Well-Known Member
But.. Racist Racist Racist Racist doesn't get old?
And you saw me accuse someone of being racist where?
But.. Racist Racist Racist Racist doesn't get old?
Read the part about "advisory board" in the bill. They set standards on what care is allowed to be given.
You do..............
Efficacy of care is concerned with the effectiveness of a treatment, not it's cost. They can't throw you off your insurance as long as you pay your premium.And that is different than the medical advisory boards medicare uses now for evaluating the efficacy of care now? What about the studies the AMA does about efficacy of care that they use for advising doctors? I guess that is better than looking at the ledger and seeing which people can be thrown off insurance becuase it effects the bottom line that insurance companys use now Right?
Read it again, it's there, they also determine if "quality of life" justifies the expense.that is correct, they do set the standards, I recall nothing about limiting care - that is up to the doctor and the patient. there is no death panel in any way, shape or form.
Efficacy of care is concerned with the effectiveness of a treatment, not it's cost. They can't throw you off your insurance as long as you pay your premium.
Read it again, it's there, they also determine if "quality of life" justifies the expense.
Where did I say that Fox was any less accurate? I cannot prove that, what I can prove is that Fox viewers are less informed, that has a good bit of significance.
3 months in jail for a parking ticket? LOL!
yeah right. what a shitty liar.
and again, if you could go to jail for not paying the tax penalty, you would shove that citation right in my face. but you can't so you make up a nice long-winded tale about parking tickets.
you're a perfect example of: if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
what part of "Willful Failure to Appear" did you miss bucky?
their assertion was that i refused to show up for court dates they never issued on a case they never filed, for which they had no evidence, and the judge summarily dismissed the ticket. the $4300 was all fines fees and "administrative costs" for the non-existant ticket, for which i was still ruled liable and required to pay. the "Willful Failure to Appear" charge was for not showing up for (imaginary) court dates to deal with the (imaginary) ticket for which i was facing (very real) jail time in SF county's biggest gay bath house. their threat was obvious and completely blatant. Pay up and shut up, or be cast down into the pit with the sodomites
pretending this cant happen, or it is a lie, is your problem buck, anybody who has actually had to face the system from any position other than the dole line will recognize the real deal when they see it.
My grandmother was living in two states on opposite sides of the country. All the while having a full time job and two husbands. She hid this fact from my grandfather, and more importantly the IRS for nearly 30 years. She owed tens of thoudands in back taxes. The Social Security office only had record of one marriage, along with all other government agencies. But if the IRS says it's true, it is. That's the reality. Who are we to say the agency after money is wrong?
Gamgam was a playah! she must have had a shitload of frequent flyer miles!
Heard average cost will be 700 dollars a year.. Depending on incomee.. How is that not worht it.. Thats nothing to make sure you dont get sick and die..
That's the fine (excuse me-tax) for not having insurance. You'll still have to buy insurance. Income isn't a factor when buying insurance. Many will opt to pay the fine. They won't be able to see a doctor unless they qualify for the new, expanded Medicaid or they can go to an emergency room. Some states will not participate. It sounds like a mess.Heard average cost will be 700 dollars a year.. Depending on incomee.. How is that not worht it.. Thats nothing to make sure you dont get sick and die..
Still trying to put words in my mouth? Liar.You admit there are other means to catch voter fraud than requiring an ID? Or is ID the only way?
That's the fine (excuse me-tax) for not having insurance. You'll still have to buy insurance. Income isn't a factor when buying insurance. Many will opt to pay the fine. They won't be able to see a doctor unless they qualify for the new, expanded Medicaid or they can go to an emergency room. Some states will not participate. It sounds like a mess.
Didn't see your apology until after I posted. Thank you.Now I went through all the trouble to re-read your post, discovered my error and appologized for it - and this is your response.
Uncle buck is right. Republicans are fucking retarded and that's a fact. nontheist and justanotherhead are fox news regurgitaters. Get a clue guys we as a country have the worst health care at the highest costs, how is that ok with you? A baby born in certain countries in africa has a better chance at survival than a baby born in the U.S. that's fucking awesome. change the channel and have some real world convos ya, quit listening to your TV's lol
Holy shit you guys are funny lol kynes, you CANNOT post OPINION blogs or papers as fact that just backs up our earlier accusations regarding your puking fox facts lol also you guys are free to vote against Obama and all those who seek to enslave you hahahahaha
That's a limit on your insurance disclosed when you buy it. You can get insurance that has no limit, but it cost more. The pre-existing condition clause means they don't have to pay for in issue you had before you bought the insurance. It is abused tho.BULL SHIT Red. Maximum lifetime or Maximum yearly, or "undisclosed pre-existing conditions" are three ways they often do, paying premiums or not.