she got off the plan,thin she started wounting to stay forever so I had to get her gone, them.MET this other chick on line and then met her x sister inlaw and we been togeather for close 13-15 years now.I met 7 different ladeys in 5 days on line and took 5 of them home for a few days..LIFE IS SHORT so get all you can when the getting is good.I also been divorced 3 times it was my choice 2 of the times and one wife was a rich bitch modeal,i could not handeal that life long it took me 3 years in court to get rid of her.no moor rings on my finger...ky
You dont really fuck around KY. I admire that.
I have met several ladeys that way on line.I even met a model and she flew 3,000 miles to come stay 2 weeks with me and she was just as hot in person as she was in her picters when she got off the plan,thin she started wounting to stay forever so I had to get her gone, them.MET this other chick on line and then met her x sister inlaw and we been togeather for close 13-15 years now.I met 7 different ladeys in 5 days on line and took 5 of them home for a few days..LIFE IS SHORT so get all you can when the getting is good.I also been divorced 3 times it was my choice 2 of the times and one wife was a rich bitch modeal,i could not handeal that life long it took me 3 years in court to get rid of her.no moor rings on my finger...ky
I have met several ladeys that way on line.I even met a model and she flew 3,000 miles to come stay 2 weeks with me and she was just as hot in person as she was in her picters when she got off the plan,thin she started wounting to stay forever so I had to get her gone, them.MET this other chick on line and then met her x sister inlaw and we been togeather for close 13-15 years now.I met 7 different ladeys in 5 days on line and took 5 of them home for a few days..LIFE IS SHORT so get all you can when the getting is good.I also been divorced 3 times it was my choice 2 of the times and one wife was a rich bitch modeal,i could not handeal that life long it took me 3 years in court to get rid of her.no moor rings on my finger...ky
You must tell us how you do it

I have had enough of vain women saying they are models

when in truth she was working at the 7-11

and lived in her old boyfriends car, outback

how you do it..?
Chances are she knows you or of you but you are not putting it together yet, years ago I got a text message from a girl that said she was an ex friends sister and she wanted to hang out. I found it odd because I have never met her before nor did I know that my old friend had a sister...
I asked a mutual buddy " Hey does Kyle have a sister?", He goes " Ya she is really hot to..." I didn't ask questions on why she wanted to chill..... Needless to say we became "Friends with benefits" the first day I met her. I found out later that the reason she was banging me was to get back at her brother for stealing $ from her. Twisted, I was used. It was great.
Chances are she knows you or of you but you are not putting it together yet, years ago I got a text message from a girl that said she was an ex friends sister and she wanted to hang out. I found it odd because I have never met her before nor did I know that my old friend had a sister...
I asked a mutual buddy " Hey does Kyle have a sister?", He goes " Ya she is really hot to..." I didn't ask questions on why she wanted to chill..... Needless to say we became "Friends with benefits" the first day I met her. I found out later that the reason she was banging me was to get back at her brother for stealing $ from her. Twisted, I was used. It was great.
Just out of curiosity, did anyone ever tell Kyle that sis was banging you?
Just out of curiosity, did anyone ever tell Kyle that sis was banging you?
He did, we had a face to face. I dropped her off at her house and he was out front, he said "I know your banging my sister" I said " Its more than that, she is my girl friend" he said " I don't care really, as long as you give me a ride to my buddies house down the street..."
" She said don't do it"
I gave him a ride, he didn't try to kill me. Which given his character in hindsight was very very possible. I am suprised I am alive come to think of it. He probably in prison by now.

I know what you are thinking, I will address my questionable loyalty. So Kyle had a serious falling out with our friends over serious poor behavior and being a kind of a bad dude.

But thats all bullshit, I should not have banged her, that was mean and I would be pissed if one of my ex friends did that to me. She was and probably still is the hottest girl I ever got with though... Live and you learn.
There is more to why we stopped being mates, but that is a long story with a lot of dirt I don't know if I should dig up on the boards.
The larger the penis the larger the condom

hence thicker rubber

thicker rubber means more than 1 use one time

simply roll of your love shaft and drop to a bucket of hot soapy water

wash allow to air dry in the shade 2-3 hours

good luck

Are these special reusable condoms or are you just getting your monies worth out of pack of magnums?

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