

Well-Known Member
I own a mobile home park. Went all out on making the homes nice. As the economy worsens, I am counting my blessings because I am staying full and my phone is ringing.
I've been in commercial real estate for 15 years. A good 2 star mobile home park can be a fantastic investment.

As a landlord it's a beautiful situation. You are leasing to them dirt. They provide the trailer or mobile home and the tenant has to pay for the maintenance of the units. No fixing toilets. The thought is that if the economy worsens the housing you provide is relatively affordable and could see an increase in demand. That's a perfect world. Generally speaking mobile home parks stay very full in good times and pretty full in bad times.

A high quality retirement community 3 star park can be possibly one of the best properties to own.


My friends home got busted funny thing is equipment was left in tact and the "bacon" was gone. my friend found no warrant sure it was was the pigs though. i am confused i was under the impression that everything is to be seized or destroyed. any thoughts?

Brick Squad

Active Member
My friends home got busted funny thing is equipment was left in tact and the "bacon" was gone. my friend found no warrant sure it was was the pigs though. i am confused i was under the impression that everything is to be seized or destroyed. any thoughts?
post this in legal edge you will get more help.

Im aspiring to open up a Dispensary in a state that legalizes it and i want to be on the frontier of the movement in whatever state makes medical legal when i get my Bachelors in buisness. Hopefully thats how it will play out that is kind of what i plan on doing.

What do you guys think is it a stretch at all? i want to make it upscale and really nice a place people feel welcome and a place they would like to hang out. The only problem i have found with my little business plan is that there are probably hundreds of other people thinking along the same lines that i am.
I run a online supplement business, i am quitting my job after it being open in nov 2009 and I'm 20. Its really simple, think outside the box, and keep your paperwork good!

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I feel like thatd be a great business if there werent 34234325 online supplement companys already. But if you can make it, good for you!
I feel like thatd be a great business if there werent 34234325 online supplement companys already. But if you can make it, good for you!
I totally agree, it can be hard to start but online businesses are really cheap to start, i started this one with $200. Just got to set yourself apart, product knowledge helps a ton to.


Well-Known Member
Im aspiring to open up a Dispensary in a state that legalizes it and i want to be on the frontier of the movement in whatever state makes medical legal when i get my Bachelors in buisness. Hopefully thats how it will play out that is kind of what i plan on doing.

What do you guys think is it a stretch at all? i want to make it upscale and really nice a place people feel welcome and a place they would like to hang out. The only problem i have found with my little business plan is that there are probably hundreds of other people thinking along the same lines that i am.
It is a stretch because there is nowhere to start until the laws have been passed and procedures set up by whatever bureaucracy will be in charge of it.
I too am doing the same. Talking with my attorney has gotten me nowhere as he has no idea how it will be set up either.
My best advice is wait it out until the laws are passed. At the very least, dont waste your money on an attorney now..... they dont know anything. Currently if it's not legal in your state it is simply a waiting game.


Well-Known Member
Im in the midst of starting a new online networking website for college students. once this idea gets moving ill post more information. but tis a golden idea and don't want it stolen.


I started my own flooring company here in KY smack in the middle of a recession! I got laid off from my job 2 yrs ago and while sitting at home drawing unemployment I started picking up little cash jobs here and there. I already had all the tools and it seemed like I kept getting more and more calls. Long story short I bought some business cards, refridgerator magnets and started putting ads on sites like craigslist. I saved a little, got business insurance and havent looked back since. I have recently picked up work from 3 different contractors and about a dozen interior decorators around my area not to count all the business just from word of mouth. I had to bring in two other guys I worked with just to keep up! I write off EVERYTHING I can too. I keep two different invoices in my truck too. One that has my company name that I give to clients that own business' (such as the contractors) and one I give to someone who just calls from word of mouth. This invoice just has my name on it so they make the check out to me directly and not my business name so I can just take it to thier bank and cash it and keep it off my books and seperate from my business account. As long as it is under $599 Im good on those!