Well-Known Member
Cool. Thanks for the report! Once they're rehydrated to 62% please let me know how it changes it up. I agree, I don't normally get a lot of flavor difference between strains but, I do taste subtle hints of those different terps. The lemons, berries, pines, etc. Parts of the smell bouquet.
Its interesting how it changed the texture of the bud, smoothed out like the cotton ball you compared it to, all soft feeling. I don't know that I've ever seen what a freeze drier does to the products that come out of it.
I’m looking forward to seeing how rehydration to 62% rh goes (and what mc% that is), especially regarding taste/smell and texture....
Cracked jars for a few minutes, nice odor recovery goin on...
Air dry goin slow and easy...looking forward to pre-cure smoke off...