Enough to make my head spin.


Oi Vey. I've been reading and learning all that I can on this forum, while keeping up with life and school. That being said, HOLY FLYING PIG TITTIES. Growing happy plants is hard work. I get the lighting now, I get the nutes and their conversion to sugars, I get the chlorophyll degredation process. But I'll be damned if I can wrap my head around curing and harvesting. Now, I'm a smart guy, as a lot of smokers are I've noticed, but holy cow muffins. I don't want to grow some great looking buds, just to have then screwed up by a too long/too short dry time. Or a bad cure, or whatever else can happen to fuck up your buds. I've read the stickies, but nowhere does it say "Cut buds, hang branches for 5 days, do a final trim, put in jars (not too full, but not empty), burp every other day for an hour."

I realize it depends on location and weather and all sorts of bullshit, but there isn't some sort of universal rule somewhere to help newbies like me out? :shock:

M Dogg

Active Member
Move to a sub-arctic boreal region, hang your plants for a month in near freezing temperatures, then cure your buds in a naturally 30% humidity environment for at least six months... Hahaha, just fuckin' with ya bud, the best & only way to learn is by doing.


Misguided Angel
You can't really dry for too long unless you over dry or have mold issues. The longer you can prolong the drying stage for the better your buds will taste and smoke.


You can't really dry for too long unless you over dry or have mold issues. The longer you can prolong the drying stage for the better your buds will taste and smoke.
See, I don't get that. How do I trim buds, but not dry them? Once they're off the plant wont they start drying? Or does "Prolong drying" mean not chopping the plant and leaving them under the lights?


Well-Known Member
See, I don't get that. How do I trim buds, but not dry them? Once they're off the plant wont they start drying? Or does "Prolong drying" mean not chopping the plant and leaving them under the lights?
He means prolong drying as in not drying at too high of a temperature or too low of a humidity in the dry room.


Misguided Angel
The buds will be wet when you harvest them, you can either trim right away or hang the plant without trimming. Hanging the entire plant with fan and sugar leaves still intact will take longer for the buds to dry than if you trim first. You want to shoot for at least 3-4 days drying time as a minimum based on my experience, any quicker and you risk having gross smelling, gross tasting buds. The trick is to slow down the drying process, humidity around 40-50% with lower temps will help. Once they are dry on the outside bud still a little moist on the outside you can begin the curing process. The easiest method is detailed here with the use of hygrometers so you know if your buds are still too wet, too dry, etc: https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/514841-perfect-cure-every-time.html Another good thread about drying and curing: https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/372110-ganjaluvrs-drying-curing-broken-down.html

Best of luck!

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Drying should take between 5-14 days. In a dark room with a light breeze not directly on plants. Temp of 72-79 with an RH of at least 50% but 60-70% is best. This environment will allow buds that haven't had mold issues already to dry SLOWLY before you begin cure.
I don't even wait for my stems to break before curing, in my dry room which is just 2x2s, black poly stapled on, string and a single mini floor fan pointed at a corner of the room, it takes me about 10 days to dry most size buds. I wait until the stems almost break. This can take some experience to master but I don't want my buds to be completely dry before cure because I tend to burp jars in cure many times for long periods the first three days and so.

I trim off most fan leaves and some true leaves last day of flower. I do this so the next day when I harvest I have less to trim. That trim in flower and the trim at harvest should and can be the only trimming you need to do. You can always do another trim 2-3 days in and a final before they go into jars if need be. Find your way.


Well-Known Member
Drying should take between 5-14 days. In a dark room with a light breeze not directly on plants. Temp of 72-79 with an RH of at least 50% but 60-70% is best. This environment will allow buds that haven't had mold issues already to dry SLOWLY before you begin cure.
I don't even wait for my stems to break before curing, in my dry room which is just 2x2s, black poly stapled on, string and a single mini floor fan pointed at a corner of the room, it takes me about 10 days to dry most size buds. I wait until the stems almost break. This can take some experience to master but I don't want my buds to be completely dry before cure because I tend to burp jars in cure many times for long periods the first three days and so.

I trim off most fan leaves and some true leaves last day of flower. I do this so the next day when I harvest I have less to trim. That trim in flower and the trim at harvest should and can be the only trimming you need to do. You can always do another trim 2-3 days in and a final before they go into jars if need be. Find your way.
Do you ever have mold issues drying at 70% humidity?


Active Member
If you try smokin it, and its nasty and doesn't burn white, it was harvested too early or it wasnt dry enough at that time , or both. I tried some darkstar that wasn't totally dry , so just put it away and back to something else. You should taste the nasty chlorophyll taste less as it dries, and when its just right- into the jars


Well-Known Member
Lol as a newb, Ive learned so much here as well. But realistically allot of this has to do with creating your own style of growing. Making mistakes etc. I mean no matter what your own harvest has got to be better than the crap that is rushed to your dealer!!! They grow that stuff till the bitter end. Dry it fast, no cure and to the street pronto!!!


Lol as a newb, Ive learned so much here as well. But realistically allot of this has to do with creating your own style of growing. Making mistakes etc. I mean no matter what your own harvest has got to be better than the crap that is rushed to your dealer!!! They grow that stuff till the bitter end. Dry it fast, no cure and to the street pronto!!!

SO true, i was discussing the same thing with someone the other day.