Shrooms decrimmed in denver....the new amsterdam...
Wow, such a narrow margin!

I'll bet big pharma will be all over this to shut it down with a new ballot next year. I mean, we can't have people getting over their depression and self loathing and feeling mentally healthy without relying on a daily pill or two... Where's the capitalism in that? :lol:
Wow, such a narrow margin!

I'll bet big pharma will be all over this to shut it down with a new ballot next year. I mean, we can't have people getting over their depression and self loathing and feeling mentally healthy without relying on a daily pill or two... Where's the capitalism in that? :lol:

The smart ones will switch from opioids, to shroomapharma....
With proper guidance shrooms can be extremely helpful for people with ptsd/depression/a number of other mental health issues.

And naturally big pharma won't want that much like Mr BudHound was saying.
Wat the FUCK. You mean to tell me I can eat a couple shrooms and be way the hell better? Yeah I wouldn't want that exceeeeeept...Uncle Sam pays for all my pills. Service connected baby....


Where can I look this up?