

Well-Known Member
yea try something,but to be honest i wouldnt want to risk going to prison for mj i love it but u could always go for it again,just saying man.if u have something to get rid of smell for sure though give it a try,but dont risk it if ur going to get fucked over in the end u know what i mean,i feel ur anxiety through this man and ur stress because ive been down this road and i had to toss a beautiful baby once before because of heating problems in my closet they had to come fix the heater port which is in the closet i grow in so it sucked!


Active Member
What about getting some cheap fold up cardboard boxes from home depot? Through them in there, and just say its stuff u still need to unpack. Best of luck


Well-Known Member
have you got a washing machine? is there one close? if you can do alot of washing and get the clothes conditioner with frabreeze in it. then hang your washing up everywhere put you undies and stuff infront of where you hide your plants nobody should go in there.
also cook yourself something smelling like fried kipper or bacon or something
good idea man, i actually have a storage box in the laundry room but its completly see through and on the corner right by the door, but maybe i could fill it with other shit clothes ect and spray them with febreez and hide the plants in the back corner.....


Well-Known Member
yea try something,but to be honest i wouldnt want to risk going to prison for mj i love it but u could always go for it again,just saying man.if u have something to get rid of smell for sure though give it a try,but dont risk it if ur going to get fucked over in the end u know what i mean,i feel ur anxiety through this man and ur stress because ive been down this road and i had to toss a beautiful baby once before because of heating problems in my closet they had to come fix the heater port which is in the closet i grow in so it sucked!
dude that sucks... i dunno maybe its a sign...:sad:


Well-Known Member
What about getting some cheap fold up cardboard boxes from home depot? Through them in there, and just say its stuff u still need to unpack. Best of luck
they are too big for a box, id need like a fridge box, i also need to hide my light, nutrients, soil, extra pots, ect.


Well-Known Member
clear the fridge out if its big enough. hopefully they will survive.
it sounds like they probably need to be out the apartment and stashed somewhere......good luck


Well-Known Member
i thought about that but no its just a curtain and considering its a water issue i dont want to risk that
Surely the condo has a few spaces where the plants can be stashed and concealed individually; closets, cabinets, etc.

It will stress the plants to do this, but it appears you do not have many options.

As you stated in the thread title, it is an emergency.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Well-Known Member
clear the fridge out if its big enough. hopefully they will survive.
it sounds like they probably need to be out the apartment and stashed somewhere......good luck
ya i thought about the fridge idea too, i dont think theyd fit..

Thanks everyone for the ideas! Please let me know if you think of any more good ideas!


Well-Known Member
id say put large black trash bags over them and label them "DO NOT TOUCH/REMOVE". hopefully, the plumber and your landlord will respect your privacy?

if youre not willing to risk it, then i would suggest maybe taking some cuttings from your plants, and store those instead of your 4 ft plants, which youll probably have to dispose of.


Well-Known Member
ok here's the game plan i've came up with, incorporating many of your ideas, im going to put trash bags over them and fill my storage unit with a ton of shit clothes, boxes, ect. Then tonight when it's nightime for the girls i will put them in the corner of the unit place more boxes in front of them and febreez the shit out of it.. also I will padlock it.. its the best idea I can come up with under these circumstances and Im sure it will stress the hell outta the girls but Im out of options


Well-Known Member
i like the idea to cook something smelly while there over and if you allowed to smoke in your condo maybe smoke a cig before too


Well-Known Member
ya im doing that too and plus i already smoke in here but eggs and bacon before finals are good brainfood anyways


Well-Known Member
Its xmas time. Go buy a small cheap xmas tree for the place. Live. Make sure it smells like a xmas tree. I would just place it ready to decorate. That should ad smell to the house and why it smells like weird plant life. bag up those plants and put them in a closet they wont use. Cook some beason and eggs and leave the grease in the pan on the stove. If you want ad some other spray. multi bag em up good if they smell? You should be good. I had a robbery where some kids stool a tv and laptop in about a minute and left. With insurance etc. I called the police about it. After taking 2 week old flowering plants boxed up and in the attic. Cop toke a report and walked the house. Had a good conversation...That night...back in business...no harm to the plants from about 24 hrs in dark box.....


Well-Known Member
the storage room is as cold as outside like 30 degrees.... shit... will my plants be ok in their????


Well-Known Member
the storage room is as cold as outside like 30 degrees.... shit... will my plants be ok in their????
An enclosure raises the temp about 10 degrees from the outside. The plastic bags will provide additional protection.

You girls won't like it, but they should survive.