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Well-Known Member
You,ve misread budy why do you think i use a single 50 ltr airpot and 15 lt air pots for smaller plants ? 100 ltr would have been overkill imo they only root for the 1st 5 ish weeks after 12/12 is induced and if it,s not filled 80% with roots is causes unecacery streaching ime. atb Tcd

Of course 2 x 1000w is better than 2x 600w lighting but take 3x 600w saving power better light spread and more lumens, it,s a no brainer.
Also i don,t know what you,ve been looking at but under my screen is well maintained ??? TCD
What medium are you using, What size pots are in this pic, and what is the neat little water setup u have there....... ???????

and what size is that tent?



Active Member
What medium are you using, What size pots are in this pic, and what is the neat little water setup u have there....... ???????

and what size is that tent?

Hi jutah there 15 ltr air pots with 70/30 coco+perlite in a 1.5 x1.5 mtr tent, the little bucket is where i put my pump into, it gets filled via it,s stop valve from a 50 ltr tank. With it running into the tent it gets heated free for the daily feed ;) Roots of a plant are like the plant it,s self, if you tip a root it splits into 2 then 4 just like the top of the plant. That,s the principal that air pots work on. And ime they do it very,very well. atb Tcd


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;7454704 said:
Bud porn from my current SCROG pictured earlier ;

White Rhino


Ice Kush

Blueberry Gum

Cream Caramel

Red Diesel

Damn bro did you lace your shit....that is some serious BUD PORN!!! Very nice work bro.
You,ve misread budy why do you think i use a single 50 ltr airpot and 15 lt air pots for smaller plants ? 100 ltr would have been overkill imo they only root for the 1st 5 ish weeks after 12/12 is induced and if it,s not filled 80% with roots is causes unecacery streaching ime. atb Tcd

Of course 2 x 1000w is better than 2x 600w lighting but take 3x 600w saving power better light spread and more lumens, it,s a no brainer.
Also i don,t know what you,ve been looking at but under my screen is well maintained ??? TCD
I am a "up the skirt" kind of guy


Active Member
It,s at the end of week 7 today or 48 days old, it,s not been harvested yet another 3 weeks,ish ? the plant decides the final time, so i can,t answer the 1st 2 questions. However imo two 600 will defintly give you a better yeild maybe not double but certainly a 60/70% increase depending on skill etc, well worth doing imo. The next grow i,m going to try something that,s well far out, but will work vertical and horozontal scrog at the same time one tent, A real bud box :) atb Tcd
That would be sick! Two air cooled sixers(or one 1000)and some hanging reflectorless hid bulbs hps or mh, for the side vert screens! that would be a for real budbox!


Active Member
That would be sick! Two air cooled sixers(or one 1000)and some hanging reflectorless hid bulbs hps or mh, for the side vert screens! that would be a for real budbox!
By the time the side screens are fill the tent will only be aprox 1 mtr wide, so i was thinking two 600,s 1 over the bottom with no reflector then one 15/24 inches above the bare one with a parabolic reflector ??? i,m try to work out a fourth wall idea it,s a shame to waste that apace :) posibly a pot with a vertical screen that i can move to let into the tent, it,s another 4 or 5 square feet of bud. Tcd :idea: i can,t help it


By the time the side screens are fill the tent will only be aprox 1 mtr wide, so i was thinking two 600,s 1 over the bottom with no reflector then one 15/24 inches above the bare one with a parabolic reflector ??? i,m try to work out a fourth wall idea it,s a shame to waste that apace :) posibly a pot with a vertical screen that i can move to let into the tent, it,s another 4 or 5 square feet of bud. Tcd :idea: i can,t help it
Keep us all updated with pics when you do it, sound great idea but I haven't got the balls to do it. Lol


Active Member
That would be badass for sure! tents usually have three sides that open you could use the back, non opening wall for the vert scrog!Then you can still do all your training with the remaining three open sides! great idea bro with the light setup, just have real good venilation and neg air pressure within the tent for those non air cooled lights and youll be golden! What about cool tubes one with refloctor and one without, or you could make an angled reflector! damn man you got me thinking now!


New Member
hey all figured i show you all some updates of my girls there still far off from being placed under scrog still under flourescents was 18 /6 changed them recently to 24 / 0 for next 3 weeks then under 3 k for another 4 weeks under scrog table
plans are to have 6 foot tall x 6 foot wide plants lets hope they get there flowering 8000 watts 5 plants for this grow
My new grow in the makings will be over 10 k for that one 16 plant that will be on a 10 foot by 20 foot scrog table



Active Member
That would be badass for sure! tents usually have three sides that open you could use the back, non opening wall for the vert scrog!Then you can still do all your training with the remaining three open sides! great idea bro with the light setup, just have real good venilation and neg air pressure within the tent for those non air cooled lights and youll be golden! What about cool tubes one with refloctor and one without, or you could make an angled reflector! damn man you got me thinking now!
Yes for sure at least for the bare one, i,ve seen them but never realy paid much attension, does the reflector/metal part come of ok ? Sound idea budy, i,m planning on using the 3 walls it,s the door part i,m trying to figure out for the fourth vertical wall ;) thanks budy feel free to forward anymore ideas. Apreciated atb Tcd


Active Member
Yes for sure at least for the bare one, i,ve seen them but never realy paid much attension, does the reflector/metal part come of ok ? Sound idea budy, i,m planning on using the 3 walls it,s the door part i,m trying to figure out for the fourth vertical wall ;) thanks budy feel free to forward anymore ideas. Apreciated atb Tcd
Daaamn your gonna do all the side walls! i cant wait to see this! I saw your skills so i know u can do it! It will be challenging my friend, but off the charts yeild per sq foot if you can pull it off. I didnt know you were planning on doing 4 walls, im not sure but i think ud have to leave at least one side, the door, open so you can get in and train?Oh shit i forgot you said you were gonna make the walls moveable. All the walls or one? In that case id just hang 2, 600 watters(180000 lumens) or even better( if you can cool them) 2, 1000 watters(300000 lumens!!!)! and some 6500k cfls or something for that extra blue spectrum. A 440 or 675 cfm fan filter combo in top for exaust and smell, then a smaller cfm for intake at bottom, you know how to do it, i seen your grow! I always wanted to hang hps blubs vertical with no hood. The colas can grow so close with good cooling. Imagine the vert scrog nugs just reaching for that huge vertical bulb. Great idea tcd i want to go get another 1000 watter and do it myself! ps the reflector of the cool tube i got came not assembled so you can just build it or not or use the metal to make your own tha suits your grow.


Active Member
Ideal budy i,ll go just now and colect one maybe two ? these would make things so much easyer with regards to cooling and getting closer. I totaly agree with you on improving the blue end of the spec, if the cool tubes are suitable i might go for 2 pure hps and 1 m.h 1800w = aprox 270,000 lmn. But i think to start of with i will be using grolux horti bulbs. The door screen is the one i,m thinking on making movable the rest is as you discribed, up the walls etc, so there is 5 x 1 mtr ;) although to start with 4 will do i,ll need to see how it actually does first, but i,m confident it will work there is no reason why plants at an equall distance from the light should not yeild the same..... i think ? I,ve had to return a tent i,m expecting the replacement tomorow i,ll post some photo,s of the set up, less the bud :( atb Tcd
I picked this up, it should do the job......

Hrs later... As luck :( would have it the reflector bit was in it, half an hour had it sorted, it,s absolutely spot thanks for sugesting them t2k much apreciated, btw the piece i,ve taken out is perfect for 2 x 55w tubes :). Does anyone cool tubes due to heat probs,do they make a big difrence. Thanks again TCD


Active Member
Looking lush budy that,s as good a screen as i,ve seen what size is it and what lighting are you using top notch. I had my para reflector hanging on a light mover for almost 6 mths, it,s a mtr wide so i never gave it a thought, fck was that a mistake it gives intensity light all over, it also lets the light in at difrent angles and makes a notable difrence. :oops: crikey did i admitt that ? :) atb Tcd


Active Member
Thanks man i appreciate that! Ive got a 5ft by 5ft tent, with a 4ft by 4ft screen thats 2 feet high.Ive got a 1000 watt hps cooltube with a 440cfm fan sucking air from a nextdoor room(bathroom) and exausted to the attic.I have a 180 cfm fan filter sucking raidiant heat from cooltube and cfls out the top of tent, one fan hanging from the side of the screen directly in front of the intake port on the bottom left of tent, and a canopy fan blowing across light and plants at an upward angle pointed towards the fan filter combo. btw dont matter if u had a parobolic on a light mover your plants look awesome bro...