You think having insurance will keep you from ever getting sick or ever dieing?Heard average cost will be 700 dollars a year.. Depending on incomee.. How is that not worht it.. Thats nothing to make sure you dont get sick and die..
You think having insurance will keep you from ever getting sick or ever dieing?Heard average cost will be 700 dollars a year.. Depending on incomee.. How is that not worht it.. Thats nothing to make sure you dont get sick and die..
According to that video Corso posted by the geniuses at HBO, the United States is a third world country. We're only number one with prayers to Jesus. What gives?Trolling or intensely stupid? I can't tell the difference.
African mortality rate : 1 in 8 die before age 1
US Mortality rate 1 in 300 die before age 5
African mortality rate 600 times worse than USA mortality rate.
Facts. They is a bitch.
I'm not sure it's even available to the public. It thousands of pages. They didn't even give copies to congress when they voted on it. "We have to pass the (health care) bill so you can find out what is in it."-Nancy PelosiI don't have the bill (never had the law) at hand Red, a link please?
each one of those articles sources their data with scientific studies, the actual methodologies used to count live births and infant deaths, and each one of them is correct. the US uses the most damning methodology to determine what is a live birth, and ANY death before 1 year is counted as infant mortality, including deaths caused by murder of a late term pregnant woman (a Super-Abortion!). meanwhile the rest of the world uses methodologies that make their infant mortality numbers look positively miniscule when compared to the US numbers, but if we used the botswanna methodology, we would have infant mortality close to zero. even the canadian methodology would be called intellectual fraud in the US, and the canadians had a huge scandal when their politicians considered softening the criteria to boost their image in the world. the canadian govt considered the real numbers (even with their soft methodology) to be shameful, and plotted to skew the numbers for a higher position on the UN bullshit rankings.Holy shit you guys are funny lol kynes, you CANNOT post OPINION blogs or papers as fact that just backs up our earlier accusations regarding your puking fox facts lol also you guys are free to vote against Obama and all those who seek to enslave you hahahahaha
Our own people, read liberal politicians and their friends, are the reason we look so bad. All this fucking guilt shit needs to end now, along with needing diversity. We'd be so far ahead if we didn't cater to the "needy" and the needy would still be better off than right now. There would be so many break throughs. It would be like giving away a Commodore PET with our current tech. Everyone would win.each one of those articles sources their data with scientific studies, the actual methodologies used to count live births and infant deaths, and each one of them is correct. the US uses the most damning methodology to determine what is a live birth, and ANY death before 1 year is counted as infant mortality, including deaths caused by murder of a late term pregnant woman (a Super-Abortion!). meanwhile the rest of the world uses methodologies that make their infant mortality numbers look positively miniscule when compared to the US numbers, but if we used the botswanna methodology, we would have infant mortality close to zero. even the canadian methodology would be called intellectual fraud in the US, and the canadians had a huge scandal when their politicians considered softening the criteria to boost their image in the world. the canadian govt considered the real numbers (even with their soft methodology) to be shameful, and plotted to skew the numbers for a higher position on the UN bullshit rankings.
declaring facts to be opinions is not science, its not clever, and it's certainly not mature.
it's posted here. youll need a team of leftist lawyers, careless and shoddy accountants, ignorant actuarials and cut rate mathematicians to get the raw numbers, which you then have to feed through a human centipede of keynesian economists before you get to uncle buck's interpretation.I'm not sure it's even available to the public. It thousands of pages. They didn't even give copies to congress when they voted on it. "We have to pass the (health care) bill so you can find out what is in it."-Nancy Pelosi
It's not just liberals, its the neo-cons too. G W Bush had two years of essentially dictatorial powers not seen since the days of Gaius Marius, and he pissed it all away with bullshit. he could have swept the slate clear of all the horse crap and bueracracy built up over the last 100 years, but instead he wandered about aimlessly, letting the political hacks and "think tanks" of poindexters lead him around by the nose. he could have done so much, but instead he crapped in his own food dish, like a cocker spaniel then pissed in our shoes.Our own people, read liberal politicians and their friends, are the reason we look so bad. All this fucking guilt shit needs to end now, along with needing diversity. We'd be so far ahead if we didn't cater to the "needy" and the needy would still be better off than right now. There would be so many break throughs. It would be like giving away a Commodore PET with our current tech. Everyone would win.
That was awesome indeed.It's not just liberals, its the neo-cons too. G W Bush had two years of essentially dictatorial powers not seen since the days of Gaius Marius, and he pissed it all away with bullshit. he could have swept the slate clear of all the horse crap and bueracracy built up over the last 100 years, but instead he wandered about aimlessly, letting the political hacks and "think tanks" of poindexters lead him around by the nose. he could have done so much, but instead he crapped in his own food dish, like a cocker spaniel then pissed in our shoes.
instead of the second coming of Theodore Roosevelt, we got Herbert Hoover and the Chambers of Waterboarding, followed up with the next guy, Jimmy Carter 2, Electric Boogaloo
(you thought i was gonna go to the half blood prince didnt you?)
What do you got against Snape?(you thought i was gonna go to the half blood prince didnt you?)
by far the best actor in entire potter series. without a doubt.What do you got against Snape?
It could. Hell having insurance means you can get easily get a check up. Giving you advice on what you can do better to improve your living...others may find something problems that can be cured..Having no insurance can mean you not getting that check up to get that info...You think having insurance will keep you from ever getting sick or ever dieing?
$700+ is a mighty expensive free checkup. But imagine how much more that would be if the government never got involved in health care.It could. Hell having insurance means you can get easily get a check up. Giving you advice on what you can do better to improve your living...others may find something problems that can be cured..Having no insurance can mean you not getting that check up to get that info...
Fixed. Shut your face unless you have something useful and relevant to contribute, please.I spout a bunch of bullshit that is irrelevant and meaningless.
My only problem with that rant is he thinks coolies were "hired help" by the railroad companies.Fixed. Shut your face unless you have something useful and relevant to contribute, please.
eat a sack of cocks, please.Fixed. Shut your face unless you have something useful and relevant to contribute, please.
coolies were not slaves, they came close, but not quite. they were more like indentured servants or sharecroppers. chinese laborers were not the first, nor the last people to be abused by a system that put profits over lives, this odes not change the facts that the coolies arrived AFTER the 3/5 compromise, dredd scott and amistad rulings. if the abuses of laborers (of any colour) were the subject that would be relevant, but i was specifically referencing supreme court rulings and constitutional principles which are recognized as bullshit today.My only problem with that rant is he thinks coolies were "hired help" by the railroad companies.
You do realize, based on DNA, EVERY human being is "African", right?coolies were not slaves, they came close, but not quite. they were more like indentured servants or sharecroppers. chinese laborers were not the first, nor the last people to be abused by a system that put profits over lives, this odes not change the facts that the coolies arrived AFTER the 3/5 compromise, dredd scott and amistad rulings. if the abuses of laborers (of any colour) were the subject that would be relevant, but i was specifically referencing supreme court rulings and constitutional principles which are recognized as bullshit today.
coolies were never subject to the 3/5 compromise, as they were never legally slaves. certain native americans and aisans were held as slaves, but they were technically classified as mullatoes. even some europeans were held as slaves (lilly white blonde haired blue eyed dutch immigrant girls declared "Octaroons" and sold as slaves) but those cases were anecdotal, and im not sure if they were real or just (sexy!) propaganda by abolitionists like the numerous "tragic mullato" passion plays that were so popular in the north or the entirely fabricated Uncle Tom's Cabin.
under the US constitution and supreme court rulings, only africans could be slaves, and who is "african" enough to be a slave was left up to the local authorities. thats a whole other issue right there.
foggy, baby! you dont think the poor will be receiving deductible-free medical policies do you? i cant even afford collision coverage on my truck, and you think i got cash to blow on a zero-deductible policy for medical care? dude!It could. Hell having insurance means you can get easily get a check up. Giving you advice on what you can do better to improve your living...others may find something problems that can be cured..Having no insurance can mean you not getting that check up to get that info...
REAALLY!!!You do realize, based on DNA, EVERY human being is "African", right?
You do realize that's a theory and others like Milford Wolpoff say it's wrong, right? Stating that as if it were fact shows how racist you are.You do realize, based on DNA, EVERY human being is "African", right?