equality isn't fair

i love how you try to turn reality on its head.

you posted a picture of you in the 'pic of yourself' thread which you copied off the internet, downloaded to your computer, and labeled "me2006.jpg", only to have it discovered that the photo was taken in asia sometime in 2008 or 2009.

you were the one who was exposed as a liar you dumb fatass. not the other way around.

And then once you reverse searched it I went to Facebook and found a picture of a random girl that couldn't be found through reverse searching. I made sure she was an overweight girl because I knew you would jump all over it. You fell for it like a drunk grandma on the crooked stair ride at the carnival. Even after explaining it all to you, laughing at you for being so easily trolled and linking you to her profile you still insist it's me. You are a real hoot Uncle Buck. Please don't ever change.
he-cunt is trying to make a virtue out of being caught lying.

i wish him the best of luck with this.

I openly admit to lying. I have since the beginning. The funny part is you believe half of what I say. Just like you believe that picture is me.

I could give a fuck about you or anything else here. Why would "being caught lying" have any importance to me. My whole existence here is a lie.

You're as dumb as Skytard right now. But please, keep going.
he-cunt is trying to make a virtue out of being caught lying.

i wish him the best of luck with this.

March 28, 2014 ...

Proper punctuation AND capitalization. Bravo. :clap:

If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times. "I am a fraud. A self proclaimed troll. I am not who or what I appear to be. My ignorance is a farce, just to get people like you, and Uncle Buck, all in an uproar." I keep saying this and for some reason you people really want to believe I'm some stupid, fat chick. You do it simply to spew your own hatred. I am here to expose the likes of people like you. Keep it up, it's working.

You all have witnessed me lie in 20 different ways, yet you still hold me to some crazy standard of truth. All while you call ME stupid. They say the pot makes you dumb. You must be smoking the good shit.

You fucking puppet.
I openly admit to lying. I have since the beginning. The funny part is you believe half of what I say. Just like you believe that picture is me.

I could give a fuck about you or anything else here. Why would "being caught lying" have any importance to me. My whole existence here is a lie.

You're as dumb as Skytard right now. But please, keep going.

yeah, i'm sure that you stole a picture off the internet saved it to your computer, and relabeled it as "me2006.jpg" because you wanted everyone to know what a stupendous liar you are.

you're fat and no one likes you.
March 28, 2014 ...

You fucking puppet.

yep, bragging about what a great liar you are after you get caught lying is kinda like how kynes bragged about not getting caught for being unable to do exponents.

you're trying to make a virtue out of idiocy, but that is not the way ethos pathos or logos works.

you are just dumb and got caught lying.
he-cunt is trying to make a virtue out of being caught lying.

i wish him the best of luck with this.
Is that right, then where do you think I got the idea for Facebook Steve?
You are so obsessed with investigating members personal lives, you fell for the same trap twice.

I'm sorry, but isn't a threat to expose a members presence here to their employer and spouse grounds for punishment?
Is that right, then where do you think I got the idea for Facebook Steve?
You are so obsessed with investigating members personal lives, you fell for the same trap twice.


I knew the minute I posted a picture of a fat girl that he'd jump all over it. He's still falling for it. He can't make up his mind as to what I am. A banned member, a sock puppet, a fat girl, some random dude, ... He must really enjoy being laughed at. Even after I've told him I'm not who I portrait he still thinks his insults effect me in some way. Hours of entertainment.