Well-Known Member
<<< dream is to open an ALF in a state allowing MM. I am researching and working on business plan/model. I have a lot of regulatory experience. I think I can do it 

it's obvious the subject isn't grammarIts obvious to see your uneducated on the subject lol
I'm new to this forum and saw this post. I think you are following me on twitter. I was just wondering how your website is doing. Looks like you are from Socal too so I thought would reach out to see how your online business is going. I run a few websites too. Maybe we can exchange SEO or online strategies..I am coming off a 12 year run from Res Real Estate and Mortgage, then moved into Portfolio Banking as the bottom fell out. Got a divorce and sold of my homes and did not have the strength to go back at it, in Socal anyways. Socal is so competitive and un loyal it would make a priest puke. I Collect my insurance, while looking for a real job. Not a 100% commission with no benefits etc...
Started a small business shooting commercials for websites. I have been in sales for 25 years and am pretty good at slogans, motto's and pitches. The challenge with this endeavor is that exposure on google and the likes of cost big money and no one wants to pay anything for what they 'think' they can do on their own with a flip phone. (maybe in a couple more years when folks realize the vid they did is not what they were after?) In the meantime I Blog on my site to help with ranking and try and become a trusted resource or hub instead of a self proclaimed expert. (Franchisees welcomed)
I also have a Patent Pending for a gardening gadget, I have the pending for about 5 months now and placed it in one store who owns 4 stores. So one could say 4 stores and his catalog he publishes that a bunch of hydro stores buy through him. XX <--Fingers crossed, LOL. I know it will do well as what you think about comes about. I am scheduled to be at a convention in Long Beach this October with all the hitters there to preview what is new so I will see. One thing I gotta tell you, it is hard to stay focused sometimes. Times I can go balls out and have the enthusiasm of a new mother and other times I tell myself to just do one thing towards marketing or farming my brand a day. I find placing my Brand in an obvious place helps me remember my promise.(like pinned above mu computer)
I recommend this movie to anyone who would like to move up in the world. The name of the movie is "The Secret" it is on Netflix. This will help you, trust me.
Hey man ive been doing the same thing as you, I remember when I was twelve going to my local vans shoe store that was going out of business and buying up an entire wall for about $5 a pair then flipping them for about triple that. Been doing the same thing since then just buying ANYTHING I can sell then flipping it on eBay and Craigslist. Its all about recognizing a good opportunity. I also have similar goals as you man I plan to take the 5k cash I have ( im 18 )and plan on doubling that every year until im about 30, just through varying business ventures and opportunities that come along.When I was seventeen I started an ebay business. I'd go to the local salvo every half-off Wednesday and buy the ralph lauren polos for about a buck a piece. I could sell them in bundles for like 25 bucks or sell them per shirt for about 5 bucks each. You've gotta do it big to make money, I encourage anyone young to do it. With just salvo purchases I was making $200 a week. Then I started buying bulk hats on ebay or bulk shirts.. like 200 per order. You can break them up and sell them and make serious cash. Same goes for computers.... I got ebay proseller status and was making $600 a week... blazed all day making trips to the post office. I've got a million legitimate business ideas, I'm just saving up the cash. 19 years old now and I own/direct and manage a school in Carrefour, Haiti and have a non profit that just won a 20k grant making promotional videos for NGO's in Haiti and Pakistan...
I'm doing amazing so far. Went to college for a year... didn't learn a thing, and now I grow, fly to Haiti every month and make kids smile and earn money and publicity for awesome NGO's. This new year I'm going to start up a legitimate business. I saved up 25k my 18th year (not including four grants that I won) and I hope to make 100k by the time I'm twenty. (Legitimately) smoke money non included...
I quit the ebay gig, not enough time these days.
Hey man ive been doing the same thing as you, I remember when I was twelve going to my local vans shoe store that was going out of business and buying up an entire wall for about $5 a pair then flipping them for about triple that. Been doing the same thing since then just buying ANYTHING I can sell then flipping it on eBay and Craigslist. Its all about recognizing a good opportunity. I also have similar goals as you man I plan to take the 5k cash I have (im 1and double that every year until im about 30, just through varying business ventures and opportunities that come along.
Much respect,
wut the fuck is that about dave?Hello,
As a business owner, you are responsible for many daily operations. There are many skills you must master in order to run a business smoothly. Entrepreneurs today are faced with many new challenges as a result of a technological revolution, and a slow economy, which pushes business leaders to be more creative and innovative in managing their corporations.
David Smith
Appliance Part a good theard i made on all the data i could find on the subject good luckGreetings all.
I am new to this site and am impressed with the level of comnuncation that goes on.
I am also new to growing this sacred plant and have noticed the growing world has really evolved.
From technology to the laws on how they are written.
I am in the process of developing a grow system that will ultimately shorten the grow time of the plant but also increase not just the potency but alter the characteristics of the plant. All mainly thru applied select frequencies.
My primary goal is to sell my systems to medical growers.
The system would consist of a generator, custom software and training on how to use the system.
I am in the preliminary stages of testing.
Does anybody out there know of anyone doing this kind of research?
I can see an amazing amount of potential due to the number of states that have passed medical M.J. (14) and 12 pending.
Much thanks.
ha. the stalks of textile hemp and the herb you smoke come from two different plants. if it where a quote about seperately growing hemp and marijuana for textile sales and smoking respectivly, then it would be correct but implying that they are done from the same plant is ignorant. I stand behind my 'shit talking'
they are in the same family, but to say they are the same and their only difference is in farming practices is absurd. crab apples and granny smiths the same? what about an osage orange, you think with the right ferts it could be edible? nah man, the come from the same family yes BUT in the essence of this conversation (smoking textile hemp) they might as well be totally different plants.. I get where your comming fom being they come from the same family but re-read the whole conversation..Uh, not true. Marijuana = Cannabis Sativa L. Hemp = Cannabis Satliva L. Both one and the same plant, grown for two different end results.