You know what the problem is. I really mean this.
It is fucking us. Our greed. Our racism and prejudice. Our "I come first mentality."
If we do not come together, and work together as a fucking SPECIES we are done for. I mean that. The earth, at least for now, is able to produce enough for everyone. You know what stops everyone from eating a decent meal? Power. When you control what is needed, you have power. We, as Americans (yes, I know it's hard to swallow, pun not intended) waste so much. It is simply our luxury, we feel we have earned so why the fuck give it up? (I mean our lifestyle). Your ability to walk down the street and snag a burger, fries, and soda for like 4 bucks is something that just is natural to you. It is unheard of in most places of the world.
And the energy and resources to make it so easy for you is staggering. So much simply to make things convenient for you, more energy and resources than a typical African village will see in a year just to run one mcdonalds that throws away so much unbought food it is sickening. (If you can call it food, lol)
There is no simple solution. Either we change, come across an incredible form of energy than can sustain all... or we die burdened by our own gluttony. Crushed to death by our own inability to come together as a SPECIES.