Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page


Well-Known Member
I am limited to 5 plants for legal reasons. My plan is to make an aero setup with 5 sites. I will have the setup slightly lower than a table. I want to train the plants to grow onto the table and fill a 3x3 or 4x4 area. Maybe even wrap around. Has anyone tried this?


Well-Known Member
hey all. I am about join the ranks of being a scrog grower. I have watched countless videos, read journals, compared notes, and i think i am ready. Have been growing for aprx 2 years solid, and I kept putting off the scrogging for my "next grow." well, my next grow is upon me. I am not putting it off any longer. I actually had to debate with myself pretty good because i just finished up my Ghost Train Haze #1, and the only technique i used was LST'ing by tieing down all the branches that grew upward. I ended up pulling over 7 ounces off one plant...so I started wondering if it was necessary to try scrogging since I am getting such good results with my metheod i just explained...But I decided I gotta give it a try. All your guy' pictures of tents STUFFED full of bud, no more room for not even ONE more, yea, thats what i am looking for~!
I will post some pics of my pvc scrog screen i am about to make. If anyone has tips for setting up a 2x2 scrog that can make my life easier, I am ALL ears! thanks
-G.Thumbs Mcgee
I have found scrog to be a great way to maximize your plants potential I have grown indoor for many years now and have tried just about every way imaginable I have ran many test runs to see what works best for me running the same cut of Girl Scout cookies in same size rooms with same mother and bites Scrog in one room sea of green in another and plain in the last room and here were my results plain room yielded 500 grams per meter sq sog yielded 380 grams per meter sq and scrog produced 670 grams per meter sq on top of maximizing the rooms potential I also found it to have denser buds to to better more even light exposure I know everyone has there methods but for me I find scrog to be the way to go if u disagree plz post ur reasons why
hey all. I am about join the ranks of being a scrog grower. I have watched countless videos, read journals, compared notes, and i think i am ready. Have been growing for aprx 2 years solid, and I kept putting off the scrogging for my "next grow." well, my next grow is upon me. I am not putting it off any longer. I actually had to debate with myself pretty good because i just finished up my Ghost Train Haze #1, and the only technique i used was LST'ing by tieing down all the branches that grew upward. I ended up pulling over 7 ounces off one plant...so I started wondering if it was necessary to try scrogging since I am getting such good results with my metheod i just explained...But I decided I gotta give it a try. All your guy' pictures of tents STUFFED full of bud, no more room for not even ONE more, yea, thats what i am looking for~!
I will post some pics of my pvc scrog screen i am about to make. If anyone has tips for setting up a 2x2 scrog that can make my life easier, I am ALL ears! thanks
-G.Thumbs Mcgee


Well-Known Member
Oh and green thumbs I would recommend using plastic fencing and use a square made of pvc pipe that will make it so it can be reused and also can be lifted up and down as needed just run string in each corner down from roof once u get it down I would recommend a v scrog but u need Atleast a 3 by 3 for it to be necesary
cool, thanks for that tidbit bro....
so your saying to just hang it above the plant, by tying it from the frame? That seems easy enough, but i am curious what will stop the plant from just pushing the screen upward...Is the weight of the pvc screen and plastic fencing enough to overpower the upward push of the plant? prob a dumb question, but this is my first scrog.
thanks bud


Well-Known Member
Oh and one more thing is I would recommend placing screen a week before flowering it will fill out completAly during stretch and make sure to hack anything that doesn't get above screen or Atleast getting good light exposure
one more thing, what height do you place yours at on average....i mean...what works best for you? is this something that varies from grow to grow, or is there a general rule of thumb? Thanks again for the response.


Well-Known Member
3rd and final question dude...You said use use plastic fencing...what kind you talking and how you secure it to your pvc? zip ties? thanks a lot =)


Well-Known Member
I'm about to set up a grow. I'm limited to five plants. I'll have a 600 watt hid. I'm pLanning to use a homemade Rubbermaid aero setup. I'm thinking that I will train the plants onto a table and let them fill the 4x4 area before I flower. I notice on here that scrog technique is having the plants under the screen. Am I crazy for trying to grow them out onto a screen?


Well-Known Member
hey bud...how did you secure your pvc screen to your tent frame? i cant tell in the pic...this is exactly what i am trying to get setup.

hey man... i used rope rachets(the ones used to hang light hoods) and connected 1 from each corner to the top of the tent so i can easily adjust the height.....shouldnt be a problem because the actual scrog screen is REALLY light ....worked out pretty well for me


Well-Known Member
hey man... i used rope rachets(the ones used to hang light hoods) and connected 1 from each corner to the top of the tent so i can easily adjust the height.....shouldnt be a problem because the actual scrog screen is REALLY light ....worked out pretty well for me
nice. Yea, I just so happen to have 4 1/4 in rope ratchets laying around. I have thought about doing it that way, but i thought the plant would push back, but then if that happened, i could just ratchet it down to the bottom of the frame as well. Viola! hahah! thanks alot man, you helped me get over my hump...:wall: <------ been doing that for about a week thinking about this. lol. seems so simple now.
I just didnt want to put legs on it because i knew it would be something that would vary from grow to grow. BTW, on average, how many inches do you give from the screen to base of pot? just an average...Like i said before, this is my first one. I know once i delve into it, it will start answering all my questions by just doing it. Its funny how I let shit like this scare me out of trying it. I have been wanting to do scrog since i started growing pretty much, but i always found a reason not to do it. I was just scared. lol. I am forcing myself this time, because i have a Grape god going, and it is growing that uniform style for scrog grows after being topped only once. I know it will do awesome. anyway, thanks again bro.


Well-Known Member
Oh and green thumbs I would recommend using plastic fencing and use a square made of pvc pipe that will make it so it can be reused and also can be lifted up and down as needed just run string in each corner down from roof once u get it down I would recommend a v scrog but u need Atleast a 3 by 3 for it to be necesary

hey all, I know I have been a pest with all my rookie questions regarding my scrog screen build. Turns out it was a lot easier than I had envisioned. anyway, just wanted to say i no longer needed my questions answered. I just burned down, and took a stroll thru the local Lowes. I ended up just going with exactly what you suggested. I was gonna do the screws, and use masonry string, but the plastic fencing and zip ties seemed way easier, so that is what i went with.
I am just going to hang it with 1/4 inch ratchet hangers, and then strap it to the bottom of the frame for any vertical upward push the plant might throw at it, but i think this should do the trick. I am curious as to why a lot of growers say string is the best...why? anyone? is there anything wrong with this as a setup?