Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page


Well-Known Member
howdy people i have a scrog and dont know whether to leave some holes in my net empty so when it comes to flowering i can still keep bending branches threw, or simply to fill all holes in net and flower??


Well-Known Member
howdy people i have a scrog and dont know whether to leave some holes in my net empty so when it comes to flowering i can still keep bending branches threw, or simply to fill all holes in net and flower??
It depends on a lot of things, but either way will work. A lot of people let the screen get about 2/3 full before flipping the lights to 12-12 and use the strech to fill in the rest. you can fill every hole and flower, but your overall plant height will be much taller and potentially not as even since your tops will be growing straight up and not being trained under the screen any more, so make sure you have room if you go that route.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone this is my second grow and ive decided I would use the scrog method in soil. I'm using Fox farm Nutrients and dirt. I have a 250w mh/hps switchable ballast The box its in is Depth- 2.5 ft, Width- 2.5 ft, height- 4ft. As well I have a 4 inch exhaust fan pulling hot air out and a fan blowing cool air in. Here's what the current setup looks like.

All of the plants are clones. The two smaller clones are Supergirl and the other is Great white shark.

Supergirl is one of the new powerful strong kinds! This plant is dark green, sturdy and easy to grow. Supergirl produces big swollen buds with shining THC crystals. After your labor of love growing Supergirl you’ll be rewarded with of her high THC content for hours in Nirvana. Flowering Time - 60 days roughly

Great white shark is a cross between a Super Skunk and a White Widow. Flowering Time: For indoors a suggested time of 8 weeks. Achievements: 2nd - Place - BIO-Award 1997, 2nd - Place - Cannabis Cup 1997

If anyone has anything to say or advice i could use please post away, Ill be updating as much as possible. :joint::joint::joint: Thank you in advance ..


Well-Known Member
im about to start a scrog, i have a 400w hps with a cool tube, but i dont have much height between the screen and bulb. 10 inches. the temps are at 78 within 2 inches. whats my best option?


Well-Known Member
im about to start a scrog, i have a 400w hps with a cool tube, but i dont have much height between the screen and bulb. 10 inches. the temps are at 78 within 2 inches. whats my best option?

Found this chart on another thread, I think its pretty informative. 10 inches away from a 400 watter seems a little close when you consider how much the buds are going grow up through the screen. 10 inches away from the canopy might be ok if you can you temps under control, which it sounds like you can with your cool tube. Are you sure there isn't a way to get more room in there? can you lower your screen? raise your light some how, use shorter pots/ hydro res.


Well-Known Member
that chart is actually so helpful. thanks. and well its in a dresser, its only 4 feet tall. my bottom drawer is where the clay pellets are, and directly underneath my res. i guess i could probably gain 2 more inches by cutting down on the pellets. i have 8 computer fans in to help the temps/airflow. 2 for my diy cool tube.


Well-Known Member
Every inch you can gain would help. With a 400 watt light and hydro, your buds could end up being around a foot above the screen. Since its in a dresser, you cant raise your light, you could still probably lower you screen a couple inches, I have seen some screens only like 3 or 4 inches above the plants that looked fine, as long as there is enough room to move the branches around under there. Good luck with your grow and post some pics on here when you get it going.


Well-Known Member
i should be able to lower it, i was going to try jack herer (cause i love it), buuut well i guess i dont have the room for an almost pure sativa. lol. but i appreciate the help, and i will absolutely post pics when it gets going. three mothers almost ready to throw me some clones.


Well-Known Member
If you flip your lights when the screen is only 1/3 or 1/2 full you could get away with using a sativa dominant plant, you will just need to keep training it for longer than the 2 weeks that most people recomend. Thats the beauty of a scrog grow, you can fit some huge plants into some small spaces.


Well-Known Member
If you flip your lights when the screen is only 1/3 or 1/2 full you could get away with using a sativa dominant plant, you will just need to keep training it for longer than the 2 weeks that most people recomend. Thats the beauty of a scrog grow, you can fit some huge plants into some small spaces.

Thats a pretty good idea, i may have to go for it then. :P oh, and quick question, would it be beneficial to just go for a 250 instead of the 400?


Well-Known Member
Thats a pretty good idea, i may have to go for it then. :P oh, and quick question, would it be beneficial to just go for a 250 instead of the 400?
It might be, heat will be less, I dont know how big your cabinet is, but you can do the math. You want between 50 and 70 watts per foot. Over 70 wont hurt your plants, but it won't increase your yeild or any thing. I would definetly grow the jack herer if its your favorite strain.


there are a lot of clones in there...almost like a sog/scrog mix. YOUR CANOPY LOOKS LIKE FLYING A HELICOPTER OVER VIETNAM OR THE AMAZON RAIN FOREST +PROPS...does anyone have an opinion about using that many clones? it seems to me like it would fill the canopy quicker, less veg=faster harvest it seems like...comments appreciated


Well-Known Member
there are over 700 posts in this thread. which picture are you talking about? quote it so everyone else will know what you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
It might be, heat will be less, I dont know how big your cabinet is, but you can do the math. You want between 50 and 70 watts per foot. Over 70 wont hurt your plants, but it won't increase your yeild or any thing. I would definetly grow the jack herer if its your favorite strain.
its 4' tall x 2 1/2' wide x 1 1/2' deep.(exactly why im doing a scrog, lol) im pretty sure it ends up being 6 square ft. well i am going with the jh, but its going to be next grow, i have 3 unknown mothers right now. cloned off friends, parents, outdoor plants. we shall see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
oh wow, i must have been under the influence when i did the math to that, i guess i mistook the height for the length. ugh, its only 3.75fts squared.


my bad it was a random page number so im not gonna b able to find...but whats your take on more plants for shorter veg and faster total crop time?


Well-Known Member
my bad it was a random page number so im not gonna b able to find...but whats your take on more plants for shorter veg and faster total crop time?
There isn't any wrong way to do it, but IMO there wouldn't be a big advantage to doing this. You wouldn't save any space because the space for a bunch of small plants would be the same as the space for a few big plants. You would save some time on your first run by vegging them for less time, but if you had a separate vegg area, that advantage would go away once you had a regular cycle down. There are a lot of legal problems with growing more plants also. Some states medical mj laws limit how many plants you can grow. My state lets you have 7 plants, so it would be better to have 7 big ones than small ones. A lot of courts figure out sentancing based on the number of plants, not size. Growing turns into a federal thing at 99 plants, for example. You could have a scrog with 4 plants in it and someone else could have a sea of green with 50 plants in it, you could both have the same lights, canopy size etc and be getting the same yeilds, but if you both get busted what looks worse to the cops and courts? the guy with 50 plants. Lik I said, no wrong way to do it, but thats my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
hey i wonderd if ony one could help me out. i got a tent that is 4ft x 4ft x 6and half ft tent. and i got 8 newly vegging plants in there.
when is the best time to scrog?
can i scrog with so many plants in that space?
and one more thing whilst i scrog and i later finde out i got male plants is it easy to remove? does it take afeckt to the other plants when removing one meaning to they get unevan with the extra space?

sorry if these are noobie quastions just really new to growing and cudnt finde the ansers to this
thanks boys!