Encounter with Mesa PD.


Active Member
I was pulled over this evening by an undercover Mesa PD vehicle because I had not switched out my plates on my vehicle. I had just gotten them yesterday and they were sitting with the registration on the passenger seat.

When the officer pulled up to the window, I had both items ready, and he was like, "oh, you know why I pulled you over."

I said yes, explained I just got the new plates, he asked if I had insurance, and I said I hadn't transferred that. It was at that moment he said he smelled marijuana. I had picked up an ounce of bomb Whitefire earlier in the day and it reeked up my car so bad that it still stunk my vehicle up. At this point, I'm out of the car, two other officers in their vehicles pull up. The original officer asks if I have my MMJ card, I say yes, he asks me to produce it.

He says, "Do you mind if I search your vehicle?" I reply "Yes, I do mind." He asks why I mind. I tell him I believe in asserting and protecting my civil rights.

Granted, at this moment I am shaking and the adrenaline is pumping. One officer asks me why, is it because I'm under the influence. I state no, it's that I felt I was being harassed because I'm an MMJ user.

All 3 officers confront me now after the other 2 were discussing things for what felt like an eternity, but was probably 2 to 3 minutes in actuality.

They ask me again why they can't search my car because with my card, I'm entitled to have marijuana in my possession. I tell them that I believe in my civil rights again, that they can get a dog to go around it, but that I don't have anything, and that I was just picking up an evening snack.

They confer for another minute, then tell me they are gonna let me go with a warning. They were very courteous, but warned me that if it was a motorcycle cop that stopped me, I would most likely be going to jail for DUID. I had smoked 5-10 minutes prior to getting food, but my tolerance is high, and I am very aware when I am in my vehicle. I was surprised they didn't smell marijuana on my breath, but they said I definitely looked high in my eyes.

All in all, they left me with a stern warning, told me to not drive stoned and that my card doesn't protect me there. But they were pretty cool for the most part.

I honestly was preparing to go to jail for DUID the moment I got lit up.


Active Member
GOOD FOR YOU for standing up for your rights.

You are really lucky you didn't get picked up for DUID though, they are right on that one. Don't drive stoned or, if you have to, don't drive when you're stoned enough others can notice... though I'm sure that's obvious now...


Well-Known Member
That sounds stressful. What area was this in and what did the undercover vehicle look like? Make,color,model? Glad you kept your cool and stood up for your rights. You must also have been courteous to the officers. Gotta be extra safe as an mmj patient when driving.


Active Member
The story I always give is that my good friend is a lawyer and he told me he'd kill me if I talked with the cops... it's always best to let the blame fall on some unnamed party...


Active Member
The story I always give is that my good friend is a lawyer and he told me he'd kill me if I talked with the cops... it's always best to let the blame fall on some unnamed party...
Haha, that's exactly what I said. I'd love to talk to you guys, but my friend that practices law told me that no good can ever come with talking to the police. I was assertive, but not an asshole, but I also let them know I was intimidated by them as well, which may or may have not helped me.

This was in the West Mesa area.

The vehicle was an undercover Dodge Charger/Challenger and the other was one of those Magnum station wagon type vehicles. The third was just a patrol car.


Active Member
Perfect, that's probably why you got off the hook. :bigjoint:

Be careful man, munchies really ain't worth risking jail over.


Active Member
Isn't ths really just another example of how much safer it is to be a patient versus just a few years ago? Praise the Lord.

When my wife and I go out, she drives us there....I drive us back. I am so happy I don't drink anymore.

Cops know that cannabis users are safer drivers than caffeinated or alcoholic drivers.


Active Member
that is a great ending Bro! Here is the key - "I was assertive, but not an asshole", you did the right thing for sure. NEVER give permission to search your car, if they really want it they will get it, but that can always be challenged in court - once you give permission, they will certainly find that dead hooker in the trunk.


New Member
Put your plates on your car, lol, jk
Congrats man, respectively stand your ground, do not admit to recently smoking and know your civil rights. Handled perfectly... at least they didn't finger you as Avon B...Jk..

Wonder if you would have been leaving with that wifi if it was present? I know the law says yes but we are talking EV lice here.

I have also been told by legal to do your best to not have the medicine in arms reach, glovebox is cool. A rolled joint, blunt or packed bowl in arms reach is instant grounds for a DUI, police will say the drug was to accessible/ ready to be used... In general being arrested for driving while stoned is a tough one...

There almost had to be an admission from the driver because a blood test will only show there is cannabis in ones system, not the specific levels. (Correct me if I am wrong, please.) Cannabis can remain present in the blood stream for 30 days.....

Definitely a sweaty palm scenario, glad you made it out of there w/o any issues...

I guess this goes for non-patients but the odor/presence of marijuana is grounds for a vehicle search in AZ. Maybe the green card nullifies that law for patients...


Active Member
I guess this goes for non-patients but the odor/presence of marijuana is grounds for a vehicle search in AZ. Maybe the green card nullifies that law for patients...

You just blew my mind. I completely overlooked the fact that since he said he smelled it, that was more than enough for probable cause, so maybe my card did help me there.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Good job standing your ground. Bad job smoking and driving. NEVER do that. It is and will always be a DUI. God forbid you had an accident while high and killed someone. It makes front page news, "Marijuana Patients Reckless, killing people in stoned rage While driving."


New Member
Deny until you die...
That is if this question arises, "When was the last time you smoked/used."
Be very careful what you decide to say, plead the 5th if you must..


Well-Known Member
If you are being questioned by police and you don't want them to ask any questions just say the word lawyer and document when you are saying it this will end the police questioning immediately , but they will then try and use whatever they can to fuck with you. But if you say lawyer the questions must atop per supreme court ruling.


Active Member
Irieie is dead on, dont answer questions without a lawyer, you can only help them by hurting yourself. If you are not under arrest, ask if you can leave. Never consent to a search - never!


Active Member
Irieie is dead on, dont answer questions without a lawyer, you can only help them by hurting yourself. If you are not under arrest, ask if you can leave. Never consent to a search - never!
I almost did because I had nothing in my car. Then in a quick moment, I realized I have to stand up for what I believe in.


Well-Known Member
i joined the military because of the mesa P.D.

due to being busted at westwood H.S. with a lid in each boot, they suggested it would be a good idea or else.

i never would have gone to thailand without their "suggestion", so thank you mesa P.D. :)


Well-Known Member
i joined the military because of the mesa P.D.

due to being busted at westwood H.S. with a lid in each boot, they suggested it would be a good idea or else.

i never would have gone to thailand without their "suggestion", so thank you mesa P.D. :)
You bring back any thai sticks ;) ???