Endless Sky


Well-Known Member
LOL..... yeah, right. It's at 7/10 on potency and tastes like straw. BUT, if you like those things- your right, then it's the strain for you! Nice pic's too........


Active Member
photo (2).jpgEs 1.jpgES 4.jpgES 2.jpgphoto (3).jpgphoto.jpgES 3.jpg

This is all i grow. Endless Sky is a mega producer & im proud to grow it.
Not for the newb grower but well worth the $$ for the seeds.
Strong medicinal strain


Well-Known Member
Just like mine.........Airy buds with loads of wht. hairs, even at day 75. Most plants will never properly, but colas are large and loose.

The only way it's potent, is you have very old seeds or cuttings from when the strain was in it's hayday- 3-4 years ago. Feel free to check out my grow 24 plant grow at thcfarmer to see why this strain is NOT a good choice for anyone anymore....


Active Member
I wouldn't say you picked the right phenotype. Do you even know what that means? If you feed your plants garbage they will look like garbage or hay like you put it.
How come you never post any of your ES pics?
oh I forgot your pissed and couldn't even touch this strain. Like alot of other growers who have grown for like 20+ years and know everything about growing. You know squat.... And I love the attention your giving this strain, especially when you said Dr. Greenthumb isn't even selling this strain. Take some of your anger out on this strain by listening to people who know how to grow. Not talking about it. Pics plz.


Active Member
Dr. GreenThumb has stopped advertising this strain in his ads. There are numerous complaints about the strain out there and it's reported Dr. lost the parents and started over anew, which is causing many problems. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS STRAIN. Go with almost any of Dr.'s other strains and you'll be a lot happier in the long run. I just harvested 19 plants and it was my worse grow in over 3 years........

Just goes to show how much he knows. Do you need a video to watch and I can show you how to grow? Eh


Well-Known Member
No.... but you can go to thcfarmer and look me up (SSHZ) and look at all my successful grows with GOOD strains. I'm a commercial grower and I wouldn't be in business very long if I grew shit. Crappy beans leads to shitty pot. Your grow wasn't impressive at all so I'll enlighten you with .......



And so you know I'm not full of shit, here's my forum on the Endless Sky (or anotherwards, "Endless waste of time"):


You see, I put my money where my mouth is. I can back up what I'm saying. You on the other hand, with 12 posts, 2 months on the forum and a shitty ass grow- have much more to prove before anyone will believe you.


Active Member
It's amazing how one person has such a hard time growing something that's so hard to kill. All of your quotes amount to someone who couldn't master a strain better than their own growing level. O I know you've been growing for 25+ years and your ways the only way. I'm just amazed you put most of your life effort in trying to prove someone wrong
"FACE IT, you suck as a grower and it sounds like your a failure at life itself. Wow what a masterpiece you are. Do you have a clue about co2? Ever read any of your past posts? Newb


Active Member
O and BTW you can't flower 30+ plants under 1 light. Lol no wonder your shit's turning out airy and smelling like hay. Good luck try adding some thousand watt lights. LMFAO


Well-Known Member
Sorry, it's 24 plants under 2000 HPS. Another 400 watts late in flowering. You don't know what your talking about. I'm averaging over 1.5 lbs. per 1000 watt, which is fine for a rather short veg period.

Co2..... yup, grew with it for about 10 years and often use it in the winter. Not in the summer. Again, your in dream land.

And, with life, it's fine. I retired at 49. I owned and operated numerous successful businesses from age 25 onward. I have 2 degrees. I'm happily married with 2 kids. Most would say I've done very well for myself.

As your you, my friend, I think we both can agree that life has thrown you a curve-ball. It sucks to be you!


Active Member
Sorry, it's 24 plants under 2000 HPS. Another 400 watts late in flowering. You don't know what your talking about. I'm averaging over 1.5 lbs. per 1000 watt, which is fine for a rather short veg period.

Co2..... yup, grew with it for about 10 years and often use it in the winter. Not in the summer. Again, your in dream land.

And, with life, it's fine. I retired at 49. I owned and operated numerous successful businesses from age 25 onward. I have 2 degrees. I'm happily married with 2 kids. Most would say I've done very well for myself.

As your you, my friend, I think we both can agree that life has thrown you a curve-ball. It sucks to be you!

haha, but seriously..this thread is ancient..stop arguing, im sure your both top notch growers...spread the lovessss..=P

EDIT: HAHA okay, so i just got really chopped and re-read this thread...this eyeball dude is a total retard..i would never buy that bud he has in his pictures..looks like some schwag...and your plants look stretchy..

However, SSHZ looks to be a very experienced grower with some nice dank buds..Just thought i should post my insight into this argument haha..human nature i guess..


Active Member
Yea if you add up all the plants you have under that light then yea I do believe you get a pound and a half. How do you expect light to penetrate the canopy? I know you think your getting alot but you should get at least 5 times as much as your jawing about. I love it, they pass the medi law and now everyone's a pro at growing.
Tip: plug about 4-5 1000 watt hps lights in.
Now you have a yield. I have never seen so many "show" plants in 1 area. Room didn't even look bright. Try 15k to start with, wouldn't want to confuse you but that means 15 1000 watt lights.


Well-Known Member
First off, I'm not a medical grower. I don't live in CO- nowhere close to there. I'm not in a medical state. Don't believe everything you see stupid.

You haven't been right on one observation you have made. More light means more heat, which means more a/c, which means more electricity. I grow in a home, which means there is a limit to how many lights I can hang because of the power draw. I have multiple rooms, which you would know if you read the threads I posted.

Most of the pictures are taken with the the lights out, or just coming on, or just going out. Other lighting was used for most of the pictures. No one can really tell how bright the rooms are from a picture. But since your the "pro", you must have a special talent. LOL

You just keep digging a bigger hole for yourself......... anyone reading this thread can tell you are a dick, a lousy grower and a relative newbie to growing. Your pic's suck and they are all anyone would need to see to know E.S. is wispy straw with a slight buzz. Someday maybe you'll be able to make a nice living, like I do, growing pot. You should take this opportunity to shut your mouth, read my threads, and learn something new. And stop trying to tell me how to grow and what (you think) I'm doing wrong. When you can match my results, then I'll pay more attention to your rumbling....... but it appears you have about 24 years to go.


Active Member
Hey let's try something new. Let's put 50 plants under a 1000! That should be a mega producing phenom miracle. Oh u bet you would get at least 10 pounds off that. Add that to th DIY section on thcfarmer. Your still pissed you lost 260 buck on seeds you could even harvest.


Well-Known Member
No I bought 2 packs so I spent a lot more than $260. And yes, I am pissed when breeders claim one thing and they turn out bogus because of bad genetics. If you had a brain in your head- you would have read the Endless Sky thread and read ALL the other people complaining about the strain too.

And if you read the thread, you'd see I gave it high marks during the grow- the pictures show it doing well. My issues were most of the plants never finished properly, with wispy and airy buds and not potent at all. That's all I'm claiming, nothing more. Defend it like a Dr. GreenThumb employee if you wish- but there are tons of complaints about it now and my work is finished here so I won't bother bickering with you anymore. If you're happy smoking hay, more power to you......


Active Member
Thanks I'll make sure I tell all the guys at work how you feel.
Do you know how to pick a phenotype ?
Do you know what that is? I'd say your judgement into someone's growing skills show in your own anger becuase you can't achieve what only few can.
Endless Sky is a very dense, not airy, potent smoke. I have alot of happy patients who love this. I flower at 12" tall and plants finish almost 2' tall. Very tight cola and heavy side branches just like in the pics. Only a strain for the most advanced grower. Needs a heavy dose of cal/mag other than that you can veg in straight water. Very fast in a hydro setup but dirt finishes in 60.
There are numerous growers who love this strain, and it's my job to educate people instead of infuriate people and discourage people


Well-Known Member
The only people who love this strain are those who have a cutting or seeds from long ago. I have not read 1 positive grow from anyone who has started from seed within the last 2 years. If you are having any success, then it's older stock. By the looks of your pictures, which look terrible- you have the newer version. I'm not doubting it once was a top shelf product- years ago. All people have to do is do a search on "Dr. GreenThumb Endless Sky" grow/smoke reports and the negatives appear all over the web. Would you like me to post 15 links to all the other negative reports I've read? It's not just me. Of course, all you can come back with is: "you must have grown it poorly". Well, then ALL of us must have grown it poorly and your the expert here- which I doubt.

I grew out 24 seeds and I kept 2 plants alive after harvest, which were the nicest in the room. One bong full and both plants were chopped immediately. Not a keeper in the room.

Rehash- I never said Dr. GreenThumb stopped selling the strain. I said he stopped advertising it in his High Times and other ads, which he did. This tells me the strain is not selling well anymore and he'd rather advertise one of the newer strains. Why take up room in an ad with something that everyone will complain about? When I called to the order the seeds, I had a feeling the girl/woman who took the order was suggesting me AWAY from this strain into one of the others......... I should have taken her advice.


Well-Known Member
I know I'd rather have SSHZ' Buds! Why couldn't they just tell me on the phone cal/mag? I tried to get a little help from Doc when I called.......nothing. I told him I was a begginer but never had any problems with any other strains.

The thing about growing forums is that they are 80% noobs. All trying to learn, that's why most are here. Who do we learn from? The pros! I am very gratfull to the unsung teachers of growing forums. Guys like SSHZ, plus many others who I never even got to thank. I just read and read and read, grew and grew and grew. I am at a point where I have a constant supply with the least amount of effort, and my own strain. It's actually 50% greenthumb strain. I had modest goals and have reached them.

If I was a noob looking into E.S it would be nice to see a disclamer "not for noobs" or the like "need cal/mag" that simple. Instead I would see a thread like this and continue looking for a better suited strain. The disclamers are now in this thread and I suppose it's still relevant.


Well-Known Member
Are you a dick all the time or just on here??????? At least your posts are rising newbie.

Never claimed to be a seed expert......... wrong again. Where do you come up with these things? You just say something and hope people believe it.

I didn't say it couldn't be grown well. I did say people who are growing it well are growing the older genetics. I said the new version, being sold for a few years- is a shadow of it's former self.

Half the stuff you write is garbage, the other half is trash... you've managed to lose all credibility in just a few responses. Congratulations.


Active Member
Dr. GreenThumb has stopped advertising this strain in his ads. There are numerous complaints about the strain out there and it's reported Dr. lost the parents and started over anew, which is causing many problems. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS STRAIN. Go with almost any of Dr.'s other strains and you'll be a lot happier in the long run. I just harvested 19 plants and it was my worse grow in over 3 years........[/QUOTE\]

Dont listen to this, as you can see High Times has not stopped advertising this strain. He just cant grow it. Pics please
O and dont show me 50 plants under 1 light again. Omg what not to do..