Outdoor mayhem


Active Member
Allright its been a while but I'm still at it! I started realizing I wasn't gonna make it very long if i didn't do something about the smell, as the trail is just 30 feet away. I made a containment thing with tarp and green netting, I can also protect it from rain by just folding over the tarp. I'm pretty lucky it works cause you can only get a whiff of something dank here and there, but its also pretty hot and once it cools down you shouldn't be able to smell anything. Also, as a bonus it seems like the plants are using less water since the humidity is higher now.

I picked up a few more projects, one is I'm going to be building an induction heater for dabbing. What is better about it is that I'll be using 18650's as the power source so it is portable. Also, I'm going to be making a bottle jack rosin press before I begin harvesting.
I gotta get the cannaster ready to go again. Somehow the lid isn't sealing right anymore, maybe the heat has warped it... and the electronics are acting up. So I'm about to make some more pourable silicon gaskets and putting in a new pcb next week.
Oh and I had a run in with the authority guy again yesterday. He asked if I am still living up on the ridge ( he has a thing for tearing apart my tents ). I was on my way out and he pulls out his phone and starts recording me, asking if i was going to assault him. I'm not quite sure why he pulled such a bitch move as to hide behind his phone.
Anyways, he assured me he will be back with his friends to take all of my stuff out. I don't really believe it'll ever happen though. But this guy has a knack for showing up at the perfect time, and I'm always nervous when I'm coming out of my grow spot!


Active Member
Wow, quick update on the budcure box, I finally got around to using the wifi connectivity feature of the d1 mini. So how it'll work is you press the selection button on the home screen and it runs code to connect via wifi. I can turn on tethering in my phone, and the d1 mini will connect to it automatically. Then any other device using the connection on my phone can interact with the d1 mini. Now i can download enviornmental data from the d1 mini on my pc! I am so excited... time to polish up on my python graphing skills!
I'd like to say none of this would be possible without the help of chatgpt. I did some work with the esp8266 in 2020 and just gave up on it, decided to stick with the arduino's. So now I guess we have to talk about pre and post AI since I'm running in another league here!


Active Member
I have finally deployed the budcure box into the field, and off of my desk!

While I consider this machine to be a prototype of something better, its about 100% functional with the cheap parts that I built it with. Next year I'm thinking about using thin insulation in the box so i can both heat and cool the interior with the thermoelectic device.
So, the game plan is to harvest two plants every week or two. Since I have 10 plants it should take until mid November at the latest.

Anyway, I just harvested 5 plants that were in the 3 gallon pots. Total weight was 130 grams. I am recording the variables into a csv file to have a look at whats going on. Currently the way I have the machine setup is that you can set the lower bounds for humidity and the TEC will turn off once its reached. I also have the fan whose job it is to recycle the air in the box. I'm setting that as cycles per hour, i.e. you can turn it on x amount of times per hour. And then you can set the amount of time the fan is actually on.
And now I have to get into the python scripts I wrote a few years ago to visualize the data!