Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page


Well-Known Member
Woodsman or anyone else with some experience in this growing method what size screen would you recommend for a small 1 or 2 plant grow ?

You know, I really like the 2" x 3" mesh size for just about every run but thats considering my conditions and plant choice. I also vegg plants into large bushes and can take up great amounts of space. If the plants are small however, you may find training to be more easily done with a smaller hole/greater number of them per sq inch. I would never choose anything smaller than an inch.

Depending on training style, you may be pulling growth back down through, and re-training it to protrude from another hole. In other words you would want the holes to be large enough not to cause damage when doing so.


Well-Known Member
Guest999 Re: JC2 Scrog
“Haha, that sounds about right. How high did the JC2 stretch above the screen?”
I worked to gain the look that I finished with. (Thai stickish) Some cola's reached over 24 inches. The lower buds on the stem became the new canopy once I harvested the top half. With our med laws, we are only allowed to have an ounce at one time. I tend to have "pop in's" showing up during spring and fall and have to keep my harvest to a min. I harvest in portions and have lately, been growing accordingly. I also harvested entire colas in order to thin the growth left behind; some shots look may look like it. This allowed more light penetration for the remaining buds and allowed them to fatten up while others were dried and jarred.
After harvesting this way, I will be hard to convince to harvest in any other way!



Well-Known Member
Sticky sticky! I would like to be your trimming tool right about now. :D

I dont see much trained plant, tell us the story! Looks like the screen (is there one in there?) is certianly doing its job however, must be some heavy buds in there.

Looking yummy!


Well-Known Member
Another update on my first SCROG. Well after my first harvest this method I am hooked....My Previous record for a strain that I have been growing for a few years was around 6.5 ounces and this plant
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came in at 10.5 ounces :) !! I will definately have more than one of these in next time but I was clearing out some strains this last time. Hopefully I will be scrogging this and OG Kush. Thanks again everyone contributing to this thread, it does help.


Well-Known Member
Here's my High Altitude, 8' SCROG!

These White Widow's (2 plants in the back) have outgrown their 8' wire cages. So I've added a top of remesh wire, & started a SCROG at 8'!

Click on the link below for more pic's & Video's.




Just finished the 63 page read and i'm insanely impressed. Will use all this info to do my first. Thanks to everyone thats added something to this amazing thread. Woodsman thanks for starting this. Will toss pics up after i fill in the screen I need to make :) Ill be flowering with x3 436 t5s over 6 plants. about 4ft x 2.5ft each? Hoping for a better turn out with them figured solid canopy is the trick.


Well-Known Member
Now were talkin' folks!

I can’t tell you how much I like what I am seeing here good fellas and fine madams, I am most impressed. As always, I am glad to have been able to help organize what’s turning out to be one of RIU's most educational threads. Each and every one of the members who have contributed here has helped create a priceless resource. Our hats are off to you~!



Well-Known Member
Looking Fantastic. That’s a cherry high screen! I dig the mesh size, good hand access. If you can get us some more images of the screening that would be great. I am sure this is going to be a popular one that folks are going to want to replicate. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Finishing out another fine flood of gooey ganja we see! Your contribution is appreciated as it should be my good man, and the quality in your work never goes unnoticed. Thanks for the post!


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you were able to find the help you needed here, and more so that you were able to increase your yield by what you learned. Thanks for the post and keep us tuned in on your future gardening. I hope we see more of you!


Well-Known Member
Sure thing woods.

Thank you, the 8' SCROG is actually a "plan B". I had hoped that the 8' cages I made from 6"x6" remesh wire from Home Depot, would be enough. But, the WW's are not cooperating! lol!

I have SCROG'd before, but always down at a lower altitude. I will admit this is a challenge. I've almost fallen twice already, trying to reach out! But I've been "tucking under" I think I may switch to 'tying down" the branches instead, after they've come thru.

How about a video? Here's a clip from yesterday:

P.S. I'll be sure to get more pic's from the SCROG & keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
FIRST VIDEO POSTER! Thanks DoubleJJ, Glad you went to plan B.

Who’s widow? Those are monsters. I like it brother. Seed or clone? Looks like they may be of different phenotypes. I would say this is the largest widow scrog I have seen, a good plan B. I am trying to get a hold of a photo that High Times Magazine published at one time. It was of an extremely large plant that was trellised at about the same height however was cleared of all vegetation from below the screen. It covered an immense area. I seem to remember it having been grown in the equatorial regions and thus had years to become what it was. Epic none the less. I will continue to look for it and post if I find some that are ok to copy.

Well I, as I am sure many here now do, look forward to seeing the progression of your garden project. I thank you for your responce and product information and wish you the best! Let me know if you need help trimming! ;)



Well-Known Member
I have SCROG'd before, but always down at a lower altitude. I will admit this is a challenge. I've almost fallen twice already, trying to reach out!

I have seen a "catwalk" in use on a high grow. Scaffolding might work in your case. If you have use of an aluminum welder maybe tac up a light something with I beams and sheet that would fit your space. Or have someone do it. I get used materials from a local dump and do similar improvisations; but I live in the bush of AK :mrgreen:.


Well-Known Member
Here's more pics from this weeks update. To help people better visualize my room, it is 3'4" from the glass on the reflectors to the floor. There are 2 600w lights above a 3'x8' screen. There are 4 plants on the left side and 5 on the right.



Well-Known Member
WOW, that is f***ing beutiful. The whole set up looks to notch and so do those buds. Is that a grow tent? in the first pic, are those res guages or what? Not trying to be nosy but how much did the whole setup cost, i want it. Ive been thinking of doing a SCROG but am not sure what all the benifits are, i heard it mainly has to do with height but i have plenty of height in my room. My room is around 6'ft long X 3 1/2ft wide and 71/2 tall. So, would i be benifiting from scroging? Is there a difference in the weight of a harvest with SCROG compared toa harvest with traditional topping or Fimming? or is there a difference? i know scrogging looks buetifull during the flowering stages but then again all of it looks buetiful during flowering.
I need to go lay down i just got out of hospital from a couple right elbow/arm surgerys. They ended up saving my arm! They have something called a shoulder block wich completely numbs my arm from the shoulder down so the pain is not nearly as bad as i thought it would be. pretty much my whole elbow is metal now, along with a good chunk of my arm.So all n all im glad i was able to keep my arm and to top it off they didnt even have to use a external fixator(metal rods sticking out of elbow/arm like a halo)
Take it easy and stay safe.


Well-Known Member
WOW, that is f***ing beutiful. The whole set up looks to notch and so do those buds. Is that a grow tent? in the first pic, are those res guages or what? Not trying to be nosy but how much did the whole setup cost, i want it. Ive been thinking of doing a SCROG but am not sure what all the benifits are, i heard it mainly has to do with height but i have plenty of height in my room. My room is around 6'ft long X 3 1/2ft wide and 71/2 tall. So, would i be benifiting from scroging? Is there a difference in the weight of a harvest with SCROG compared toa harvest with traditional topping or Fimming? or is there a difference? i know scrogging looks buetifull during the flowering stages but then again all of it looks buetiful during flowering.
I need to go lay down i just got out of hospital from a couple right elbow/arm surgerys. They ended up saving my arm! They have something called a shoulder block wich completely numbs my arm from the shoulder down so the pain is not nearly as bad as i thought it would be. pretty much my whole elbow is metal now, along with a good chunk of my arm.So all n all im glad i was able to keep my arm and to top it off they didnt even have to use a external fixator(metal rods sticking out of elbow/arm like a halo)
Take it easy and stay safe.
Always happy to answer question. It is not a tent, I built a room in the cralwspace under my stairs. Its roughly 3'4" tall, about 10' wide and about 4 ' deep. In the backround of the first pics are leave in(blue ones) Hanna PH/PPM meters. Just so I can fast and easily check how my res's are doing. The smaller gray ones are just thermometers and Humidity readout. As far as cost, It's in the $3,500usd range. But it wasnt all bought at once, gradual upgrades and stuff along the way, and the room still isnt even finished. Im planning on water cooling the whole room, co2 gen, and res's with the next upgrade and thats going to run me about another $2,000 but it will save me about $75 a month on my electric bill and allow me to completely seal my room. Scrog's are obviously very beneficial to anyone with a short space such as myself, but they will generally increase your yields and keep your plant numbers down in any room. They benefit anyone because training the plant in that manner makes it so that every branch gets almost equal light and all tun into large colas instead of having 1 large cola and small side branches that get smaller the further down they get. You can top and train other ways and get similar results, but they are generally more work and I dont know if I could have gotten the numbers I have with other methods. The left side og the screen last time only had 3 Blue Kush clones in it and I harvested 16oz3g of pure dank buds and had so much trim I got 2oz of bubble has from the trim. So Id say every one should give it a try if you're not getting the numbers you are looking for. Sorry your elbo got messed up, but like you said, at least you got to keep the arm. I wish you luck on your future grow. If you want to see more or see my room progress from the begening, the link in my sig is for my journal.


Well-Known Member
In a craw space!!! damn, now thats some stoner inguenity. So you got over a pound with 3 plants! Thats great. I might have to try this scrogging technique out. Are you a fairly small person? i mean do you got some kind of system to move around easily in the 3'4 tall area? Im 6ft and 255pnds so theres no way i could do that. But i love your room it looks very effeciant and proffesional. I bet its stays pretty cool under there to, being in a craw space.
My grow now is kind of a weird one. It started with 2 mystery clones that i cloned when they were big enough. then the 2 big ones i put into seperate 5gal DWC buckets and they were going great untill the res got way to hot (root rot). I then transplanted the 2 DWC into soil to save them and got them back to health. Then the 8 clones i took just got transplanted to bigger soil containers (5gal). I just switched them all to flowering but it looks funny with 2 4ft tall plants and 8 1 1/2ft clones on milk crates to get them close enough to the lights with out burning the big ones. Maybe i'll just take a pic and see what kind of advice if any you can give me on my slghtly odd grow.
Also, Where did you get the blue kush from?
Thanks for your time.