Enjoy your jail time Holder...

hire ANYONE regardless how shitty a job they do, just because they like pot!!?? you dont really have the brains to vote. some vote for hair style, too. nimwits. ill allways have a joint in my mouth, no matter who it is! so im voting for who has the EXPERIENCE with buisness. we need to treat this co like a buis, now, to get it out of truoube. i think trump would be a good vp. again, no poor person ever offered me a job! so lets kill all the rich, aye!!?? real intelligent...
pfft, honestly who gives a fuck really. I don't see how that is relevant unless your here to just try and defend Obama (which btw I am sure you are lol). Fast and Furious fucking loook it up bro, Injustice! Please Imagine Your not defending obama here your defending the fucking DEA. Don't fucking join in with the partisan bullshit.

Please deprave stop it, you do this everytime we debate, you assume I am not informed. I am familiar with Fast and Furious lol. I'm just saying that this situation comes with huge political opportunities. Fuck Eric Holder. Besides this is partisan, this is the epitome of partisan, now you seem uninformed. The whole point of this thing is to stir up partisan conflict between two branches of government, if you don't want to hear a partisan argument, then you are the one being a partisan hack. Now do you see why I am bringing it up?

Please be polite too, I'm sick of debates devolving to bickering just because you republicans don't like hearing a different view. Notice, I didn't insult at all.
i have a bumper sticker. it says "I DONT BELIEVE THE LIVERAL MEDIA". they are the ones who championed this fake into office! and the liberal rags despise any other veiwpoint. this is called "communism". hitler, and all other socialst countrys, do the same. only ONE viewpoint on radio stations. THIERS!! its called communism. speak bad against your country there, and you go to prison. ITS CALLED COMMUNISM. all companys are taken over by the govermnet, and tiny amounts of money are shared with the people, keeping every one poor. its CALLED COMMUNISM. wake up america. the gov dont owe us anything! we owe ourselves. and, ounce we oust the pres, comapanys can start moveing forward, instead of haveing to flee the usa, to staly in buis, from all the tax's, laws, and REGULATIONS.
Please deprave stop it, you do this everytime we debate, you assume I am not informed. I am familiar with Fast and Furious lol. I'm just saying that this situation comes with huge political opportunities. Fuck Eric Holder. Besides this is partisan, this is the epitome of partisan, now you seem uninformed. The whole point of this thing is to stir up partisan conflict between two branches of government, if you don't want to hear a partisan argument, then you are the one being a partisan hack. Now do you see why I am bringing it up?

To fair I did jump the gun a bit and I am glad you recognize this, No i don't want to hear a partisian argument or be involved in one obviously. I am not sure quite what you mean by "Huge Political Oppurtunities"...No it doesn't, frankly I am fucking pissed they made this out so it divide people and point fingers at eachother instead of looking at the ones who are really to blame. I am also appalled that any true liberal would be supportive of this, glad your not. Any one who claims to be a liberal and backs Obama on this decision or backs Eric holder is both a sellout and a fraud or a sucker. Of course I am sure glenn beck and rush are giving some lovely speaches joining along with fox news to get the "Republicans" all fired up about this and mad at obama and thus getting the "liberals" to be all pissed off because the republicans are saying these sterotypical things like "DEY TOOK OUR GUNS" and other stereotypical quotes/ideas that you love to hate ... I kind of see this whole charade as turning into a circus, no I have not followed this story in the last week so I do not know what happened this is all my assumption and it seems everyone is proving me right.
To fair I did jump the gun a bit and I am glad you recognize this, No i don't want to hear a partisian argument or be involved in one obviously. I am not sure quite what you mean by "Huge Political Oppurtunities"...No it doesn't, frankly I am fucking pissed they made this out so it divide people and point fingers at eachother instead of looking at the ones who are really to blame. I am also appalled that any true liberal would be supportive of this, glad your not. Any one who claims to be a liberal and backs Obama on this decision or backs Eric holder is both a sellout and a fraud or a sucker. Of course I am sure glenn beck and rush are giving some lovely speaches joining along with fox news to get the "Republicans" all fired up about this and mad at obama and thus getting the "liberals" to be all pissed off because the republicans are saying these sterotypical things like "DEY TOOK OUR GUNS" and other stereotypical quotes/ideas that you love to hate ... I kind of see this whole charade as turning into a circus, no I have not followed this story in the last week so I do not know what happened this is all my assumption and it seems everyone is proving me right.

Well I can only speculate, but I think it is possible for Obama to actually benefit overall from this and sort of shut his GOP opponents in congress up, make the public lose confidence and boost his own approval ratings. I almost get the impression that he and Holder are just plotting something political, and then people are going to say, "Oh that is why he invoked executive privilege". He could even turn this into a chance to pander to the anti-drug-war and MMJ community and solidify his grasp of the mmj states. Clearly the GOP is looking to censure him and limit his power, if they fail, there goes our system of checks and balances, Obama may then be able to unilaterally enact his agenda with nobody to stand in the way. All for an idiot like Holder.

A basic analogy is the game of spades, Obama is taking a book with a low card and the GOP doesn't even see it.
Well I can only speculate, but I think it is possible for Obama to actually benefit overall from this and sort of shut his GOP opponents in congress up, make the public lose confidence and boost his own approval ratings. I almost get the impression that he and Holder are just plotting something political, and then people are going to say, "Oh that is why he invoked executive privilege". He could even turn this into a chance to pander to the anti-drug-war and MMJ community and solidify his grasp of the mmj states. Clearly the GOP is looking to censure him and limit his power, if they fail, there goes our system of checks and balances, Obama may then be able to unilaterally enact his agenda with nobody to stand in the way. All for an idiot like Holder.

A basic analogy is the game of spades, Obama is taking a book with a low card and the GOP doesn't even see it.
I am not sure how u see this as pandering to anti-drug war people. We are largely against the DEA, ATF, and Drug war in mexico..etc...

I just see them turning something nonpartisan into something partisan to divide us , and to have people actually defending this. We should all be pointing the fingers at the DOJ and now Obama...and not each other.

edit: oh kind of misread what you wrote...I guess it could be but I still don't see why you throw the anti-drug war people in there, some very deep speculation there, I really don't feel its that complicated, your really holding on to a lot of hope. This is quite a dramatic conspiracy theory imho
Well I can only speculate, but I think it is possible for Obama to actually benefit overall from this and sort of shut his GOP opponents in congress up, make the public lose confidence and boost his own approval ratings. I almost get the impression that he and Holder are just plotting something political, and then people are going to say, "Oh that is why he invoked executive privilege". He could even turn this into a chance to pander to the anti-drug-war and MMJ community and solidify his grasp of the mmj states. Clearly the GOP is looking to censure him and limit his power, if they fail, there goes our system of checks and balances, Obama may then be able to unilaterally enact his agenda with nobody to stand in the way. All for an idiot like Holder.

A basic analogy is the game of spades, Obama is taking a book with a low card and the GOP doesn't even see it.

So you're saying he's going to play the death of an agent to garner more votes?
So you're saying he's going to play the death of an agent to garner more votes?

Essentially, yes, he could turn this situation into that. Get off the dead agent passions, I had buddies die in combat. Obama didn't shoot an agent and neither did Holder, what are you going to be able to say about Obama in this when he stops defending Holder?
maybe your right abadoned but i think that is pretty far fetched, it is perfect for them as is, continue to divide and conquer us.
maybe your right abadoned but i think that is pretty far fetched, it is perfect for them as is, continue to divide and conquer us.

Well, yeah I'm just saying it is possible, and we all know that Obama is good at making calculated political strategic decisions more for his political gains than for the fact that things need to be done. I'm not arguing correctness of decisions, but I'm not just speculating either. Look at what the administration has clearly shown us (mmj community). The administration is willing to pay lip service to pander to us for votes, they will do anything for political gains, they are weak, they are now wounded, we smell blood. If Obama could be pressured now, he may be compelled to make another gesture pandering to us. We just have to kick him while he is down to make him desperate for our votes.
Actually think your could be right about this, it would sorta be the icing on the cake if he came out with some bs or whathaveyou...sorry I need to go to bed been up 24 hours.
Just to add this is some mainstream shit so abadoned is right this will be a political stunt. Obama/Romney have their cake now but when Obama comes out with some BS they get some nice frosting on that cake AND they get to eat it. Maybe he will be wrong but we all know pigs love frosted cake.
I am not sure how u see this as pandering to anti-drug war people. We are largely against the DEA, ATF, and Drug war in mexico..etc...

I just see them turning something nonpartisan into something partisan to divide us , and to have people actually defending this. We should all be pointing the fingers at the DOJ and now Obama...and not each other.

edit: oh kind of misread what you wrote...I guess it could be but I still don't see why you throw the anti-drug war people in there, some very deep speculation there, I really don't feel its that complicated, your really holding on to a lot of hope. This is quite a dramatic conspiracy theory imho

Obama could impose a new attorney general on us, and make it look like he is giving us (mmj and anti-drug-war[ists]) a better deal somehow like just throwing us a bone, arresting less people or something as part of the political stunt. Better yet, Cannabis activists have a short window to pressure him into pandering to us.
The United States Congress and terrorists started the war in Iraq why?

Congress never declared war in Iraq.

My point is, you are focused on blaming Obama for the death of one agent over a failed operation. You claim that he deserves blame because he appointed Holder, who continued this sort of operation from the previous administration and botched it. This is on par with me reminding you that Bush got nearly 5k US troops killed for a war that never needed to occur. It isn't really appropriate to the debate, but it works to get the passions flowing.

What I am saying is that it is irrelevant, that agent was killed by the cartels. The GOP wants you to hate Obama more than you hate the cartels. This is called partisan hackery and you are the one committing it, not me. I'm not defending Obama or Holder, I'm speculating on political strategy, you're just trolling because you want me to post cartoons or something.
I was wondering about the boarder agent who was found killed with the murder weapon and one other weapon left at the scene. Gangs don’t leave the murder weapon behind after they kill someone. They usually take the weapons from who they killed. Is it a possibility that to speed up the ban all weapons agenda that a plan was hatched to kill an agent and leave the weapon on the scene? The government would know it would be tracked back to the USA and they could use that as an excuse to start banning weapons in the USA. With Executive privilege being exercised this late in the game instead of at the start, is it possible somewhere in all those pages, the idea to kill an American may be on some? Possibly with the president signing off on the plan? After all, the president does have a kill list. Maybe he was just warming up on using the list.

tin foil, bro. trust me.